
chapter five


"You spent so much girl talking to that laundry girl, Cherry said, frowning after Michael came back to the house,

I had to pay her and my transfer app was a bit slow, Michael lied,

Anyways let's not let that laundry girl come in between us,

Cherry said carrying two glasses of wine, handing over the one in her left hand to Michael.

What are we celebrating Michael said,looking a bit surprised,

We are celebrating, friendship,peace and a beautiful future together,Cherry smirked

A beautiful future together? Michael asked,

Cherry we talked about this already, you and I we have no future together Michael said,holding the glass of wine in his right hand.

"Do you always have to make me feel bad? Can't you see I'm trying so hard to make things work between us?, Cherry said, standing up.

I'm sorry if I'm a bit too harsh but I just want to things clear with you, Michael said softly,

I can see you've really made up your mind, she said,atleast we can still be friends, I will let you be for now she said frowning.

"I'm sorry, Cherry I just can't give you what you want, Michael apologized.

and I it's really getting late, I think you should eat, before it's too late, Michael said

It's fine Cherry said, I will leave but first let's drink to friendship she said raising up her glass of him.

To friendship Michael said also raising up his glass,

Cherry watched Michael sipped from his wine, before, sipping from her own glass with a wicked smile on her face.

Nice wine, she said  smiling,

"syrah" Michael said looking at his wine glass, also known as Shiraz is a full-bodied red wine that's heavily planted in the Rhône Valley in France and Australia.

The wines have intense fruit flavors and medium-weight tannins.

Syrah is commonly blended with Grenache and Mourvèdre to create the red Rhône blend. The wine often has a meaty (beef broth, jerky) quality.

It's quite expensive, Michael boasted.

Nice, you have a great taste, Cherry said,

we should drink more she said,raising the glass into her mouth and gulped Down the remaining wine in her glass.

And sat down and watched Michael drink his own wine, you don't know what awaits you,

she thought, you will be in my arms  soon she said,smilling devilishly.

She had dropped sedative pills into Michael's wine, while he was away talking to Ella,

Are you okay? She asked when she discovered Michael was a bit dizzy.

I'm fine Michael said,struggling to keep his eyes open,

Are you sure? Ella asked with a wicked smile,are you sure you don't want me touching your body?

Ella said getting up from her seat and moving over to where Michael was sitting down.

She sat on his laps, she unbuttoned his shirt and touched his chest, and kissed his lips,

Stop it Cherry, Michael said softly,

the sedative pills were beginning to work on him, I'm going to my room he said,

he stood up to go to his room but fell back to his seat,

his head was spinning, everything seemed so blur to him and he really needed to be in his bed,

he got up again to go to his room,this time he leaned on the wall to support Himself with Cherry following him .

Cherry pushed him onto the bed, immediately they got to the room.

She layed on her side,leaning down to kiss him,

Stop,it Cherry Michael murmured,pushing her softly

You are going to enjoy this I promise she said,

Her hands settled on his thighs,as she continued kissing him,her hands  settled on his thighs and she continued kissing him, feeling his manhood, you are so endowed she murmured softly,and you are fucking hard for me she said,still kissing him,

She continued moving her hands, until it rested on his trouser botton,

Cherry he warned, removing her hands, though he was sedated he was still aware of what was going on around him.

"Wait Michael you are going to enjoy it", she said with a small smirk.

She unbuttoned his trousers before sleeping her hands beneath his trousers. Her lips crashed against his as she touched him down there, kiss me back she whispered, and surprisingly he did,he kissed her back.

she smiled, a smile of triumph, A quiet moan escaped Michael's lips and Cherry continued to stroke his d**k while their lips were still locked.

She gently moved her lips away from his lips,moving gently to his d**k and she rested her lips there.

Michael moaned softly, as she took, her manhood into her mouth,

Michelle moaned  her name softly, pulling her gently to himself,"i told you, you were going to enjoy it",she murmured, smiling wickedly.


"I don't believe you" Wendy said,staring at Ella

Believe me,Ella said softly , placing her right hand in her chest, i met him today in flesh and blood oh! Wendy he is so handsome she said dramatically

Did you have another dream?, Like did you sleep off while you were at work? Wendy asked,looking at her friend in disbelieve,

I'm telling you I met him today,

i even got his number Ella said showing Wendy her phone.

, it turned out he is a customer at the laundry where I work, but he always sends his gate Man to come pick his Stuff up,

yesterday he decided to come pick,  up his stuff himself before I got to work, my boss was furious and threatened to sack me, so in order not to be sacked I decided to deliver the clothes myself

And surprisingly, I met my Dream man, Ella explained dramatically

"You seem to be serious", wendy asked after listening to Ella.

I'm damn serious, we even have a date, Ella said happily.

You have a date with him already? Some can't wait to be booed up ehn? Wendy teased.

"Talking about being booed up, i don't know about that yet"'Ella said softly

"Why not?" Wendy whined

He has a finance, a beautiful and fierce finance, Ella said.sadly,i finally get to meet my Dream man and it turned out he has a finance, my love life sucks she said sadly.

Wendy moved closer to Ella and stroked her hair and said to her,

If he has a finance and still asked you out on a date, it means there is trouble in paradise, everything is well with your dream man and his finance, it means there is hope for You,

So don't worry your pretty self my friend and get ready because you are definitely going for that date, she said still stroking Ella's hair.

"What will I ever do without you? Ella said resting her head on Wendy's shoulders.


You did what with Cherry?yelled over the phone

"I can't really recall what happened, Michael replied, after we finished drinking, I felt really sleepy,and she followed me to my room, she touched me,kissed me and I responded.

The next thing she was all over me,that's all I can remember,michael explained."

"Have you heard from her after then?" 

She hasn't called, she left before I woke up, she left a note though,

"What does the note say?" Sam asked

"Last night was fun, you kept asking for more"that's what she wrote.

"Crazy bitch" sam cursed,

And don't worry about Cherry, concentrate on your Date later today Sam Said,

"Yeah I'm just going to act like nothing happened,michael replied,

"Exactly forget about,cherry and focus on Ella,

I'm so happy you finally found someone you connect with Sam Said.