
Chapter 11:the return of Nathan

Meanwhile, Kev is sitting on the tiger-man who is filled with blood. he has his eyes shut the tiger-man is driving on the ground.

Kev: -What a boredom !! Clone-Bill and Jay have to fight, big opponents while I'm happy with a weak ...

Gaspar and the other tiger-man look at him from the house in a balcony.

Tiger-man: - Maybe we should train the strongest and leave the weakest to our apprentices. They aren't yet ready to train Nisvesians.

Gapar: - They aren't Nisvesians.

The tiger-man group: -How?

Tiger woman: What did you say master?

Gaspar: -First on all , the Nisvesians know how to use the scrillstrosses of their early childhood, they just learned the operation. Secondly, they have special abilities without using their strosse for example: the woman we saw using a viscous liquid and fog, can possibly create water or create a mist with the strosse only the master user of the strosse can use an element without scrolls and I did not feel any big amount of strosse in it ... "The tigers-men look at him in a surprise way." Thirdly, I appreciate it a lot but I've never seen someone who can multiply as he did. The Nisvisians can create clones from their strosse but he has clones that can talk and had their own personality.

Tiger-man: - Now that you say it ..

Gaspar: - Fourthly, some people have the ability to transform because they eat a mythical animal or have mastered the technique of the beast, but they know, they can't master the bestial technique more Nisvesiens are unable to make sure they eat.

Tiger-woman: - Yes, but how does he transform himself then?

Gaspar: -For the mythical animals they don't need the stone to insert strosse in their body. There is some exception but it is rare to see .. And the beastly tectics is a tectic that only those who work very hard their inner strosse can achieved it. You know well ..


Tiger-man: -How is it possible..So ??

Tiger man: -But where do they come from? If they are not Nisvesians ..

A big tiger-man Muscle and big: -The question is who are they?

Gaspar: - I would like to know. But what shocked me the most is the guy who defied me the last time, I shred his arm and today his arm is already warned as if I had never touched it. They are all, very talented their ability to learn is phenomenal given their strength. They will soon be master strosse users. They already manage to hold my apprentices.

Meanwhile, in a place with strange trees, where Nathan is lying on his back with a big sword scrolls back into his back, wakes up and opens an eye he has an arm cut.

Nathan: - I'm bad shit, It hurts, It really hurt! I'm hungry, hmm, hmm, hmm, so hungry. An arm?! must be the arm of the monster. "He has dry lips." If i don't eat i will di .. di..di .. die .. "He starts to crawl to the arm .."

I'm going, I'm here ..I'm almost .. that "He spits blood."

hum mm mm mm mm "he is breathing hard." Hum o ..

He continues to crawl, once arrived Nathan will hang his arm cut the monster, he will start to chew like a starving beast ..

yum, yum, yum aww..The scales are hard, I have to eat the pulpit .. "He takes a sharp triangular shaped rock and will then cut in half his arm he will cut it with one hand and his foot holding back the arm the animal by opening it and then devouring it from the inside of the arm like a beast, after having finished! "

-I must find water, "get up" Aww aww. "He gets up while walking in the jungle with his eyes boring, putting his hand to his belly, treading gently, walking a few steps to open his eyes quietly." Water or can I find some. "He looks from the right side but doesn't see anything, then looks to the left side and sees large rocks and water falling like a waterfall but a small waterfall." Water .. "He puts his hand in front of him and trying to grab it in the mini waterfall .. He falls then .. Whew!" He tries to get up with his hands on the ground push up position, he forces to get up, he stands up with difficulty and walk blowing while continuing his way to the mini waterfall. Once he arrived, he grabbed his hands towards the water.

Hehehe "Fill these hands with water and then take a watering glut and put it on the water." Gloup, goup, gloup, Gloup. "After drinking he puts water in his face twice." Eh .. It's refreshing I feel better .. "His heart starts beating fast."

Bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom. "He is beating water! The water changes color instantly. He continues to drink it despite the fact that he has changed color and his eyes are closed and goes through the water. Then open them. " Gloups, wolf, wolf. " Gloups, gloups, gloups. "He stops for a while and continues to drink the water that suddenly changes color his heart will start beating faster and faster." Bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom, bobom.

After that the scrillstrosse, the sword shines on his back and he is going to be absorbed the sword that is on his back. His wound in his back heals. His wound is closing quietly. The scrillstrosse epee is brown.

The pain... I don't feel anything anymore. "His body begins to regenerate quietly and gently. I wonder if the others are well they probably have got out of it?

Hide in a bush in the distance, hiding a shadow of a beast looking at Nathan, she will then smile.

Nathan will then touch his back and will realise that he has nothing on the back not the slightest injury and no scrillstrosse sword back to his back ..

huh, I have nothing like that?

A shadow is fast approaching him. He's going to charge ... Nathan didn't look at the animal running behind him. Nathan didn't look at the beast coming towards him behind him. Nathan is going to roll on his left and the monster will run on the rocks destroying them dodging his attack by kneeling on the ground with his back bent.

Don't underestimate me, I am stronger than I look .. "The beast turns around and sees a dinosaur with scales and fur, like the T-Rex with beastly legs." Dinosaurs haven't been removed? I wonder where I am? "The dinosaur leapt at Nathan will jump on the right side of the beast, the beast will close his mouth at the same time, he dodges the monster's load, the beast will look at him from the corner of the eye and see in the distance that Nathan is still in the area because of his jump and the beast will give him a diagonal shot that will be thrown in the air.Nathan revolves in the area and hits a large tree branch breaking it quickly and turns while revolting...

making a catching spin a branch he was going to hit holding it to a hand like a monkey. "How strong he is I think I have a lot of trouble defeating him." A spider stings his hand, this spider is the size of my hand. "It's poisoning hmm it should not be too serious because my ability ...

Thanks to a little reminder Nathan's ability is the invulnerability to disease, virus or toxins of any kind, we can say that his body adapts. On the other hand, he only adapts his body to resist the toxin. His second ability is that out of the ordinary super soldier strength the more the fight is prolonged and the more his strength increases.

The dinosaur leapt towards Nathan, Nathan will let go of the branch by swaying from behind. The dinosaur will eat the branch!

Ho! "He's going to land on the ground when suddenly another dinosaur is going to jump to eat Nathan behind him, Nathan will dodge, leaping to his right as he rolls to the ground because of the jump. "Like an aura." Nathan will pounce on the beast to punch him to impale the creature.

-Grouar "Nathan will eventually withdraw his hand from the monster and step back with a big step."

Nathan: -His skin is not solid yet I felt they were tough opponents ..

there's other dinosaurs appearing in this jungle that is out of the ordinary strosse appears around the animals, Nathan force eyes and scales appears and a crystal quill on him to then warn.

Hmm .. "notice that his appearance has changed and jumps." Since when I have scales and this tail, she looks like the monster that left me for dead. A dinosaur attacks him with a stroke of his tail that Nathan will duck him by leaning forward and then move towards the same dinosaur that attacked him. When he is close enough, he will return his attack against him in the heart of the beast after pulling out his tail by cutting the torso of the monster on the side.

-Grouargh! "He falls"

Another dinosaur goes to the charge very quickly trying to bite Nathan. He dodges while spinning on himself with his tail that hits the dinosaur cutting his leg.

Grouargh "Another dinosaur goes behind Nathan trying to eat him, Nathan bends his head and looks forward to give a back kick to the dinosaur or his jawbone, the dinosaur will bite his tongue to revolve. fly to another dinosaur, another in front of him tries to eat him, Nathan will jump up the head of the dinosaur putting his hand on the head of the beast that will close his mouth, then his arm cut will regenerate and then he will move his arm."

Nathan: -my arm .. "He will eventually kill several dinosaurs dodging their shot cutting with his tail, his hands and legs.

-Grouargh "all the other dinosaurs will shake a big shake happens, a tremor will then be felt through the animals.

Bom, Bom, Bom, footsteps, the dinosaurs still freeze in front of Nathan, Nathan turns his head from left to right but sees nothing bom turns around to see a beast.

Small descriptions of the animal in question, the creature has 8 legs of fellins she is black with orange and red stripes she has saber teeth felin eyes and 5 small long tails. The beast is 30 meters height

Nathan: -It's that brothel? "The three tails of the beast are going to take dinosaurs, he's going to bring them to his mouth to eat them." Hmm..How am I conquering monster .. "He slaps himself." Beh I'm not deflating. The escape for a mutant is a disgrace

Dinosaur: -Grouargh!

Dinosaur: -Grouargh!

Dinosaur: -Grouargh!

Dinosaur: -Grouargh!

Dinosaur: -Grouargh!

Nathan: -But how I'm going to feel defeat her. "Dinosaurs will begin to fly because of they were fearing the creature." Hmm they run away ...

His tails stick together between him to form one he will swing dinosaurs that flies away at once. They were behind the beast and are cut by his attack that generates a big wind sweep carrying a lot of trees with his attack ..

What a jolt .. "He sees gigantic trees being uprooted, and the monster is going to look at Nathan while starving."

Beast: -Raaaaa "awful growl."

Nathan: -It's coming! "The beast gets in front of Nathan with his cue, Nathan dodges his attack by jumping into the area from behind quickly despite the attack of the monster that was dodged, Nathan revolves very quickly because of the wind pressure causing his tail produces.

Nathan: -Raaaha. "He destroys big trees in his flight at the end, he hits a big tree and pierces it and then pierces six other trees." Hmm. "He will spit blood." It's a monster..

In the distance the beast looks towards his direction. She will then generate strands around her armor of aura of wind will appear. A wind spheres appear around the beast as when a warplane flies away when it runs very fast to Nathan.

Damn, could I dodge it. "He jumps to the right of the wild beast dodging the beast but he gets windy because of the speed of the creature and it tears a part of Nathan's belly and fly very far through the rear pierce several trees to finally fall into a large river of multicolored color.

Splash. "He fainted afterwards because of the impact of the blow."