
Day 2

I woke up this morning tired from lack of sleep. I should've slept longer but then again i'm always tired lately. My parents are, like, always away at work when I wake up. The dull roar in my head calling me outside sits at the front of my head, as I occasionally try to shake it away, out of my brain. I do my best to work on my college work, woo online college classes, that is sarcasm by the way. Again I do little work for my college classes and instead daydream of what I saw last night. Looking out the window, while I day dream, this time the sight before me was not that of woods like the view outside my bedroom window, but instead a view of few trees and a lake that expanded out to the highway, where you could just barely see the cars passing by. The lake was frozen over and there was snow on the ground… wait, could there be tracks in the snow from that creature I saw last night!? Wouldn't they look like regular deer tracks? And we throw out old fruit and vegetables over where it was… I think about it for a moment longer and then say screw it and go put on a pair of jeans and socks. 

I dress myself in a pair of nice comfy jeans, that I know will keep me warm at least for awhile, a black shirt with a small golden design on one of the sides, and some strings that cross in the front by the shirt's neck hole, it's supposed to show off my chest a bit but it doesn't really. I find a pair of socks that do not match at all, it's rare when I find a matching pair of socks, today was not the day for them. I look through my sweaters, jackets, hoodies and whatever else and decide to go with a thick black hoodie with a purple hood. I stop by my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror only to see my tired brown/green eyes and unkempt red hair. I remember I have yet to brush my hair today and search for my hairbrush. Finally finishing up everything I need to do before I go out, I tie my hair back with a moon and star hair tie my mom got me for my birthday this year and put on my teal beanie and my old blue and white jacket my dad got me to ensure I was warm while walking to and from the bus stop at my old house. I open the door to the outside and my little dog that is normally quiet and tired is now bouncing and whining waiting for me to open the last door to the outside.

I open the last door that leads outside and my dog rushes out the door, I follow him slowly, closing the doors behind me and letting myself take in the cold fresh air. I let out a deep long breath and then started to walk over to where I saw the creature and little lights last night. The roar in my head got louder and louder the closer I got, it also got more clear, less of a roar, more of someone talking to me. It said "There is a story to be told but no one to listen or show the story to, who will listen and who will write my stories down before I can no longer do it myself." It sounded sad but also as if it was talking in riddles. I responded out loud to test if the roar that is now a voice in my head could hear me clearly as I could now hear it clearly. "Voice in my head I can hear your stories so tell me and I shall write them down for you." I said. I got no response from the voice, it just continued to speak in riddles and sometimes completely different languages that I did not understand or recognize. I sigh to myself, my dog had stopped following me a bit ago when I had to step up a large snow bank, he prefers to stay close to the house in the winter. As I got close to the spot that I had seen the creature I did indeed see fresh deer tracks. I paused for a moment and looked around trying to find anything that looked out of the normal or to see if the creature lingered. I was now concerned and thought myself an idiot for coming out here alone, for I did not know the creature's intentions and I did not know where it had gone. I took one step back and looked around once more before quickly, not running because I know most predators prefer or enjoy the chase or fear that running shows. I briskly walk back to my house, call my dog inside and then grab my journal to write this all down.