
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Anime und Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 14: Mirko's Achievements

Chapter 14: Mirko's Achievements

Author: Geraint

(MC's POV)

- Two days later -

Waking up as I opened my eyes.


The first thing I saw is Rumi's sleeping face with her head leaning on top of my head. I can see a drool dripping from her mouth as both of us are covered together in one blanket while sitting on long chair in the interrogation room.

She decided to accompany me here due to her being bored and nothing to do.

I pushed her head away from mine then I stood up, leaving her head leaning on the white painted wall.

These past few days, the police held me on the custody while investigating about my identity. Principal Nezu told me about me being adopted by All Might was already on process in which shocked me. He explained that the fastest way for me to get away on this situation was to become All Might's son.

Due to All Might's influence and connections, the police and hero association won't pursue anything about me and my abilities as Captain Falcon. They might even keep the information about me in the public, but I guess it's already too late since a lot of pro heroes seen me transformed even the children who's being save from that incident.

"I'm thinking of visiting him later."

"Uuuuuu~ Good morning, Ichika."

Rumi finally woke up as she yawn and stretch her arms.

"Good morning, Rumi. Today is the day that I'm finally free to get out of this place."

"Then how about it, Ichika! I've been wanting to have a duel with Captain Falcon. Let's fight!"

"Rumi... Will you let me rest? I have a lot of things to do after this and the orphanage is already worried about my situation."


The door of the room opened and a police came inside,

"Fujiwara Ichika! You may go home now!"

Hearing that, I gladly smiled at me.

"Thank you."

- Few minutes later -

As Rumi and I was about to go out of police headquarters,


Endeavor standing at the entrance, staring at me with annoyed expression.


I just smugly smiled at him,

"Yoh! Endeavor! Unfortunately, I'm finally out!"

"Captain Falcon..."

"What are you talking about? I can't be Captain Falcon anymore!"

I just tapped him in the knee.


He was surprise when the flames around his face and body disappeared.

"Not only Captain Falcon died once but twice. I just nothing but an ordinary child now."

Endeavor trembled in anger.

I halted on my steps as I glanced at him.

"Oh, that's right! A lot of people has been saying that Captain Falcon's strength rivals All Might."

"What are you trying to say?"

He glares at me.

"Well... In terms of strength, All Might is stronger than me but when it comes to speed, I'm faster than him."

I looked at him straight to the eye.

"What I'm trying to say is stop comparing yourself with others! It's completely waste of time. Comparing myself to All Might is like comparing which is better between apple and orange. Both of them are sweet in their own way. And you!"

I pointed at him,

"What kind of flavor can you offer to the public?"

"So you're telling me that everything that I've been doing until now is completely nonsense?"

"Captain Falcon is gone now and All Might's strength is deteriorating. Someday, the symbol of peace will fade away and who's gonna be the next pillar now? There's only you who's next to All Might."

I turned around and continued walking.

"Falcon! What do you mean by deteriorating? What happened to All Might?!"

"I won't tell you more than that. You'll know soon enough anyway. Bye~ bye~ Todoroki-san."

I just waved my hand at him as I left with Rumi.

"Ichika, you really sounds like an old man."

"Shut up!"

Leaving the police headquarters,


I turned around when I saw a lot of media surrounded us. I immediately tried to hide my face from them.


All the Media's microphone are pointed at Rumi,

"Rabbit Hero, Mirko! We heard that after you defeated the Villain Boss together with All Might and Captain Falcon, you raided the main base of the villains by yourself and captured most of the subordinates. You're really amazing! What do you think about your spot in the official Hero ranking?"

"A humor said that you are very close to Captain Falcon. Are you aware of his identity?"

"Some people in the incident says that Captain Falcon was actually a child! Tell us if it's really true!"

"All Might and Captain Falcon fought together against a strong Villain. They said that Captain Falcon died in that battle! Tell us, what happened."

The media bombarded her with a lot of questions.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I haven't eat my breakfast yet. Will you guys let us through---Huh? Ichika, where did you go?"

"Mirko! You made a lot achievements defeating those villains and save the missing and kidnapped children. Your ranking is rising pretty fast. What are your thoughts about it?"

"What is the relationship between you and Falcon?"

They just keep asking her same questions.

I was moving away to the sideline and sneaked out of the crowd.

"Sorry, Rumi. Please deal with them for the time being."

(I can't deal with this kind of interview that's why, I immediately run away before they found me.. Looks like, they still don't know my real identity.)

"Ichika! Where did you go?"

Rumi was looking for me from the crowd.

(I'll message her later.)

I quickly slipped through the crowd and ran away while hiding my face with my hood.

After that, I decided to visit All Might in the hospital.

- Jaku Hospital -

While walking through the corridor, looking at the names in the room.

(I heard from Principal Nezu that All Might was transferred here for his operation in his stomach. I can't ask the assistant desk because they won't tell anything about All Might being hospitalized here.)

Climbing up the stairs as I turned to the right corner,

"That's reckless, All Might!... You should retire."

I saw the injured All might holding on the wall while trying to walk.

Behind him was a tall, lean-but-muscular man with rather sharp and elongated features. His shiny hair was always worn smoothed down and parted to his left, and was of a dark green color, with three yellow streaks towards the front, two on his right, and one on his left.


(Isn't that All Might's sidekick, Sir Nighteye.)

Principal Nezu was beside him together with two small old people.

(Those two must be Gran Torino and Recovery Girl.)

All Might is wearing a patient uniform with full of bandages around his body. He looks really weakened which made me pity him.

"Everyone's... looking for me... If they're waiting... I have to go..."


"If you keep being a hero in that body, it'll just make everyone suffer. For the peace that you wish for, too, you should retire while you're still a legend."

"If you're looking for successor, you can look as much as you want at my school. You've worked hard enough." Principal Nezu suggested.

I decided to hide and continue listening to their conversation.

"You can have a good night's sleep in a nice, soft bed. Find someone cheerful, strong, and approachable-- someone like you--and entrust it to them." Sir Nighteye was trying his best to convince All Might to stop.

"Who will be that Symbol until I find someone like that? Even All for One is gone, someone will replace him soon." All Might responded as he tried to walk but he stumbled down and Nighteye caught and supports him.

"I understand your theory about the symbol! I hold it in great esteem. But... see? You can't smile at all, can you? I'll say it again. You should retire. If you continue with your hero activities like this, then I will not support you. I can't. I don't want to."

All Might glanced at Sir Nighteye with surprised expression.

"Did you see it?... Didn't I tell you that you didn't have to use your foresight on me?"

"Even if you retire, the next number one will appear! Things might get rough for a while but we might able to avoid that!"

"In that short time... ...how many people will have to be afraid?" All Might still stubbornly move forward.

"All Might!"

"Besides... your Foresight has never been wrong, has it?"

"There has just been no precedent! I will... change the future! At this rate, it'll all go according to my Foresight! That can't happen! I... I'm here because I wanted to do something to help you! All Might!"

"For the sake of the world... I shouldn't be here, Nighteye."

"All Might! If you continue like this, you'll face off against a villain and die an unspeakably gruesome death!"

When All Might turned into the corner and noticed me,


"Yoh, All Might. Still stubborn as ever even though you're in bad shape."

Hearing my voice, he were able to recognized me.


Taking off my hood as I reveal my face to him.

"Come with me. I want to talk with you alone."

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)