
Immortal Eater

I get abused by everyone, and now even the system abuses me!? I have to eat that!? No. I refuse!

TriadBrew · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Missing Class

「 Good Morning. You are almost late for class. Please hurry. 」

The sound of the system caused Jin Jianyu to rise quickly from his deep slumber in a cold sweat.

So it wasn't a dream. That's definitely not a window that should exist in this world. Jin Jianyu thought, staring into the bright blue blinking translucent system window. Jin Jianyu dismissed the window and looked over his toned body.

'Even my little member is not as little.' Jin Jianyu giggled slightly to himself before he remembered that he missed class and was almost late today.

Jin Jianyu leapt from his bed when he saw the sun starting to peak out from behind the mountains illuminating the dark sky with an orange glow. 'Sh*t. I have to hurry!'

'F*ck! My clothes were burned up from the quest rewards. I guess I'll have to wear my secondary robes this morning.' Jin Jianyu felt annoyed as he quickly stretched into the dark blue robes with slight orange accents.

Running out of his house and into the main road, he noticed shops starting to open and students running towards the main building.

Jin Jianyu was a low member of the Joyous Mountain Sect. One of the lowest sects in the district. Carefully nested in-between two mountains with snow covered tips and a green forest behind with a river that ran through the main road.

Joyous Mountain Sect was the only sect who would take in someone like Jin Jianyu. For this Jin Jianyu was always very appreciative and tried his best no to make trouble. Even if his life was made living hell and humiliated by his peers on a daily basis.

As Jin Jianyu moved towards the school's towering pavilion he noticed people staring in his direction. Some even dared to point.

I don't see anything wrong with my secondary clothes, do I have a tear in the back? I don't feel anything like a tear back there. Perhaps they are pointing at someone else.


"Who is that? Have you seen him here before?"

"No, but he's wearing our sect's outfit. Maybe the elders let someone new in!?"

"Impossible! We would know!"


'Huh? There is someone new? That's rare! I haven't seen an outsider, let alone a new member who wasn't a child in our sect in quite some time. Where is this individual?' Jin Jianyu started to looking around for this new person as he continued down the main road towards the school pavilion.

*Dong, Dong Dong*

'Sh*t. I don't have time to worry about it anymore! I have to hurry. I can't be late today! The teacher won't be happy that I missed yesterdays class at all. I'm already the lowest member of the sect!' Jin Jianyu thought as he picked up his pace, ignoring the stares and pointing from the shop owners. 'I'll just have to meet this new individual later.'

Little did Jin Jianyu think, let alone know, it was him.

Jin Jianyu rushed up the wooden school stairs, down the hallway, and pushed past two individuals standing at the room door. Inside the wide room, Jin Jianyu fluttered across the wooden floor, to the first set of stairs and found his seat on the wooden bench.

Wei Cheng looked over at the individual sitting in Jin Jianyu's seat and looked annoyed. Not only had this member pushed them aside to get into the room they also sat in the seat of the person he was looking for all morning!

"Hey! You! Who are you? Why are you sitting in Jin Jianyu's seat!?" Wei Cheng pronounced loudly pointing directly at Jin Jianyu.

Jin Jianyu took a second before realizing that Wei Cheng was talking about him. He looked around at his classmates and realized they were all staring at him. Even the teacher who had just entered was looking confused.

「 Reminder: Don't forget that you have a quest to complete in 24 hours. 」

'Reminder my a**! I remember! Why now! Go away! Can't you see that now is not a good time!' Jin Jianyu thought to himself. Hoping that the system window would disappear from view.

「 The system has noticed that Wei Yue is looking in user's direction. 」

「 Reminders are for the hosts benefit. 」

"Hey! I asked you a question!" Wei Cheng shouted while walking up to Jin Jianyu's seat.

"Me?" Jin Jianyu said, pointing to himself.

"Yes. You! Who are you! Why are you sitting in Jin Jianyu's seat? You pushed past me earlier. Don't you know who I am?" Wei Cheng started mouthing off in quick succession as normal.

Wei Cheng was General Wei's son a high ranking official in the sect. He had an easy life. Constantly fed good food which allowed him to easily refine Qi and open his dantian at an early age. He was top of the class in almost every subject except the ones that Wei Yue dominated.

"Of course I know who you are. Why wouldn't I? I'm Jin Jianyu." Jin Jianyu said with a confused look plastered across his now handsome face.

"Bullsh*t! You aren't Jin Jianyu. Jin Jianyu looks like he was beaten with 50 sticks by his mother the day he was born. You are the complete opposite! I don't believe you." Wei Cheng said slamming his hand down on the desk.

"It's true. I used to look like a dog that had been mauled by bears, but thanks to Wei Cheng and Wei Yue's actions yesterday I ran into a fortunate encounter from a passerby! When I woke up I looked like this!" Jin Jianyu said smirking "It's all thanks to Wei Cheng! I would never have been saved if it wasn't for you!"

"Tsk." Wei Cheng scoffed.

"What is this about? What did Wei Cheng and Wei Yue do to Jin Jianyu?"

The teacher finally interrupted. Their voice silencing the classroom.

"Nothing! We did nothing teacher!" Wei Cheng said, turning to the teacher with an innocent look.

"It's true we did nothing teacher! I swear!" Wei Yue said.


"You did nothing?" Jin Jianyu said finally, after a few moments of silence.

"So if we go to the front of his house there won't be blood mixed with dirt and dog sh*t?" Jin Jianyu said, thinking about how he was forced to eat dog sh*t by the system.

"Enough." the teacher said. "We can easily test whether or not this is Jin Jianyu. Jin Jianyu, what did I tell you while we were alone last week?"

Jin Jianyu thought back to last week and chuckled.

"You said if I am not able to refine Qi and open your dantian by the end of the semester that you would be forced to agree in having me kicked out." Jin Jianyu said.

"That's... That's correct." The teacher said, looking at Jin Jianyu with an incredulous look. He started to shake his head and turn around when he heard the youth speak again.

"Of course. I am Jin Jianyu. I would never lie. Plus, I have opened my dantian and now I can refine Qi." Jin Jianyu said confidently with his chest puffed forward.

The teacher walked over and placed his hand on Jin Jianyu's head and focused his Qi towards Jin Jianyu to confirm. He felt a strong flow of Qi flowing through Jin Jianyu and felt that his dantian was definitely open. He wasn't lying. "Ho..."

"Okay class. This is definitely Jin Jianyu. I'd like to congratulate him on opening his dantian and being able to refine Qi... With that said, I'd like to talk about the upcoming tournament." The teacher said, waving his hands, giving the signal for everyone to take their seats.

"As everyone knows we have a yearly tournament for ranking and to see how we compare against other sects. Your ranking will impact how much you get and whether or not you will be eligible to visit the sect library."

"This year, juniors who pass far enough will be able to challenge seniors who rank above them. But first you must pass your fellow classmates."

Wei Cheng turned and looked dead at Jin Jianyu who was looking at Wei Yue and smirked.

「 23 hours left. 」

Background and plot building this chapter. Next chapter should see more fast paced action.

TriadBrewcreators' thoughts