
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime & Comics
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Asylla: Care to explain yourself?

Leaving the job of of tasking The Nephalem to the Wretched Queen who was once the first handmaiden under Queen Asylla, Shang provides Asylla a vessel and brings both of them back to Tristram via Waypoint.

In the Cursed Hold…


A giant skeleton who is wielding a weapon that looks similar to the legendary weapon, Crushbane appears in the middle of the Cursed Hold and starts shouting.

Several guards appear by either crawling towards him with one hand or by climbing the walls.

Guard #??: Yes, Warden?

Warden: Someone has escaped from us and this cannot be allowed! Station more guards! I don't want to see this happening again!

Guard #??: Understood, Warden.

Thanks to Shang, the minions of Cursed Hold have increased and become stronger.

Back in New Tristram…

Shang goes to Cain's house the moment he arrives via Waypoint.

Cain: So did you find her?

Cain asks Shang when he enters the house.

Shang: Yup.

Shang shows Cain a red jewel necklace which has a yellow talisman pasted on it by holding it in front of him.

Shang: How's King Leoric?

Cain: Come with me.

Cain leads Shang to a hidden cellar door and climbs down.

In the cellar room, a crowned skull with grey hair is placed in the middle of a strange formation where it is made of red strings and yellow talismans.

Words could be heard repeated muttering from the skull.

Skull: Aidan... Albrecht… Asylla… What have I done? What have I done?

Shang: You told him everything?

Shang looks at Cain.

Cain: Not everything. I am careful not to mention what have happened to the queen and the two princes.

Shang: And how did he find out?

Eamon: Because of me.

A spirit pops out from a sword which is placed near the cellar ladder.

Eamon: King Leoric should know the wrongdoings he has done after he has overcome with madness.

Shang: This poor man just got his mind restored a couple of days ago and you just lectured him without giving it a thought?

Before Shang left for the Cursed Hold, both Cain and him tried to restore Leoric's mind with Horadric magic.

It didn't work out as Leoric whose powers are sealed screams at them for being traitors and other stuff.

Shang creates a short pedestal version of Nokogiri which has the power to give anyone who has physical contact with it inner peace and calmness and places the skull above it.

Due to the effect, Leoric stops screaming and starts questioning about his kingdom and family.

Shang leaves the storytelling part to Cain and left. He did not expect Haedrig's grandfather would do something like that.

Eamon: He's a king! If he cannot overcome a small matter like this, he is not fit to be the King of Tristram!

Shang: Tell that to his Queen.

Shang removes the yellow talisman from the necklace and the headless spirit appears.

Shang's yellow talismans prevent spirits from coming out but they do not prevent spirits from sensing, talking, watching and listening.

Eamon: Qu… Queen Asylla!

Eamon mutters as he recognizes the headless female spirit.

Asylla: It has been a long time, my dear Chancellor Eamon. I have heard that you think my husband is unfit to be a king. Care to explain yourself?