
In DC Universe with my Wishes (Rewriting in the process)

A man who had died and fully suffered the unfairness of the world got reincarnated in the dark and cruel DC Universe along with a few wishes. Will he become a hero? A villain? Time will tell. Follow our MC on his adventure throughout the DC Universe! (A/N: I decided to rewrite my first ever book and change the whole plot to make it more interesting.) This fanfic contains R-18 content not suitable for children. Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the OC's and the MC's life back on earth. I also don't own the cover, all credit belongs to its rightful owner.

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17 Chs

The truth

-"I want to have the saiyans bloodline ability! The Zenkai Boost!" Aron said with seriousness, he then added. "Alter it so that it won't only raise my physical strength and speed and many more, make it so that the Grace would also be enhance so that it can absorb more energy... Also... for every boost, my susanoo and mangekyou abilities should be strengthened too!"

The Unknown entity then said with his ever so majestic voice. [Zenkai boost huh, hmm granted]. (A/N: Thank you for pointing out that putting all Caps make it ugly. Give me some tips to make this better)

Aron then sighed in satisfaction. He promised himself to be strong, so strong that even the gods won't be able to control him through fate. Aron then asked. "So... When would I be reincarnated?"

The entity then said. [Before you go... I have something to give you]

Aron: "hmm? What is it?"

Entity: [An ability to read minds and also at the same time, protect you from being controlled]

Aron: "hmm? Really? Is that a gift? Wow... thank you...I guess".

The entity sighed then said. [You really were loved]

Aron: "???"

Entity: [This is not a gift from me... I make no exceptions after all...]

Aron: "Huh? Then... where-"

Entity: [Your girlfriend... Lisa was it?... Gifted this to you].

Aron: "Huh?!....Then..."

Entity: [Yes, she's been here before]

Aron: "?!"

Entity: [Let me summarize what she's been through.... At the day of your 20th birthday is also the day you confessed your feelings for her... What you don't know was she also harbor feelings to you ever since highschool but hold onto it as she feel inferior compared to you]

Aron was really confuse now. 'Didn't she cheated on me?' He thought.

Entity: [You... of all people knows her personality, she used to be a really cheerful girl but she changed... You notice it yourself when you called her after a week of your mother's passing]

Aron did notice it but because of the depression for losing his mother, he pay no heed to it. He then asked. "Then... then... why?!"

The entity then sighed and said. " [The same day of your birthday... While on the way home feeling happy she then received a call from someone she didn't know... The stranger told her to go to some unknown adress if she want her parents safe... Worried for her parents, she hurriedly went to the adress... But as you could guess... She was raped. She was raped for a week against her will. She thought she had been tricked and her parents doesn't know about that and thus tried to ask for their help but then discovered that they were away and nowhere to be found]. Aron was shocked and was in disbelief, the entity then said. [When she received your call after a week, she felt like she finally found her saviour, but when she was about ask for your help, you then told her about your mother's passing. She hesitated as she doesn't want to give you more problems. That day when you saw her with someone, the truth was she was forced to go with that man by her parents, her parents suddenly came back and she felt happy but then her parents asked her to do something... She found out that her parents has many debts and thus begged her to go with that man so that she can save them. The man promised to only go with a date with her and she agreed hesitatingly with full of guilt towards you. That time when she saw you, she was in despair but also a little hope that you could save her. But when she saw your cold eyes she can't bring herself to speak and you also didn't allow her to speak].

Aron was in despair... He can't beleive that happened. The entity then continued. [After that, she went home early while walking unsteadily, she was very sad and felt wronged. When she got home, she then heard her parents talking with someone... That someone was the one who raped her for a week... When she was about to tell her parents that, that man raped her, she then heard her parents speak. It looks like she was actually sold to that man and that man rented her for a week. Lisa who heard that was in despair, she then ran out of the house with no destination... and when she was in a bridge walking lifelessly, she then jumped and commited suicide].

Aron didn't know what to feel now, he was confused, sad, and angry at the same time. The entity then said [She was brought here and I then gave her 3 wishes, at first she wishes to return to your world to make things right but was still rejected as that would go against the rules... So she then wished for all her memories to be erased, for her second wish, she wishes to be reborn as a man and for her third wish... She wishes to give you the ability to read minds so that you will never be deceived by anyone].

If Aron has a physical body now, then his palm would have been full of blood caused by him clenching his fist. He was hurt to know the truth, he was ignorant to what she feels and didn't let her explain everything. Aron just stood there in silence while blaming himself.

The entity then sighed and said. [She also left a message for you... She said to not blame yourself to what happened to her, she said that it was never your fault as both of you are victims... She then wished you to be happy as she would try to do the same. She really loved you from the bottom of her heart].

Aron still didn't speak... But after a while he asked. "That son of yours.... What was his name?". The entity just look at him and said. [As you are now, you are still not eligible to know of our names as you are only a mere mortal]. Aron then looked up and said "Then... when I become stronger would I be able to know?" The entity replied. [Become the strongest of the universe you choosed first and we can talk].

Aron: "The strongest was it? Then the strongest I should be!!!" The entity only look at him and nodded. [Just to let you know it wouldn't be easy]. "I know... and I don't plan to give up!" Aron then wasted no time and said "I'm ready!" But then remembered something and said. "I also wanted to be reincarnated as an orphan as I would only have one mother and I would not accept anyone". The entity then nodded and waved his hand. Aron was then covered by white lights and after a while he was gone. The entity then murmured. [The strongest... huh... Interesting] and he then vanished.


In a certain night at National City, a shadow of a human figure can be seen running while carrying something. The figure then saw a sign which says "Midvale Orphanage", the figure walk in the direction of the orphanage and put down something on the door while knocking three times, the figure then hurriedly run out of the orphanage. The door was then opened by a woman in her 50's. The woman looked around to find the one who knocked on the door and when she was about to close the door, something caught her attention. There at the entrance of the door was a basket covered with a blanket over it, the woman was curious so she bent down and took the blanket off, what she saw shocked her, she then said. "Oh my! Who would just leave this cute thing here". There in the basket, lay a sleeping baby, this baby was obviously Aron who was now reincarnated.

The woman picked the baby up and take it inside with her. The woman then put the baby in a cradle and leave the sleeping baby after caressing it. After a while, Aron woke up... He looked around and found himself in a cradle, he then thought. 'So... I am now... in DC universe? I wonder which city is this?'. He then remembered. 'Oh right! I have a system!' The moment he said that, he heard something.

*Ding*.... [Analyzing Host's Soul...]

*Ding*.... [Fusing with Host's Soul....2%...25%...60%..89%...100%]

*Ding*... [Completed!]

*Ding* [Hello host!]

Aron: "Uhh... hello? So...a system who had a sentience huh"

*Ding* [Answering the host, the system is the manifestation of Host's desires and regrets, which means I am a part of you originally]

Aron: "Yeah right, I do remember that god mentioning that... So... System, what can you do?"

*Ding* [Answering host's question, the system has 4 functions. Status, Shop, Storage and Missions. The Status would show the host's Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Magic, Chakra, Powers, Skills, Bloodline, and Abilities. The Shop then would sell Bloodline, Abilities, Skills and Items. The shop only sells the thing that the host desires]. "Ok... that's really convenient... but isn't that too OP?" [The host's wishes are all Overpowered, as one of the host's wishes, then I shall be Overpowered]. "Well... Good for me, I guess..." [Proceeding. The storage is where you could store anything other than living things with a touch and unstore anything with a thought, the storage has infinite capacity so host can store anything here. The Missions is then where you could earn System Points by completing them , which you can use to buy things in the shop. You can choose to accept or decline on any given missions as the system's purpose is to help you and not to enslave you].

Aron: "Well... that's really convenient... thanks"

*Ding* [Your welcome host]

Aron: "System, show me my Status"



Strength: 2

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 15

Chakra: None (A/N: I decided to just add chakra, I originally thought of just making the doujutsu activate through magic, but then I was like naaah~)

(A/N: The average strength of an adult is 9, 9 in agility and 10 in intelligence.)

Magic: 0 (A/N: His magic is still 0 as he still didn't choose to absorb energy through stars, so basically he can choose when to and not to absorb it anytime, and yes, his magic Increases everytime he absorb energy in the sun and stars, and yes, he would get stronger everytime he does absorb energy and yes he would still be powerful even in nightime.)

Powers: Immortality, Sunshine (A/N: I don't know where to put them, so I would just put them here, any tips?)

Skills: None

Bloodline: Sharingan, Zenkai Boost

Abilities: Mind Reading

Aron stared at the mind reading ability and said. "I... would live this life without regrets and live happily just as you said... Thank you... Lisa...Mom". He then close his eyes and fell asleep.

So... I was pretty busy yesterday and can't find some time to make another chapter... So here you go...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Please give me tips to make this better! And for the harém.... It would be Poison Ivy and Supergirl... as for the other three, I am still considering it. I was also hesitating if I should add barbara to the harém because ever since... You know... Batman impregnated barbara, I can't just treat them same as I was back then... So yeah! Be safe everyone! And Peace!

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