
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


Leaving the guild, Cana took him with her to the train station in Magnolia.

The train here should be called a railroad train, and he remembered the kind of train in his previous life is different, is using magic as energy drive. This world belongs to the high magic world, the popularity of magic is very high, magic items are complete ordinary goods to sell, normal people can not be separated from the use of magic in all aspects of life.

After getting on the train, what he saw was the old-fashioned hard-seat train. After finding a spare seat and sitting down, he asked Cana about the specifics of the mission.

"This time the mission is very simple, just a rich man to get married." Cana took out the mission commission and handed it to him, explaining with a smile.

"Ah? What does a rich man getting married have to do with our mission?" Receiving the mission commission handed over by Cana, he asked in disbelief.

"Because our mission is to perform some shows at the banquet to liven up the atmosphere. You don't have to worry about the performance, I will finish it. You just need to assist me in the side to complete the performance." Seeing that he felt strange about this, Cana explained to him with a relaxed face.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Usually, ordinary people's banquets would not invite magicians to perform at all, and only these wealthy or noble people would do such things. He had only heard of it before, but now that he heard Cana explain it again he immediately remembered what was going on. Then he asked: "But how do I assist you, what exactly do I need to do?"

For the performance program, he can understand, once a year during the harvest season, the guild also organizes a celebration parade. Every year at that time the residents of the entire Magnolia and the surrounding towns would come, and there were even people who came from other parts of the continent.

The last time the celebration parade was held, he had also participated. However, unlike others who released all kinds of dazzling and gorgeous magic, at that time he made a giant animation five meters wide and three meters high, which was liked by children. However, the celebration is a celebration, he is not quite sure what kind of performance is needed at the wedding banquet.

"This is not very good to say, need to see the specific situation." Cana thought for a moment and said, "When the time comes, you just have to do what I tell you. I am familiar with these, and I will tell you exactly what to do."

"Okay then, everything depends on you." he nodded, then read the mission commission from beginning to end again, and handed it back to him after nothing was missed.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the two of them got off the train and arrived at the town where their employer was located. From the train station, only to see the huge square of people coming and going, and in the distance are clean and tidy streets and lined with small buildings with white walls and red roofs, neatly arranged.

Turning a few corners, came to the town's shopping street, far from looking at the crowded, lively, large, and small hawking sounds. From the clothes on the pedestrians passing by the two, one can tell at a glance that the economic level of this town is not below those of the big cities and far exceeds the average level of ordinary towns on the mainland.

"Excuse me, do you know how to get to Colt's house?" Casually stopping a couple of shopping, Cand asked very politely.

"Colt's house? Do you mean the Colt who is getting married soon? If so, you need to go through the town, there is a hill on the edge of town, there is a castle on the hill, and that castle is the Colt family you are looking for." The couple thought for a moment, turned and pointed in the direction where the Colt family was located, and said to the two.

"This town and a lot of the surname Colt?" The couple's words made him feel a little strange, before leaving casually asked the couple.

"Yes." The couple nodded and explained, "Speaking of which, the Colts in our town was originally a family. Only each generation, the Colt family can only have one person inherit the family business of the previous generation, and the others will be driven out of the family to start another family. So, after just a few generations, the town has more than a dozen families surnamed Colt."

"What strange rules the Colt family has, it's the first time I've heard of such a thing." After thanking the couple, Cana said to him while walking through the town.

"It's okay." he did not feel that there was anything wrong with the Colt family doing this.

"Why say it's okay, right? Don't you think it's strange?" Cana turned her head to look at him in confusion and said.

"I think the Colt family should do this to spread out the members of the family as much as possible. After all, there are a lot of various things among the big families, and in case there is a disaster that affects the whole family someday, doing so can also ensure that the Colt family will not perish from this." He guessed.

While talking, the two have come to the edge of the town, looking far away, in the distance, a thirty meters high above a small earthbag, a castle stands at the highest point.

At this time, the castle gate, there are constantly people in and out, a very busy look.

"The people who built this castle must be super knight castle fans." Looking at the castle in the distance, he smilingly said to Cana.

The two arrived at the castle gate, the two were received by the Colt family's butler, an old man around fifty years old, to be clear this old man's surname is also Colt.

After leading the two into the castle, the old butler said to the two: "The young master's wedding is in three days.

The time before the wedding is the time for the two of you to prepare, you can directly tell me what you need, I will help you prepare as soon as possible. Because then, the congratulations are all the big families and with our Colt family has business with the big people. So, our only request is that we hope the two of you can prepare enough and exciting enough performance programs."

"Don't worry, I have completed many tasks, I am very familiar with this." The old butler's words l and Kana immediately assured him with a smile.

"That's good." The old butler nodded his head noncommittally