
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Let's do the task together

A/n: This is a short chapter because I need to finish my module by tomorrow


Take out some chairs and pour everyone a drink. After hearing Cana mention himself, Mizuki looked at Cana with some suspicions.

"If you are ready, go on a mission with me." As Cana looked upon him, she smiled and sent an invitation.

Seeing Cana invited Mizuki to work together, while the lively Natsu immediately jumped out in front of Cana asked: "Can Happy and I go with you?!"

Cana then glanced at Natsu and shook her head decisively and refused: "I don't want to be scolded."

"Tsk, so~ stingy" After being rejected by Cana, Natsu had his hands crossed over his chest and his face covered with 'unhappiness'. Happy then raised his paws and said: "Hey, Natsu is always in trouble, and a large part of the reward for each mission is used to compensate for what he destroyed."

"You know, I was very careful, Happy. When I fight the enemy, I accidentally destroy those things. "Hearing his partner reveals his mistake, Natsu couldn't care less about his "unhappy" face and immediately opened his mouth to explain it to them.

Natsu uses the Dragon Slayer magic, which is highly destructive magic, a little carelessness will cause great damage.

So, when he first started taking tasks, Natsu lost more than he earned. Each time, the Guild Master is required to use guild funds to give his rehabilitation. Had it not been in the guild, Natsu would have starved to death.

"If it's not very troublesome, it's fine." After a few days of preparation, he has prepared almost, the rest is only temporarily not intended to carry out the materialization of the animation characters, even later drawing there is no problem.

So, when Natsu explained it to them, he immediately agreed to Cana's invitation.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem, you don't even need to fight." When he agreed, Cand smiled more brilliantly. This makes him feel like Cana is digging a hole waiting for him to jump in. But think of the relationship with Cana, as well as Cana's usual behavior, he put down his worry in his heart.

"When will we leave?" He then asked again.

"I'll be at the guild early tomorrow morning," Cana said directly.


Early the next morning, he came to the guild early.

"Well, how did you get here so early today?" Have you finished your preparation? "As soon as he entered the door, Jet said hello to him.

Jet, dressed in yellow and wearing a large yellow hat, is a year younger than him and is the same age as Natsu and Gray, and Elfman. Use High-Speed magic and run very fast. He usually hangs out with Droy, and six months ago Jet, Droy, and Ruby formed a shadow gear team to do the task together.

"Good morning. Jet. Why did you come here so early today? I remember you always came to the guild very late. Is your team going to be ready for a mission today?" He raised his hand to say hello, and then looked at a few people in the guild, and did not find Droy and Levy figure.

"I get up early every day, but I do morning exercises before I come to the guild. When I went back last night, I accidentally broke my foot, and there was no way to do morning exercises today, so I would come to the guild early in the morning. " Jet shook his head and immediately explained to him.

"Oh... Does Droy get up every day, too? I think you usually come to guilds together" He guessed.

As soon as his voice fell, before Jet had time to answer, Cana's voice sounded behind them "I didn't expect you to come so early. I thought I would wake you up after taking the task."

He turned, rolled his eye: "What are you talking about? I always come early when I have a task."


A/n: Suggest some anime characters that you want him to draw.

Thanks and take care.