
chapter 28: Layla vs Vladimir ! The mysterious guy appear and fight!!

Carstophe: -For the next fight it will be Layla and Vladimir ..

The two mutants are in the spectator seats and jump to land in the arena, looking at each other for a few seconds.

Layla: -Don't disappoint me !! (Layla throws in the air four sphillstrosses sword! When suddenly, four tentacles push on her back taking the four sphillstrosses. When she touched these four sphillstrosses with her four tentacles the end of those tentacles merges with the sphillstrosses, her skin changes color afterwards, her skin becomes light purple and very luminous .. And she has two sword in her hand.

Her name is Layla, her mutant level is classified as half-demon level. She has two abilities, the first ability is that she can merge parts of her body with objects and the second is that she can pop four tentacles out of her back. However, she isn't able to merge with human beings.

Vladimir: -Well !!! If you fight seriously, I'll fight back seriously too .. (her skin turns green, blades spring from her body .. Blades appear on her arms, her two hands, her fingers, her face, her back, her legs, her feet and toes. Her feet become heightened paws. Her clothes are torn a little and he will put himself in a position of guard, of defence.

His name is Vladimir, his danger level is half demon, his ability is that he becomes a blade man who can cut almost anything in his path.

Carstophe: - Let the fight begin !!!

Layla goes directly to Vladimir to attack him diagonally with her right tentacle (the lower one). Vladimir dodges by lowering his head forward, she will then respond by attacking him with her right tentacle of her upper back to give him a vertical attack. He jumps backwards and dodges her attack again, once it hits the floor, a crack appears on the ground. Layla responds by giving him a horizontal punch with her tentacle on the left side of her upper tentacle, Vladimir blocks his attack with his two blade on his elbow but he moves back at a crazy speed hitting the wall of the stadium... Vladimir gets up with difficulty !!

Vladimir: -Hum, hmm, the beautiful young lady hit hard.. (Layla smiles and then rushes towards Vladimir giving him a tentacle on the right side with her upper tentacles. However, he deviates his attack with his left arm. His left arm is in front of him place in a diagonal way. She then brings her tentacle on the right side of her lower back towards her opponent trying to pierce Vladimir. He narrowly dodges by twirling on himself and after jumping between the tentacles, going around her. She turns to him. to then give him several punches of tentacle which tries to pierce Vladimir ..)

Layla: -You're doing well !! (Vladimir deviates every punch that Layla try to hit him.)

Vladimir: -(Thought): I can't counterattack but I can block and dodge... (Vladimir grinds his teeth, Layla smiles again, gesturing for Vladimir to approach arrogantly.) Very well I'm coming ..

Layla comes into Vladimir's defence to give him a tentacle punch as if she is throwing it through her belly. She hits Vladimir's belly with the tip of her tentacle which has merged with the sphillstrosse. Once her attack hits Vladimir's belly, the strosse that is around his tentacle whirlpools swirls around to fly Vladimir very far back.

Carstophe: -Incredible, she twirled her strosse on her sphillstrosse at the right time, and this is only a little taste of her power.. She didn't show all her potential, with my training she will become an accomplished warrior it's very beautiful. <- (thought) Conqueror Layla !!!!

Raphael: - It will be my turn, I wonder if my opponent will be strong .. He seems mysterious... (His opponent has a hood and shadow that hides his face. Raphael and the man who has the hood go into the arena looking at each other in the eyes for a few seconds.. We still don't see the face of the mysterious opponent of Raphael... Carstophe notices the two mutants don't have a sphillstrosse.)

Carstophe: - You don't take a sphillstrosse ???

Raphael: -No, that would bother me more than anything else

The Mysterious Man: -Me too ..

Raphael: -You, don't you take a sphillstrosse? You may need it to fight me...

The mysterious man: -It's useless to use these sphillstrosses, my capacity is enough to give you the battle of your life... Try not to die too quickly ...

Raphael: -Do you take me for someone weak and useless? Do you think you can beat me without a sphillstrosses? Since I've been here my level of danger has risen to the half demon level so don't underestimate me... (The mysterious man is not surprised by his statement.)

The mysterious man: -What a boredom !!! (Raphael's strosse suddenly appears and seems very powerful, the apprentice soldiers are surprised. Carstophe looks at the mysterious man who doesn't seem to use strosse and remains very calm..)

Carstophe: - He doesn't use strosse to fight? He seems very confident in his abilities. Does he have metamorphosis like his comrades or a specific ability? And it haven't been too long since they learned how to use strosse and yet some of my new student have a more powerful strosse than my older student. <- (Thought) '' Carstophe looks at Raphael, raphael's strosse is getting a little bigger. ' '

Raphael: - Look at me, I mix the two most resistant metals that has ever been touched.. (The mysterious man continues to ignore him. Angry Raphael rushes to the charge preparing to knee his opponent in his face. The mysterious man turns around everyone seems motionless. Everything is frozen! The mysterious man walks slowly in front of Raphael, Carstophe sees him walking but the others seem to be freeze. Half of a red ball appears in the mysterious man hand and delicately touches Raphael's stomach with his bullet in his hand. An explosion propels Raphael like a missile hitting the wall in far away at insane speed.. The floor is destroyed as he retreats to hit the wall, we can see Raphael's belly with a big hole, Raphael has his eyes turned back we only see the whites of his eyes and he has his mouth open and also he has been pushed into the wall. Everyone in the room seems surprised, especially Carstophe.)

Apprentice Soldier: -Hum !! When did it move ??

Zefro: -Such punching power...

Apprentice Soldier: -Also, he didn't even use a strosse or a sphillstrosse.

Apprentice Soldier: -I wasn't expecting that ..

Layla: - Impossible that a Half Demon level has been beaten so easily .. My own fight lasted longer...

Max: -I would like to face him, he seems really stronger than Alex... I wonder who is behind his hood.

The mysterious man: -You are Half Demon level, you are all from the small fry, I am classified as Demon level. Don't compare me with your mediocre level .. I am your superior, I don't want to reveal my identity because I wanted to see how you are going to solve this problem but it turns out that the king Castle has beaten the strongest of you Max... So I was curious about the continuation .. (The mysterious man takes off his hood and sweater, he looks a little tan, short black hair, with green eyes, looks quite robust .. Has a big forehead, his ears are little, he wears a blue camisole with a black jogging. His level is superior than the mutants.)

The mysterious man is called Adrian, his danger level is classified as Demon level. Just like Yellow Beast, he moves at an amazing speed, he can travel 603 km per hour. Yellow Beast can travel 630 km per hour but he isn't in this group.Adrian can create endless red balls as armor or as projectile he can transform red balls into whatever he wants.

Carstophe: - (Thought) -> It's very impressive .. Why did you kill him? He could have become an excellent soldier, an excellent general and perhaps a High General with his ability. With such a useful capacity for sure if he would still be alive he could have become super powerful. He didn't have to die like this.

Adrian: - Stop breaking my ears old man and besides he is not dead.

Carstophe: How ?? (Carstophe looks away to see that Raphael is no longer sinking into the wall. Raphael is now on the ground on his knees, looking at the ground for a moment, and he also has his hands on the ground.He is shaking a lot)

Raphael: -A Demon level !! Besides it's not just anyone it's Adrian, we had never really seen our mutant district boss. He communicated by message or letter. We heard some rumours of his power but it's well beyond what I could have imagined .. / Thought: so this is the difference between Half-Demon and Demon level. A Demon level attack can knock us out or seriously injure us. Not bad, I have touched all the scrillstrosses in the armory and I think these are the strongest materials I have touched in my life. Speed ​​is still a problem but I think I could take these attacks. Also, the strosse amplifies my power and I heard that the scrillstrosse can multiply the power that we have and the body .... (Raphael looks in front of him and then goes to touch the ground to reform his body which seemed to be damage to then get up.) I am not defeated yet and I'm not dead ... Bring it on !!!!!

Adrian looks a little surprised and goes to look at him for a second.

Adrian: - Give up you're not strong enough.

Layla: -It's crazy to want to fight against a Demon level even all the mutants here could not scratch him ..

Alex: -You want to die, give up your level isn't strong enough... You will die if you keep fighting .. You barely managed to survive his first attack. He is our superior you have no chance to beat him.

Max: - Even me.. He would have defeated me in a single punch, his power is beyond what I can do now. On the other hand I would not have left this fight, giving up is for cowards I rather fight than to live in the shame of being a coward who never confronts opponents at his height. Those who give up are cowards!

Marie: -Fighting against this monster is losing, give up and come join us.

Kamelio: -He didn't use strosse for this destructive attack that we weren't even able to see. Yet he always wants to fight against such an opponent, I would have given up .. We can say that he is not afraid of death and that he is an example to follow ... A true warrior !!!! !

Zefro: - Give up there is nothing wrong with giving up against this kind of level monster.

Carstophe: - Shame on all those who said to give up.. Especially you my students .. A soldier should never give up on a fight even if the opponent is a monster but since all this is a training and your opponent has almost killed you at the first attack I would understand if you give up now...

Raphael seems very angry and grinds his teeth for a moment, folds appear on his face.

Raphael: - Go die all of you... I don't know how your Apprentice soldiers are but.. On the other hand, we mutants don't give up even in the face of death we fight even if despair is at our door. Having zero chance.. Changes nothing it will have to knock me or kill me to stop me... And you are a shame as a mutants we don't need you in our ranks.. You make me want to vomit. Max you, you're the only one who doesn't disappoint me, you well deserve your place as group leader.

Carstophe: -Good if you have this mentality I would not stop the fight even if you die .. You seem to have a big mouth, don't come to regret your words after..... (Carstophe smile.)

Raphael: -Fuck you the great coward general .. (Raphael looks very angry... The material of his body changes his skin becomes like crystal scrillstrosse. He eventually becomes a man with crystal armor, his skin which turns into orange crystal .. The strosse around him turns into fire, an aura of fire spurts out of his body.)

Carstophe: - He dares to insult me, if he survives I would make him pay for his lack of respect .. (Raphael's strosse swelled the temperature of the whole room to change everyone sweats except Carstophe who seems to protect himself with his strosse of wind but the others have difficulty breathing .. Adrian transforms one of his balls into a mask and creates a giant ball to enter the interior of the ball after awhile in the giant ball it transforms in armor protecting him from the flames. the mask allows him to breathe better. Raphael's strosse is insane in size and continues to grow ..) (Thought): His strosse is now equivalent to a master strosse user and not a weak one... What a talent !!!! Is it because of his capacity that his strosse is so powerful ???but can he fight his opponent ? He also seems very strong and he hasn't even used a strosse yet. His opponent moves very quickly and he can protect himself from the heat with his red balls that he created .. His a capacity can be strange, it looks a bit like strosse ..

Raphael will then rush like a rocket towards Adrian, when Raphael moves the floor melts...

Raphael: -Explosive Punch !!!! (A bullet appears in Adrian's hand and grows larger and larger to be ten meters in diameter. Raphael gives him a big explosive punch. The punch make an explosion of fire it appears the size of the arena. When he hits the giant red ball.The temperature is really high The floor is melted flames sound everywhere..)

Everyone's seems surprised by his punching power

Layla: -I can't believe my eyes... He can fight against a Demon level ..

Vladimir: - They are monsters ..

Zefro: -Such punching power... I can't believe my eyes.

Adrian slips backwards but manages to block this overpowering attack.

End of the Chapter!