
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs

New Rasengan

Suddenly, as I was basking in the freedom of my Dark Determination, I felt a strange drain and sighed.

It would seem that Dark Determination was a pretty draining skill to use for extended periods of time.

"Oh, well, at least it's useful..." I assured myself, cancelling my chakra flow as the aura receded and I felt more human suddenly.

Though, now that I knew what it was like to lack human emotions, I noticed that the differences when switching to Dark Determination were a gaining the killer's mentality and a distinct loss of positive emotions along with the negative ones.

However, now that I was done with checking out Dark Determination, I was going to be back to the original thing I wanted to do.

The thing I intended on doing was upgrading one of the skills that I had gained long ago.

I opened the system, selected my [Accelerated Growth] skill, and then opened its details for customization.

I really wanted to upgrade the weaker skill and turn it into the great thing I originally intended.

With a focused look, I began writing down a few new definitions and renaming the skill fully.

[Name: Adaptability]

[Explanation: Allows user's body to gradually adapt to most threats presented]

[DP Cost: 500/500]

Thank god. It may be expensive now, but this costs practically nothing in the grand scheme of things for something so good.

I suppose I have to thank Sadist for halving the cost of the skill.

I clicked the confirm button and felt my body weirdly tense up before quickly relaxing.

I spent a couple minutes jumping around and stretching to get used to the strange feeling before I turned towards the window.

'Should I continue practicing fuinjutsu or should I get back to jutsu stuff?' I mumbled in my mind.

Well, I guess I could just do both.

"Alright... I'll start with the Rasengan nature transformation..." I muttered to myself, preparing to go out to train before slapping myself in the forehead.

"Fuck, I almost forgot about my egg!" I reprimanded myself as I opened the simulation screen and took out the egg.

The egg appeared in front of me and I rested my hand upon it, noticing how its heart seemed to be beating less.

Fuck, that isn't good. Looks like I can't leave it alone for too long or it gets hurt.

With that thought in mind, I grabbed a nearby kunai, cut my hand down the middle, and then placed it atop the egg.

The egg began absorbing my blood at a rapid pace for a bit before I pulled my hand back and shook my dizziness away.

'I should probably come up with a better way to feed it...' I wondered to myself, thinking through what I could do.

That was until an ingenious idea came to mind and I quickly activate my newly discovered skill.

I activated Dark Determination. The familiar silver and violet flame awakening within my eyes as I once again put my hand on the egg.

If I could mix a bit of chakra into this aura of mine to make it a palpable substance, I could essentially feed my egg Dark Determination.

I spent a few seconds focusing on the aura, concentrating on pumping it into my hand as I suddenly noticed the egg absorbing it.

I grinned.

Food source officially acquired.

"Alright then, that should be enough to keep you fed for a while. I'm gonna put you back into the simulation but I'll bring you out again later."

I was about to do as I said but then stopped for a moment, taking notice of the simulation environment before getting an idea.

I opened the simulation customization screen and then created a new, blank, draft which I once again began drawing on.

Many minutes passed by as I redrew a whole new environment for my egg to grow up in with a smirk on my face.

I was indecisive before and didn't know which direction to lead my egg's development, but after learning that it could consume my DD, I knew.

And after finally finishing the new simulated environment for my egg, I gazed at it with satisfaction.

The picture that I had drawn was one of a land of freezing ice and pitch-black shadow with cracks in space and strange spatial rifts in the surrounding area.

Ice, and darkness.

The freezing temperatures of space and the empty darkness of space.

A harsh realm that would surely spawn a tough "summon" due to its rigorous cold, darkness, and spatial pressure.

Might seem like a bit too much, but I was sure that those two elements would work well together.

"Alright, then, now that that's done, I'll get to training!" I spoke to myself, jumping out of the window and going to my training spot in the forest.

Upon getting near the plain field in the forest, I froze in place at the sight before me and hid behind a tree.

"The hell...?" I whispered confusedly.

There were around 5 leaf village ninja standing in the field, cleaning up blood and investigating things.

RIght. It would be stupid to assume that they just left this place open for use.

Though, it's not like they'd stop me from coming if I went, so I'll go to see what they're doing.

I walked up to the group, "Hey, there, guys," I greeted suddenly, as the group turned to me in surprise.

"Ah, Akuto, good morning..." The ninja in front greeted as I got closer and glanced around the area.

"Uh, yeah, you too. But, um, what're you guys doing here?" I asked, tilting my head innocently.

"Well, ever since the attack, we've been keeping guard here and trying to investigate it," She explained as I groaned internally.

"How long are you guys gonna be here?"

"A few days or so..."

That's great. Now I have to find a new place to train.

"Okay then. Well, I'll leave you to it guys!" I waved goodbye and walked away from the group of leaf ninja.

Intent on finding a new place to train, I began strolling through the streets of Konoha with annoyed steps.

I took the opportunity to enjoy the sights of the village as I continued forward for about 5 long minutes.

It was a bit irritating and way too uselessly extensive but it was necessary to find a new place to practice my stuff.

'My equipment bag is beginning to weigh on me...' I thought to myself as I finally stumbled upon a dark area near the isolated corner of the village's outskirts.

This weird area seemed to have some ruin-looking stones scattered all about and had a surprising amount of snakes.

"This looks good enough for practice..." I muttered to myself as I placed down my fuinjutsu equipment and sat on the ground.

"Alright, let's start with the Rasengan. It shouldn't take too long with my Chakra Control talent..." I said to myself in an energetic manner.

I raised my hand in the air and began the process of turning my chakra into a rasengan but made sure to introduce fire chakra into it.

As the chakra exited my hand and began swirling with the fire chakra, I suddenly froze and threw the half-formed jutsu off my hand.


My spider-sense saved my ass on that one.

"Oh, shit. So it's explosive..." I noted to myself, sighing as I raised my hand and tried it once more.

Unfortunately, my attempt once again ended in a dangerous yet small explosion.

Looks like this will take a long time to do despite my masterful Chakra Control if it explodes every time I try it.

I have to figure out a way to contain the flames and keep the explosiveness in check until I want it to be released.

And so, I continued to practice the technique dozens of times over, intent on going until I ran out of chakra.







"Ugh, sixteen."

This is gonna take a long while, ain't it?






"111..." I muttered exhaustedly, taking a second to breathe.

I was currently leaning forward with sweat on my forehead, hundreds of holes covering the surrounding ground.

I'm tired as all hell, but I still have enough chakra to go for, like, a hundred or so more.

Luckily, due to practicing so much, I've been getting better and better at performing the two separate tasks together.

In order to input a nature transformation into a Rasengan, one must do the original Rasengan formation steps while also attempting to create a nature transformation at the same time.

That is difficult to do without something like a shadow clone to help, but I assumed it would be easier due to my skills.

Thankfully, I was right, but it would have been easier with a shadow clone.

The reason I didn't use a shadow clone was mainly because it would be inconvenient in a fight since I would rather be able to instantly use this fire Rasengan myself.

However, despite showing some incredible progress, It wasn't complete yet. But, again, I was making a lot of progress and would almost assuredly manage to make a fire Rasengan by the end of the day or the next morning.

"Alright, let's get back to it..." I stretched for a moment and then began making a Rasengan once more.



Ugh, here we go.






"Oh my god, finally!" I spoke in complete awe at the jutsu floating atop my open palm.

My new Rasengan had a pitch-black center orb crackling with embers and an exterior surrounded by an aura of raging flames.

It looked like a nebulous black hole swirling a devilish flame inside and outside.

Overall, it looked really deadly and strangely beautiful to the eye.

Suddenly, I gained an expression of realization and glanced around the forest around me.

"How do I test this out? I can't use a fire jutsu in the forest..." I spoke to myself in annoyance.

I searched around the area for a few moments, attempting to find a safe testing area before finally happening upon a large cliffside.

"I guess I can do it here. Hopefully, no rocks fall on me," I chuckled to myself and took a ready stance with the fire Rasengan still in my grasp.

I leaned forward, feet shoulder-width apart, my left arm aiming, my right arm getting ready to slam the Rasengan.

And then I slammed it into the rocky cliff.

A swirl of flames cracked into the wall, a wave of heat melted the rock, the Rasengan expanding into an explosion of flames, and then, the explosion suddenly sucked back into a ball before imploding into a tower of black and orange flames.

All of that occurred within a second or two of each other, resulting in an almost instantaneous yet complex implosion of destruction.

Unfortunately for me, though, I was knocked back pretty far by the blazing implosion with pain evident on my face.

"Agh, fuck!" I cried out in agony as I gripped my pained arm and began gasping for breath.

It would seem that the flaming implosion had also badly damaged my hand due to its chaotic nature.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit! It hurts!" I spat through gritted teeth, my eyes bloodshot with pain as I writhed on the ground.

Doran's Ring instantly activated, halving the damage that my arm had taken from the Rasengan.

Unfortunately, it would seem that even half of the damage incurred upon me was enough to keep me in agonizing pain.

Minuted passed as I endured the rough pain and managed to stand on my feet, intent on getting to the village.

However, I suddenly felt the pain slowly drift off and the intense burning wither away as though I was unaffected despite the evident burns.

"Huh? What the hell?" I muttered, staring at my clearly burnt hand while confused as to how I was feeling way less pain than I should.

And then, I heard it. A notification sound from my system was heard as a screen appeared before me.

[Skill: [Adaptation] has detected a threat...]

[Skill: [Adaptation] is adapting...]

[Skill: [Burn Resistance] Acquired!]

"Holy shit, that skill is incredibly useful... Though it isn't instantaneous and requires a while of exposure to adapt..."

Still, though. It still seemed to be incredibly useful at the moment.

I took a moment to collect my breath before I turned back to the cliffside and gained a shocked expression.

The fire Rasengan I had launched into the wall was devastating.

The entire thing was completely destroyed, leaving nothing but a strange web-like burn that had a large, more noticeable swirl on top and a molten crater in the center.

It was absolutely astonishing. To the point where I couldn't help the manic grin that I gained at the sight.

The Rasenshuriken may be cellular-level but the fire Rasengan matched its capability with raw power instead.

However, I guess I can't really just call it something boring like Fire Rasengan. I should give it a name.

Now, what should it be? Perhaps something to do with eclipses due to how the Rasengan looks? Or something that matches the after-effects?

"Oh, I got it!" I clapped my hands together and spoke the new name aloud.

"Fire Style: Demon Sun Rasengan, Ultimate Volcanic Moon Implosion: Apocalyptic Eclipse!"

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

I should probably shorten it a bit though. Maybe a nickname or something.

"Shortened version; Eclipse Rasengan!" I noted to myself as a system notification screen appeared in front of me.

[Skill: [Eclipse Rasengan] Acquired!]


I spent the next 20 minutes cleaning up the dark area of most rubble and clearing some of the leftover fire.

When that was done, I sat back down next to my fuinjutsu equipment which somehow remained undamaged.

I discretely took my egg out of the simulation once more, making it look like I took it out of a big bag, placed it onto a bunch of cold ice packs, fed it a bit of Dark Determination and then turned back to the fuinjutsu stuff.

I was going to practice fuinjutsu while keeping the egg in my company as a way to nurture it.

But, right now, I should probably fix my injured arm up with some bandages. It's still pretty burned.

After doing that and taking a few moments to rest, I stretched a bit and prepared to practice.

"Let's get to it..." I muttered to myself and delved back into my fuinjutsu practice.

As I continued alternating between working on my fuinjutsu and nurturing the egg, I barely noticed a concealed chakra standing near the outskirts of the dark area.

'Hmm... Curious indeed...' A certain snake-like girl hummed to herself in curiosity.

Before I got the chance to identify her, she vanished from the dark area.