
Chapter 12:The Man lizard

Let's go back a bit to know what's happening between the scaly and others ...

-What is this? a ma .. man-liz..zaaard .. lizaaaard.

"They see an armament of giants human soldiers in tight clothing and a 3 meter size having marks on the body with equipment and they are of great size they are dead, corpses lying of these soldiers everywhere we can sighting and about sixty soldiers fighting against a man-lizard, the soldiers protected Maria the princess.The creature has designs all over these scales blue and has black scales on his body and have horns on the head having a face of dragon and a tail of crystals and a spine in crystals having a black aura springing from him ... The beast is 5 meters in height, there is moss everywhere on the ground and everywhere the sun hits the ground and a forest behind where we can see the mutant group coming out. "

The man-lezard: -Grouaargh! "When they roar the earth roars and at this moment everybody trembles, they all feel the scared for the very first time in their lives, even if they are mutants. They can't feel scared at this terrible beast. "

Baltazar: -I have a bad feeling. We should run away ..

Eric: - I feel like choking, huf, huf, huf, huf, huf, huf .. "shortness."

Hector-Armor: -I've never felt that before ..

Nathan: -Close your mouths shit guys !! "He cries."

"Everyone is surprised when they hear what they say."

You must be ashamed of you, we are all mutants. Watch these soldiers despite he faces a beast that may have decimated their armor he doesn't retreat a step .. Fly if you want "Nathan then takes a scrillstrosse a scrillstrosse version sword on the ground and rushes to the beast."

James: - I'm shaking .. besides, this insect made me feel that revolutionary shit. "begins to be angry and forces his fists to bleed."

during this time the beast fights against arming it, four soldiers goes in front of the scaly with spears scrolls in the group about sixty soldiers, his tail is gigantic he will then move it extremely quickly in a circular way that will cut the four soldier with their spear, their chopping body will fall slowly ..

a Soldier with a Brown Hammer darken in scrillstrosse: Yaaaah "He then bangs the earth with his hammer and this will cause a big shake to then create some hands of earth who will try to seize the Scaly, Unfortunately the Scaly will disappear quickly in front of this same soldier quickly tearing his head with one hand and then crush his head like a grape."

Soldier: - yaah

soldier: -yaah

Two soldiers appear with a scrillstrosse in the shape of an axe each, one on the right and the other on the left the scaly will move very quickly his tale, that will cut vertically on the left and horizontally on the right. Nathan is behind him, the Scaly will move his tail very quickly Nathan is behind, the Scaly he will move his tail quickly Nathan will see that his tail will multiply so much that he moves quickly, Nathan will take a big step back on the quote and project his sword on the scaly, then try to cut in two Nathan. everything happens behind the scaly without him looking.

Brooooooouh "impact."

Nathan: - hmm you saved me Edward.

Edward: - I had no choice,"Edward's ability is teleportation and portal creation that's how he saved Nathan. He has short brown hair, blue eyes, a black jacket with a white camisole."your discourse has a little bit vexed him.

Nathan: -hmm?

Edward: -But at least he's bearing fruit .. The cavalry is coming.

The flaky: hooh

Ten soldiers will go on the Scale, a soldier sends a big electric discharge with his scrillstrosse- version sword ves the scaly, will disappear before Edward crack appears on the ground.

haaoho "He'll just raise his arm quickly and it'll make a boom on the floor."

"boom" it will send a discharge of energy of black color around the beast that there is a black strosse .

-Warning! "a lot of ducking and Edward appears behind the scaly with a scrillstrosse version sword he makes a circular shot to slice the head of the scaly ... the scaly will move his arm quickly it will cause an impact, the scaly stop his attack with his fingers it will crack his scrillstrosse after breaking his sword, turning around to punch him when something goes fast on him making him two steps backwards.

The scaly -haoooah "Baltazar has a scrillstrosse sword in his hand his arm rotates continuously.

Baltazar: -Takes this!

"The ability of Baltazar is to be able to turn these joints to infinity like a puppet, He can also remake every muscle of his body, better known as Berserker, his other ability is to rebuild each of these bones in more powerful, moreover, he can create tales all over his body and finally these lines are as hard as a diamonds. "

Many mutants will then jump on the beast all around her, the beast will then get down on all fours and she will spin his tail quickly cutting all those who jump. The end of the scrillstrosse who took the scaly hard is breaking. "Batazar is going to look at his weapon."

hmm "the flaky is in front of Baltazar and he will give him a big punch the impact will make him spit blood and him fly very far hitting several trees in the distance."

James: -You are dead .. "a knife filled with electricity goes back to the beast, the scaly will hit the knife to make him deviate from his trajectory.Then several rocks will begin to go towards the beast in rotation very quickly thus creating an electric wall around him..

the Scaly: -haooh "He will touch the wall and will receive a shock, in addition a small rock will go to him he cuts after it sticks him after, then a big rock will run down him from behind this time he will move so fast that it will disappear, the soldiers will look at it, they will go back to the beast but not go back to the song of strength, rocks will follow the beast. "

James: - It's the coffin of death .. "The two parts of rocks are sliced more then deteriorates in his hand because of the strosse of the man-Lezard all his strosse will begin to take extend all the surrounding rocks will all darken on the scaly at the same time on all sides, when it hits the scaly it will cause a huge explosion."


-Is he dead?

James: -No he's still alive it's a pure monster.

"The Scabbard appears in front of James and tries to grab his head but a soldier with two scrillstrosse version epee blocks his blow however he will fly on James very far.Other soldiers will face the beast the scaly will move his tail very quickly and cut them off. "

Nathan: - Dirty monster .. "He walks with a scrillstrosse knife trying to stab the scaly unfortunately his arm will be cut off in half" aaaaaaaarrghouahahahaha

Baltazar will jump and use these tail like a weapon the scaly is not going to be there, he'll be behind Baltazar, he'll give him a slap in the back hanging in the area that will make him crash like a meteorite crashing on Earth.

Edward: - It's over for you! "He is behind the scaly he touches it and both disappear."

Edward reappears touching the scaly and disappears after reappearing alone.

-Where is he?

Edward: - In the sky, in the clouds very high ..

Baltazar: -The clouds ..

A great soldier speaks but no one understands so he passes a stone that gives them a shock. He communicates while moving before understanding their situation when suddenly the scaly reappears in the sky flying with his strand that he uses on these feet which project it like a rocket on the ground ...

Brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooumghoooooo "Its close to a cliff."

Elianor: - I don't believe this calamity .. "tremble" I can't do anything ..

"The scaly will pick up a scrillstrosse and then put his strosse, After that he will create a gigantic ball strosse that will decimate most of the remaining forty soldiers and some mutant will eventually die, after that Nathan will push him holding him by the cliff with one arm and the other soldier will do the same, remaining soldiers."