
Chapter six


At exactly 4:00pm Michael pulled over at in front of Ella's house, he brought out his phone and dialled her number

Don't tell me you are going to be late on our first date, he said, come out I'm in front of your house he said

Alright I will be be with you in a sec Ella replied,

"How do I look?" she asked Wendy after she dropped the call,

"You look like you are ready to steal his heart, Wendy said smiling, after tonight's date , I'm sure he will dump his finance for you" wendy Said

"You are crazy." ,Ella said smiling, 

Ella was wearing a red dress,which a little above her knees,with her lips painted with a red lipstick to match her red dress,

her long hair was left un tied and it fell freely on her shoulders.

"You are so beautiful Michael compliment her gazing at her", as she after she got into his car,

Thanks she replied, taking her eyes off his gaze.

"So were are you taking me?", Ella asked felling a bit nervous

"Somewhere special",he replied and  drove off .

He pulled over at a luxurious hotel,located at the outskirts of town,"jasmine hotel"happens to be is favorite spot for relaxation, he often come here to relax, mostly during weekends, and Ella was the first girl he has ever brought here.

"Welcome to jasmine hotel" the waiter Said, after they settled down.

"Thank you" Michael replied

"What can we offer you sir" the waiter asked, handing over the menu to Michael.

A plate of fries rice,turkey and a glass of water Michael said, and handed over the menu to Ella

" I thinkink I will have whatever he is having, Ella said, smiling handing over the book to the waiter.

So long have you been working there? Michael asked after the waiting left

I'm kind of new, Ella answered, I'm just three months old there she said.

So you owe me an apology he said, gazing at her

Yeah I do she said,i sincerely want to apologize for any inconvenience we might have caused you,by falling get your dress ready as at when given,she said waiting for his response

Apology accepted he said,smilling

And for the records, I didn't miss the interview because of the day cloth it was cancelled based on order reasons, he said smiling,

So you tricked me into coming on a date with you, she said smiling

You look so beautiful when you smile,michael compliment

Thank you she said still smiling.

"So what do you normally do with your spare time?"

Michael asked, 

I watch movies and sometimes talk with my friend Wendy Ella replied,

So you are a movie person ehn,he ask yeah I love watching movies too but i barely have the time to watch them,i'm always busy with work,he said, 

"What kind of movies do you watch?" she asked

Adventurer,science fiction, romance and more,but squid game is my favorite he said.

Squid is my favorite also,she said though most people say it's a wired movie, I enjoyed it ver much.

So are you seeing anyone? He asked

No I'm not,she replied, been praying to God to give me my Dream man, she said looking at the table

So what does your dream man, look like?, He asked

Focused, hard working, honest and kind, she said

I think you've found him, he said smiling

Where is he? She asked looking around.

He is right here Michael said, pointing at himself

You have a finance, a very fierce finance, that is ready to devour any woman that comes close to you, she said looking at him

Cherry is not my finance, she is not even my girlfriend,she is just a friend, Michael explained

Oh! I see Ella replied.

You know what? Let's forget about Cherry and talk about us,he said,

"Right" Ella said modding her head.

Can you swim? He asked her, because swimming is one of my very many hobbies he, told her

"I bet i can swim Better than you," Ella boasted

"Really" Michael said laughing

Sitting with you is a two times, swimming champion in high school,Ella said smiling

"Impressive "Michael said, nodding his head

Would you like to swim after our meal? He asked her, 

I don't think I want to 

You will watch me swim then he said,i'm sure you would be tempted to join me tho he said.

They walked down to the swimming pool,behind the hotel building,it was very quiet there they were the only people at the pool side.m Michael quickly went into the bathroom and changed to his swim suit,while Ella waited for him at the pool side.

"Ae you sure you don't want to join me champ,"He asked, holding out a pair of swim suits to her, she took the swimming suits from him, went to the bathroom and changed, but made up her mind not to swim.

I'd rather enjoy my wine and watch you swim, Ella replied, looking away from him,she dare not look at him,seeing him on his swim pants,was tempting enough,

Don't say I didn't invite you to join me,he said and dived into the pool.

I'm having so much fun alone,join me champ you said laughing.

"No way"  Ella said sipping her wine

He stepped,out from the pool,walked towards Ella,with a playful menace in his eyes.you can't be a swimming champion and still be afraid of water he said, pulling Ella to the pool,

There is no way I'm going into that pool,she said moving back till there was no place for her to move to,

He put his arms around her.she felt the tickle of his skin on hers, Champion aren't scared of any, champions are brave he said and carried her to the pool side.

Shit, Michael,"she said as he took hold of her hand,its always more fun swimming with a partner, he said pulling her into the water.

She screamed, you Bastard, and they both toppled into the pool.

The water is freaking cold,Ella screamed in his face,just hold on to me, he said I don't want to swimming anymore she screamed, are you sure he said gazing into her eyes,she me his gaze and their eyes locked,she felt cold shiver down her spine,they didn't talk, their eyes did the talking,and then he kissed her in the water,he has been fighting the urge to kiss her along,right from where she Got into his car with her breath taking dress.

She held unto Him while he continued to kiss her,she kissed him back and all at once she felt no chill.she held onto him at first for warmth, but also never wanted to let him go.she felt a trust for him,that was so complete and it was almost scary.

"Check this out", she dared him, kicking free of his grasp."i want to race to the other side of the pool"

Okay he said, and they started swimming racing to the other end of the pool,she swam so fast surprising Michael with her speed.

Michael tried to keep up with steady muscular strokes,but she blew him away.

Close to the other side of the pool she slowed,

waited for him to catch up.

Michael was dumb founded,you really are a champ, he  said ,

Two times high school champion,she boasted, I wasn't whining well I said i can win you in a swimming race, Ella said laughing.

Moments later,they just lay, by the pool side, talking about alot of things, they talked about politics, about work and so much more.

Ella had never felt so connected to another person,she just felt an inner peace, with him and she know she can completely trust Him, and is willing to try new things with him, as for Michael he has finally found his spark, he also has not been this connected to anyone before not even with any of his former girlfriends,He saw a future with Ella and he is going to do everything possible to win her heart,she has been his missing piece all along,a and how she effortlessly filled the void in his heart something he can't explain.


"I had fun," Michael said after he pulled over at, Ella's house

"I had fun too" Ella said smiling, you are so fun to be with and I really enjoyed hanging out with you, 

"We should do this again next weekend" he said, taking her hands in his, he knew he was rushing things,a and he shouldn't have kissed her at the pool because he doesn't want to think he was here for the sex, she couldn't control himself when, he is with her, he couldn't get enough of her,

i will go against all odds to keep you by my side, he thought and,

if I don't win your heart in three months I will keep trying till I completely conquer your heart, he thought.