
Impurities: Fall of Angels

"Why am I forbidden, why do I even look like this? ... WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET ME FROM! WHO THE HELL AM I?!" "You will never get the answers to that question from me, I have locked up those answers and thrown the key away a long time ago..." *** "You're a mystery that I need to solve and I won't stop until I've put all the clues together." He said and it felt like through the blessings and curses I had been given a gift to reassure me. The fact that we just met was what made it special. "The world has set you on fire and keeps on pouring fuel on you. I might not be able to off the fire becayse it's now part of you but I can shield you from it's burns and turn the fuel to sand." My childhood friend said and for once in my life all that protection I always got didn't choke me it made me comfortable and safe. I had no idea what I wanted more a gift or protection? *** When 2nd Heaven becomes a discrimination palace, Angels begin to feel unsafe... Heaven who doesn't know who she is or where she belongs tries to pave a way back to the place she believes she belongs while struggling to make a choice between a gift and protection. Loretta who is not so different from Heaven finds where she rightfully belongs. Nathan who has a contract with Hell keeps on running away from his fate. And Elmo tries to gain recognition to fight for the beloved Angels.Will Heaven figure out who she is? Will Loretta find the peace she longs for? Will Nathan come to terms with his fate? Will Elmo be able to put up a good fight?

LotoNera · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 13 Sathanas Loretta

I tried growing back new wings, but the force was too strong. Just when I finally sighted the ground, I was engulfed in a circle of fire. The fire didn't burn me surprisingly, instead it soothed my skin and relaxed my hair. I felt a sudden urge at my upper back to push something that was trapped inside of me out and I let it out. When I did, the circle burst open and the fire disappeared, I was floating on the air. I could feel wings again, but I could feel there were so different from my old ones, but I couldn't tell how. The ground wasn't so far from where I was, so I slowly went down. My feet in a straight line, my toes eager to feel the ground, I landed. I didn't even realise I had my eyes closed when I was landing until I opened them. The first thing I saw was a standing mirror that was in front of me, I couldn't recognise the creature I saw in it. My white angelic wings had been replaced with black wings with traces of red feathers. Silky black waist length hair, black supernatural eyes that had faint dark circles under them, beautifying them, red lips that were naturally edged with faint black, pale skin, long shaped nails, provocative short black sleeveless dress with fishnet stockings. The floor was hot, so hot that I had to stand on my toes.

"you're going to need this." I heard that familiar voice say, and I turned to see him standing there in his normal dark look pointing to a pair of fine ladies boots. I hurried to wear the shoes, instead of feeling warmth, the shoes gave my feet a feeling of coolness that I surprisingly admired. "I knew I wouldn't wait long before you made up your mind to come. So what changed your mind?" The Devil said as he used his power to create two chairs and a round table in the middle. He sat on one and gestured for me to take the other seat and I did that.

"I bet you already know; the method of discipline didn't make sense." I said while watching him make a cup of what looked like coffee appear and drink it.

"let's get to business." He said and brought out his letter which I signed before I fell off the cliff.

"how do you have it?" I asked him confused. He grinned evilly not answering my question.

"you have agreed to become a Sathanas Demon, Ira Manzel's bride and to join my inner circle. Any objections?"

"wait! When did I ever agree to join your inner circle?!"

"no objections. We move on." He said and I looked at him confused if he heard me or not. "you already have 50 percent Vilinity which you acquired from your mom who was a Higher Demon. You-"

"how did you know?"

"how will I be the Devil and not know what is happening in Hell?" he asked annoyed. "don't ever interrupt me again... you can choose to acquire more Vilinity or remain of 50 percent Vilinity. Which do you choose?"

"how long will it take for my Vilinity to reach 100%?"

"I love your daring attitude. For you, it'll take a maximum of two or three years."

"that's not much. What will I have to do?"

"Emma Ashtone. The JINUA has their eyes on her and plan to make her an Archangel when she dies which is not far from now but the thing is she belongs to me. She is a descendant of two Archdemons sent to earth and has great demonic potentials in her. I want you to bring her back to where she belongs. Can you do it?"

"Piece of cake. Just give me all the connection I'll need. How will I know her and how do I go about my plan?"

"Her real parents owed some drug lord huge amount of money they couldn't pay back. So they paid the fee with their lives. The girl has a terminal disease of some sort before she dies you are to make her join the dark ways of the world. It will be like showing a child the wonders of the world, a thing so beautiful that she has never come across. She'll be intrigued with it and would want to go deeper into it especially when she has a passion for it. You'll surely have fun. She has my signature on her wrist. It looks like a permanent tattoo. She's blonde, fair-skinned, slim, tall and has a nice body shape. You'll meet her at a party tonight."

"how do I get invited?"

"the host is a Demon, he's already in on the plan. You'll act as his sister. Emma got invited by one of her friends who has a crush on the guy, but their friendship will end soon. You are to hook Emma up with the guy and make her join your drug lord business. Agreed?"

"why will the Demon agree to this?"

"because he has a liking for Emma."   


"when you come back, the wedding will take place. So, I expect you and Manzel to get to know each other. During your mission you'll be staying with the Demon. You are free to come to 1st Hell as much as you please. You will be meeting with Manzel before you embark on your mission. Sathanas Tina!" he called and a lady possessing features like mine appeared.

"Greetings Master, you called for me." she said.

"this is Sathanas Loretta, Ira Manzel's bride. You are now under her. you shall serve her and answer to her call." The Devil said and just like that I had someone under me. It felt good.

"Loretta, you don't have to restrain yourself anymore, you can let it all out." He said and as he walked out of where we were which I just realised was a room.

"may I take you to your room to change into something better?"

"yes." I stood up and followed her directions.


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