
Day 7

It's been a few days since I last wrote in my journal, sorry for that. I have been busy researching about anything and everything that may fit the description of what I saw that night, and of course, I have been busy with my everyday life as well. Many of the books I found were books about creatures called the fae or fairies, I thought there was only one kind of fairy, the little tiny ones with wings on their backs, well turns out there's more and a banshee is technically a fae not a ghost surprisingly. The firefly lights and creature continue to show up some nights some nights the creatures different some nights there are more than one with different forms. I watch them every night, and I can almost swear they feel me watching them but choose to ignore my stare and continue forth with their activities of the night. My dog also seems to want to go outside more often during the night. When I let him out and the creature is out there he runs straight to it, the creature never hurts him but plays with and sometimes looks back at the house as if finally realizing it's even here. I wonder if the creature is friendly towards humans, too? I still feel a pull towards the woods, some things calling to me. My parents never seem to notice the creature, but I've always had my head in the clouds, so maybe my head is trying to add some excitement to my boring everyday life. I think for the rest of the day I'll paint while I decide if this is all in my head or if I should go out there and possibly be proven crazy or have a fun chat with a magical creature.

Later that day

I think I'll go outside tonight.


When my parents went to bed, I went outside. The creature was out there with another creature. My dog ran straight up to them, leaving me behind to walk alone up to them. They looked my way and froze almost like a deer whenever they see a human, I stopped dead in my tracks. We stared at each other for a while, and then they waved for me to come join them. I walked up slowly, taking my time to ensure that if they wanted to run, they still could, and the sound I'vebeenhearingbecamecleareer and louder. . They didn't run, and when I reached them, they greeted me, saying, "Hello." with a smile. I could finally make out what the creatures were even though the light from my house did not reach them, and they were still in the shadows of the night. Both creatures were taller than I, but one had the lower body of a deer while the other looked human except his ears were longer and pointed, his eyes looked almost feline, he had a sense of grace about him. The one with the lower body of a deer said, "Why hello human, you're quite tiny." his friend gave him a disapproving glare, and he just shrugged. "I know I am small, but you're quite tall, actually." I replied. He just chuckled at my reply and said, "Why yes, we are, I suppose. So you've been watching us for a while, why now talk to us?" I nodded while saying, "I finally had the courage and believed I wasn't insane, and something else." I didn't quite want to mention that I could hear someone call me out this way. Both of them chuckled at what I said.