
The Big Move In!

"hmm... this street looks a little confusing"

It's been about 20 minutes since I left to go to my new house, but I am pretty sure that I have just been driving around in circles.

Turn right on McAllen Avenue... your destination is on your left! Voices out the final few instructions made by my GPS.

"hmm... Is this even the right place?" I wonder the moment I turn around the street. What I expected to see was a slightly larger house than what I lived in before, considering how Dad and Mrs. Rachel have thirteen children. However, what I did not expect was a building that is three stories high, and a lawn big enough to fit five-six cars. The building itself looked as if it was a grand hotel or a mansion of some sort, and considering the neighborhood it is in a very rich community, it's clear how Dad is just showing off his money.

"I can almost see him making a big name plate in front of the house saying 'AUSTEN'S MANOR! MANOR OF A PROUD BUSINESSMAN' or something" I say to no one in particular. In all honesty though, that idea itself makes me laugh out loud.

I slowly drive towards the front of the house, where a large black gate was enclosed. I decided it is better to park my car on the street close by, and got out to see if anyone is around.

"Maybe it's better to call Richard, like Dad said. He did say he was staying home to help me move in today." I pick up my phone, and start to dial in his number. Richard Austen is Dad's eldest son, apparently working as a Pediatrician. Ever since the whole idea of moving came about, Richard made sure to call me and see if I had everything I need to make my move-in happen smoothly. It is a little weird to admit but, the more I interacted with Richard, the more it felt like we were real siblings.

I wonder how I should address them?

"Hello? Sana?" calls out the voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, I just called to confirm the house. I believe I am in the neighborhood"

"Ah I see! I will come out in just a sec. Please wait outside" he says in a cheery voice.

"Hey! Are you going to see big sis! I want to come too!" calls out another voice from the background. Considering the tone, I am guessing it is the youngest son Derek, around twelve years old I think.

I chuckle a little, "alright thank you! I appreciate it"

Just within five minutes the call ended, the black gate in front of me opens wide, revealing a tall man that looks in his early thirties and a small boy about eleven or twelve. The man was wearing a light blue collared shirt, and khaki pants, and had hair neatly parted to one side. He has a warm and inviting look on his face, that would definitely make all the kids approach him without a fear. Beside him, the little boy was looking around frantically until his and my eyes met.

"Big sis?" he squeaks out with a wide grin on his face, and runs towards me.

"Derek right?" I ask him with a smile on my face, standing straighter from before. I must admit it, the boy is very adorable looking, with his black shorts and his Pokémon t-shirt. His hair curls are all wild and look soft to touch.

"Yep! It's so nice to see you Big Sis! I am so excited to show you around the house and my video games and everything! Wait... you like video games right?" goes on Derek asking me a million questions too fast for me to answer. I chuckle at his excitement.

"It is nice to meet you too." I say patting him on his head.

"Derek! What did I say? Don't bug her too much with your questions like that, you don't want to leave a bad impression, do you?" calls out Richard's voice behind him, as he approaches us closer. " I am sorry about that Sana, Derek is a little brat sometimes" he says smiling towards me.

"Oh no! its alright haha. It's nice to know someone's excited to have me around" I say expressing my feelings honestly. It is true though. Ever since I was young, the only person who I knew that waited me back at home was Dad. Even then, most of the times he wasn't around, making it quite lonely to stick around the house with no one to talk to, except my own thoughts. Even though I knew Dad had important matters to deal with, or the fact that he was keeping me a secret from his other family, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely sometimes.

Now! my heart feels warm just knowing that someone like Derek or Richard are waiting for me back at home, and are excited to know about me.

"of course! We are all very excited to have you around. We heard so much about you." says Richard smiling warmly towards me.

"thank you, Richard. I am happy to finally meet all of you as well"

"Big sis! Let's go inside! Come on!" calls out Derek next to me, who is now holding my left arm, almost hugging it.

"ah.. um, yeah let's go! I just need to bring my car in" I say nervously. Why am I getting all nervous for?

"sure! let's go together!" says Derek excitedly.

"Derek... what did I say just now?" rebukes Richard again halting his younger brother in his tracks.

"hmph...fine..." says Derek pouting a little. Oh no! looks like I made him sad!

"Alright Sana, hurry in so that we can get your stuff to your room soon" smiles Richard towards me pointing towards the black gate. I nod at him, and hurry into my car, driving carefully and slowly, eventually parking the car next to a red Honda Civic.

One might look at me and think that I am actually all calm and wonderful, but really speaking, my heart is thumping so fast that I might actually pass out from hyperventilating.

Gosh I am so nervous! I wonder what everyone will think? I wonder if I will be able to adjust here soon enough!

Too many thoughts are running in my head that I don't even know what to focus on.