
chapter 27:Jimmy vs Marie! Max vs Alex 2!!

Carstophe: -Good you (Jimmy) and you (Marie) will be the first to battle, the others will for wait their turn and watch the fight...

The mutant turns into a beast fighting with sphillstrosses one of the mutants falls unconscious, others seem to get hurt while fighting .. Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner, Winner !!!!!

Kamelio: -It's going to be easy to defeat them tomorrow they don't know how to use their strosse well .. They aren't that strong despite their different metamorphoses ..

Carstophe: -It remains only you and the new ones, that didn't passed yet .. (Eight mutants haven't fought, three mutants have their hand in their pocket, two mutant scratch their heads, 3 mutants crosses they'er arms...)

Jimmy: -I want to finish this as soon as possible. We can be the next ones we waited a long time.

Carstophe: -Oh as you wish !!!! (Jimmy takes off his sweater ..)

Jimmy puts himself in a defence position, Jimmy vs Marie !!!

Jimmy: -You're ready??.. (Mary has metamorphosis quickly, she has frog legs... She moves to Jimmy's left side and gives him a horizontal hit with her sphillstrosse. Before touching him his belly swells and his hair arises from his body blocking the sphillstrosse ..) Oh oh, you are fast frog woman ..

What is this shit !!!!

Jimmy: -It's my mutation, I can grow my body's hair.

Marie: -It's really stupid as a capacity and why is it so curly??? Besides, why your body's hair are white ??

jimmy: - In fact, I have no hair, it's made of cotton like a sheep but I prefer to say that they are male hair ... That way I look more virile ..

Marie: -It's even more stupid than I thought. (She looks at Jimmy with a little strange unbothered and surprised facial expression at the same time.) I think I've heard enough, I should have refrained from asking him this question .. (Marie rushes to the charge very quickly in front of Jimmy, he is going to hit very hard on the ground with his right fist, she will dodge by going to the left side, and with his axe version of the sphillstrosse will give her a horizontal blow that she will block with her two Sphillstrosse that's in her hands.. However, it will fly away by sliding on the ground...) Thoughts : I might had underestimated you but I won't make this mistake again ..

Marie rushed back at Jimmy ..

Jimmy: - Again the same scenario you underestimated me .. Jimmy hits the ground but this time he use his spherical axe causing a crater when it touched the floor ..

Broooooooooooooooooooom !!!!! (Marie dodges closely by jumping on Jimmy's left side he didn't saw her. Then he gaze her way as she moves to his left. Once Marie is near Jimmy turns around giving a back kick. Marie, dodge by jumping upwards landing on the ceiling of the room and then rush to give him a vertical blow with her two sword sphillstrosses that he will certainly block but with difficulty with his large axe ..) Grrr! !!!

Marie: -Take that !!!! (She makes two horizontal hits with her two sphillstrosse which hit Jimmy's stomach.)

Jimmy: - That's all !!!!?? (He smiled.) Thoughts : Her attack are less strong when she doesn't take momentum on the other hand if she touches my body several times when she takes momentum I don't think that I will be unscathed.)

Marie: -Grrr ... (Thoughts : He seems invulnerable to the blow that I give him more when I hit him with my sphillstrosses my hands hurts a lot it seem harder than then I thought. I can't fight for a long time against him. His resistance level he outclasses me ...)

Marie will then move faster and turn around Jimmy.

Jimmy: - Thoughts : She's really fast, I can hardly follow her with my eyes, I have to force my eyes and stay focused so I don"t lose sight of her '' end of thoughts '' .. Hmm !!!! (She disappears behind Jimmy. He looks from left to right but doesn't see her, she is behind him and kicks him with a horizontal sphillstrosse, she takes a swing ..) ARGHHH !!!!!! (She smiles her hands seem full of blood and she keeps running around him.) Grr !!!! (She rushes in front of him this time.) Hmm !!!!! If you think that this strategy will work again you will lose !!! (Marie will throw one of her two sphillstrosse towards Jimmy's face. He will barely block Marie's Sphillstrosse at the same time she will propel herself towards the left leg of Jimmy and then give him a hard hit on the left leg..) Argh, Bitch !!!! (She will then take a step back her hands seems to be more damaged. Jimmy has one eye closed, he is standing with his axe that supports his weight.) Huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff , huff !!!! (Jimmy his exhausted , She goes around Jimmy again to quickly retrieve her sphillstrosse sword.)

Marie: -Who are you calling a '' bitch '' asshole !!!! (She rushed in anger in front of him and leap to his right side. Jimmy turns to try to follow her with his eyes.)

Jimmy: -Arrgh !!!!! (He closes his eyes for a moment, kneeling on the ground and grinding his teeth ...) "Thoughts : I must be injured on my leg, that blow was very powerful at the moment ..."

Marie leaps on him and hits him with his face very hard, but before receiving his full-force attack, he opened his eyes. When he opened them, he saw her projecting herself towards him then he received the whirling blow of two sphillstrosses sword. He takes a step back, releasing his sphillstrosse axe a little. Afterwards he take his axe very hard and it raised his head while it is still there.)

Marie: -He !!!!!

Jimmy: -Get me that frog of shit !!! (he gives a horizontal blow with his sphillstrosse axe and she will flies away, hits the floor four times far away then slide on her back then the ground. Before flying again she drops her two sphillstrosse sword receiving the blow and seems to vanish ..)

Carstophe: -For the next fight it will be Alex and Max, you seem to be the two leaders and the strongest of your respective group so it is now time for you two to decide who will be the leader against you that should show us who is the real boss between you two.

Max: -I have been waiting to know who is the strongest between us for a long time, we can continue our fight from a while ago..

Alex: -Me too ..

Max: -I'm going to blow your ass off !!! (has a big sphillstrosse sword of a size to measure.)

Alex: -I'm going to blow your ass off !!! (has a large sphillstrosse spear.)

The two transformed, Max in dinosaur with large scales and much more robust he has T-rex legs. Alex looks like a big hairy dog. He has the head of a pit bull, his feet turn into paws, his jaw gets bigger. The two Mutants charge to counter each other 5 times. At the sixth hit against they're sword they both fall on different side of the ground. And they returns to the charge immediately after. Alex will bring his spear close to Max face however Max will stop his spear with his teeth after he throw it away by throwing it with its jaw, spinning like a helicopter.


Max: -Hehe !! (He rushes very quickly towards Alex. Alex gets up and also rush towards Max. Max will try again to bite his spear however, Alex turns around at the last second to hit Max's leg to make Max fall... Max falls from behind on his back he will receive a blow from the tip of the spear in the stomach. Max revolves very quickly collides with the ground far making a lot of roll and slide on his back then stop close to the wall behind him. Alex wastes no time rushing towards Max once he is close to Max, he prepares to give him a blast with his spear. However, Max is going to block all his shots, Max gives a diagonal blow with his gigantic sword Alex's arm is carried away by Max's blow, Alex moves back... The strosse around Max grows bigger to become gigantic, the others will be surprised especially Carstophe. Max then gives him a blow of sphillstrosse hit with the top of his sword following this Alex will fly like a rocket a great pressure of air appears when Max hits him with his sword .. To such a point that Alex will spit blood when he receives his attack ..

Zefro: -Wow what power !!!!!!

Apprentice soldier: -Interesting !!!!

Apprentice soldier: -Interesting !!!!

Apprentice soldier: -Interesting !!!!

-Mutant: - This time it's the end !!!

Carstophe looks at Alex for a few seconds, Carstophe closes his eyes to quickly reopen them.

Carstophe: -No !!!! Not yet ..... Take a closer look, your friend hasn't said his last word... He still wants to fight but is he able to after such an attack??

Alex is on his knees having his hand on the ground in front of him forcing his teeth, he tries to get up but falls, tries again and again for the third time then gets up with difficulty but manages to be ale to do so.

Alex: -Huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, (breathless!) This ... Isn't over !! BRING IT ON AND COME BEAT YOU !!! (The shouts are loud and Max seems to be very close to Alex.)

Max: - I knew that wasn't enough to bring you down .. (Max arrives at full speed in front of Alex. Alex grinds his teeth with a furious expression that appears on his face ..)

Alex: - GRRRRRR !!!! (Alex throws the spear super fast towards Max. Max will give a horizontal hit to deflect his attack, the spear flies next to it.)

Max: -That's all?.. (He comes very close to see Alex so he can jump up to give him a knee in the face more precisely on the level of his nose and mouth and with the same leg he will kick his face. Then spin to give him a back kick with his other leg, Alex will fly in return to the right side to then roll and stand get up. Alex rushed again towards him... Max's strosse will suddenly become much more powerful and will dodge by lowering his body from behind. Then turn around to take his arm and hit him violently on the ground several times.. This attack make big hole appear on the ground.

Raphael: - He doesn't hold back his strength.

Jimmy: -It's a incredible fight !!!!

Marie: -I know I wouldn't be happy to have him as an adversary...

Max continues to hit Alex against the ground from left to right.

Kamelio: -My god, my general stop the fight, he will kill him ..

Carstophe: -Hum !!!!


Carstophe: -Hum alright...

Kamelio: -Are you serious?? (Kamelio looks at the mutants who don't seem to react to what Max is doing to Alex... Kamelio looks at the fight which seems unbelievable.)

Max throws Alex away violently. Then Alex gets up and runs after Max. Alex is full of blood on his body and his head and on his pants. Max doesn't run, he waits for Alex to come to him. Once he is close enough, Alex is going to give him a many of punches.

Alex: -Hmm !!!! Thoughts : Why doesn't that bother him ??? Earlier it was working ... Also, his strosse seems bigger than earlier it looks like it protects him from my attacks, he would have become stronger fighting me ?? He had a big power up! My punches doesn't affect him... It seems invulnerable !!! "Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Max grabs both of Alex's fists and smiles"

Max: - This time I have you where I want !!!! (his strosse focus on his leg more precisely on his paw, the nature of his strosse change into a specific element of wind. He will hit Alex with his paw a big explosion will appear when he hit him. He will then fly away like a rocket and destroy completely the wall ..)

Carstophe: - Hey, hey, hey, it's serious it looks like, (thoughts)

Max gives him a big kick so powerful that when it hit Alex an explosion of air appears then made Alex fly up to the wall causing a gigantic crater... Alex seems unconscious having his eyes turned back... Alex has a big hole in his chest and stomach his blood is flowing.

Apprentice Soldier: - Thoughts : Unbelievable he become stronger ! Before he had a weak strosse at the beginning but managed to increase the power of his strosse in the middle of a fight. He is almost at the same level as us... Hand to hand fight he is better than me that's for sure... It's surely thanks to his will, his anger and hatred towards his opponent that he has managed to reach this level... He is now close to being a master user of strosse ..

Zefro: -Incredible, he is a master user of strosse.

Carstophe: -No, not yet, he still has something else to learn to be a master user of strosse. To be a master user of strosse, you have to be able to transform his strosse into an element and be able to fight by maintaining your strosse for at least 2 hours without him only using it unconsciously... But still he quickly gain in power..He will be a very good soldier in the future too ..

Kamelio: -But he succeeded where most of us failed for 5 years to try to produce an element with his strosse, also he is a beginner who has just learned strosse .. Shame on us !!!!

Carstophe: -Hahahahahahahaha !!!! You're not wrong and that's why tomorrow I'm preparing a special training that will instantly make you become masters... thoughts : It is mainly because their body already more resistant than normal mutants and thanks to their metamorphosis than they have better potential than most apprentice soldiers. The more resistant they're body have, the more they have the possibility of strengthening they're strosse.

The apprentice soldiers: -Gloups !!!!

The apprentice soldier takes Alex. An apprentice soldier heals him he turns his strosse into water and heals Alex the others seem surprised... Max leaves from the battle arena..

End of the chapter!!