
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Return of the Wretched Queen

The same item which Shang created to house the spirit of Haedrig's grandfather is what Shang had in mind.

Asylla is glad that someone would save her subjects and she goes out through her cell door.

Before he can buy from the system store, something pops up in his mind.

A thought tells Shang to consider what would happen if he replaced The Nephalem by saving the spirits of Queen Asylla and her loyal servants.

The Warden would fly into a rage and killed the guards for their failure. The next thing he would do is to report to his master, the Skeleton King which he would find out that he was taken down, so the only person who he would turn to and swear his loyalty would be the Maghda.

Maghda is a ruthless leader of the Coven and a witch who pledged her services to Belial. With her help, the obstacle that the Nephalem would face is not only the Butcher which was resurrected by the Coven, they would also have to face the Warden.

Shang's thoughts: No…

The chances of the Warden working with the Butcher is low. Even if Maghda is in control of it, the Butcher would simply do what it likes and the Warden might be killed in the process.

Shang's thoughts: The spirits…

These spirits are perfect tracking tools for Maghda, especially if one of the spirits is Leah's grandmother, Queen Asylla.

Maghda would use her magic to track down Asylla and Leah will be in plain sight.

Asylla: What are you thinking?

Shang: !!!

Shang nearly had an heart attack from Asylla's actions.

Asylla is already outside her cell and she notices that Shang has not moved from his position, so she passes through the wall, scaring Shang from his thoughts.

Shang: For god's sake, Your Majesty, Don't ever do that.

Asylla: Sorry, I thought you are used to seeing ghosts as an adventurer.

Shang: Not really. I rarely deal with the spirits that like to scare people.

Shang's thoughts: Probably because I am in a group who can deal with spirits. That makes me thought spirits are nothing.

Shang: Before we proceed, we might have a problem.

Asylla: What is it?

Shang: I am afraid you might have to leave your subjects behind.

Asylla: Leave them behind? Why is that so?

Shang: Just to let you know, the Halls of Agony are already taken over by the Coven and King Leoric has been taken down by the Nephalem. We might have a problem if the Warden shares his knowledge of the spirits which he had imprisoned to the Coven.

Asylla: I don't see that would be a problem.

Shang: It would not be a problem if one of them is not you.

Asylla: Me?

Shang: The Coven also deals in necromancy which could be used to track you down.

Asylla:...and Leah will be in danger.

Shang: You catch on quickly. I am surprised.

Asylla floats away from Shang for a distance before returning.

Asylla: As a queen, I cannot leave my subjects. I am sorry you have to leave without me.

Shang: But Leah is need of your assistance.

Asylla: I…

????: Your Majesty, if it's about your subjects, I could stand in for you.

A female spirit in white appears before Asylla.

Asylla: It's you…

Shang's thoughts: This spirit looks awfully familiar... Isn't that the Wretched Queen !?