
I Won't Run Away Anymore

In the enchanting realm of the Forest Empire, a war hero named Maximilian and a captivating noble lady, Sienna, fell deeply in love. Their romance blossomed amidst the chaos of battle, their bond forged through shared triumphs and sorrows. However, their happiness was not destined to last. Bitter betrayals and misunderstandings tore the lovers apart, leaving Sienna to reluctantly accept an unhappy marriage to a man she did not love. Maximilian, heartbroken, turned to his loyal comrade-in-arms, Maryanna, and the two wed. Though Maryanna faced hostility from those who coveted Maximilian's affections, her unwavering devotion never wavered. She cherished her husband, determined to mend the rift that had formed between them. Tragically, Maryanna one day witnessed Maximilian and his former lover in a passionate embrace. Consumed by the agony of betrayal, she demanded a divorce, leading to a violent confrontation that left her confined and isolated. In this state of duress, Confined and isolated, Maryanna gave birth to twins. Due to the medicine someone was feeding her, she had a mental break and attempted to harm her own children before narrowly escaping her imprisonment. Wracked with the anguish of her actions, she believes her twins are dead because of her. Maryanna's ultimate fate remains shrouded in mystery, her disappearance leaving those she left behind haunted by whispers of her tragic demise. Will Maryanna's find the strength to overcome her anguish and reclaim her life? Can Maryanna's love for Maximilian withstand the tempestuous storms that have battered their union? is she going to be happy ? or she will go back to her old life ? ( it contains violence) •••••••••••• story "I made a mistake; that's all it was." ~~~~~ "You cannot force me to sleep with you, even if I am your wife." ~~~~~ "No! Please, untie me now!" ~~~~~ "Maryanne, will you marry me?" "Yes, yes, I love you! Yes!" ~~~~~ "He doesn't love you; he loves me!" ~~~~~ "Max, please let me go. I don't want to live like this." ~~~~~ "Do you love me? My love, I know you don't, so please sign this paper." ~~~~~ "Mother-in-law, I did not kill my children! I did not hurt them. Max, please believe me!"

Reveries_ · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Fairy tale

Once upon a time In the magical world of the Empire of Ember, where enchanting landscapes and ancient civilizations coexist, a captivating love story unfolds, painting a vivid tapestry of passion, betrayal, and resilience.

At the heart of this tale is a war hero, a paragon of strength and bravery. With his striking features—a masculine physique, blond hair cascading like golden apple in the myth, and piercing sky blue eyes—he embodies the epitome of charm and allure. But beyond his physical attributes, he possesses a keen intellect . Born into a respected and influential family, he carries himself as a polite gentleman, a devoted son, and a caring brother , a king of people hearts . It is no wonder that he is regarded as the ideal lover.

Opposite him stands the female lead, a vision of beauty with her flowing blond locks and a face that radiates a delicate charm. Her eyes, like the vibrant hue of apples, mirror her gentle and compassionate nature. She embodies both inner and outer loveliness, captivating hearts with her kind and saintly demeanor. Together, this couple seems destined to be the embodiment of a perfect union, a love story whispered upon the lips of all who know them.

Yet, despite their seemingly idyllic relationship, their romance takes an unexpected turn when a fiery argument erupts between them, leading to a painful breakup. Driven by a desire to evoke jealousy, the female lead, in a moment of recklessness, kisses another man right before the male lead's eyes. This act of betrayal ignites a flame of anger within the war hero, pushing him to propose to one of his loyal soldiers—a woman with brown hair, brown eyes, and a quiet strength that belies her unconventional beauty. In moments of combat, she sheds her reserved demeanor and becomes a woman of fierce determination.

Motivated by her own thirst for revenge, the female lead decides to embrace merriage as well, venturing into an unhappy marriage. The male lead's new wife faces relentless hostility from others, subjected to cruel insults such as "ugly duckling," "thief," and "slut." To compound her suffering, her in-laws make her life unbearable, tormenting her due to her background as a soldier. Despite the cruel treatment, she clings to the belief that her husband's love for her persists, drawing solace from his words.

However, her world shatters when she witnesses her husband passionately kissing his former lover. Overwhelmed by feelings of betrayal and despair, she demands a divorce, only to be met with her husband's refusal. Unyielding in her determination, she confronts him about the indiscretion, only to face a dismissive claim that it was a mistake, before he callously walks away. Resolute in her pursuit of freedom, she turns to her disdainful in-laws, aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Unexpectedly, they vehemently oppose her wishes, further entangling her in a web of complications.

Refusing to succumb to fear and intimidation, she gathers her strength and signs the divorce papers, sending them to her husband. Consumed by anger, her husband violently throws the papers, escalating into a physical altercation that leaves her unconscious. Filled with remorse and alarm, he calls for a doctor, and to everyone's astonishment, they discover that she is pregnant—a revelation that defies the belief that she was infertile. Although her husband finds solace in the unexpected pregnancy, hoping it will bind her to him, she has different plans. Determined not to remain trapped in a loveless marriage, she makes the heart-wrenching decision not to keep the child.

In response to her defiance, her husband locks her away in a desolate room, subjecting her to a life of misery and isolation. As her mental state deteriorates, she battles her inner demons, attempting to harm herself, only to be thwarted by those who surround her, restraining her from her own destruction. In this distressing state, she gives birth to twins—a boy and a girl—both bearing an uncanny resemblance to her husband. Overwhelmed by fear and unable to accept the children as her own, she try to hurt the babies . However, her husband, in an effort to confine her, wraps her in restraints, effectively imprisoning her and reducing her existence to that of a lifeless figure.

Years pass, and she remains confined, living in a state akin to a corpse. Yet, one fateful day, the flame of her resilience is reignited. Summoning every ounce of courage, she escapes the clutches of her torment, leaving behind a life of despair and desolation. The story, shrouded in mystery, fails to unveil her ultimate fate, but whispers and rumors permeate the air, suggesting that her husband may have silenced her forever, erasing her presence from the annals of history.

"So is she dead?" The little girl inquired, her innocent voice filled with curiosity, "Is she really dead?" The woman, engrossed in her task of cleaning the floor, glanced at the girl and offered a gentle smile. "Who can say for sure? It was 9 years ego " she replied. "It's merely a tale a gossip, after all," she reassured. However, the little girl remained dissatisfied with this response. "But why?" she persisted, her tone irresistibly adorable. "Why, you ask? My lady, I simply don't have the answer," the woman replied, maintaining her cheerful countenance.

The little girl, filled with frustration and sadness, turned to her maid, Mary. "Mary, why didn't they marry each other if they loved each other? They had the freedom to choose love, but instead, they ruined their relationship. Your home country is so weird. in the Empire of Lily, people like me are forced into engagements with strangers. but in ember empire they are using people to live a life they don't want. It's so sad."

Mary, understanding the girl's emotions, tried to offer some perspective. "My lady, love is a complicated and unpredictable thing. Sometimes, despite having feelings for each other, circumstances arise that make it difficult or impossible for people to be together. It's unfortunate that in the Empire of Lily, arranged marriages can overshadow the freedom to choose one's own path."

The little girl's teary eyes revealed her deep concern as she asked, "But do you think she's happy? I wonder if leaving her baby has made her unhappy. A mother never forgets her children, right?"

Mary knelt down, embracing the little girl tightly. "You are right, my lady. A mother's love is usually unwavering, and she holds her children dear to her heart. However, we must consider that there might be circumstances we don't fully understand that led her to make such a difficult choice."

The little girl's anger mixed with her sadness as she exclaimed, "Do you think my mother misses me too, Mary?" Her voice trembled with a mix of longing and pain.

Mary gently wiped away the girl's tears and held her even closer. "Of course, my lady. Your mother loved you deeply, and it's likely that she still does. Sometimes life takes us on unexpected paths, but a mother's love can endure through it all."

" But marry do I have to see my fiancee " little girl said.

" Yes my lady, don't worry too much. " merry reply.

The little girl felt a glimmer of comfort in Mary's words, but her anger still lingered. "At least you're here with me, Mary. I know you don't like the people of the Ember Empire, but please don't leave me alone with him." Her voice quivered with a mixture of vulnerability and defiance.

Mary's expression softened, understanding the girl's need for support. "I will never leave your side, my lady. And you won't be alone. Meg will accompany you."

The girl's anger flared, and she lashed out in frustration. "I don't want Meg! I want you, Mary! You're the only one who understands me!"

Mary held her lady tighter, her voice filled with reassurance. "I apologize, my lady, but I cannot do it. I'm sorry," she said. The maid interjected, "My lady, you two can simply have a conversation." The lady sighed, expressing her concerns, "But Mary, I don't even know his name or his family name. All I know is that he is only 10 years old." The maid was taken aback, surprised by the revelation that he was two years younger than her Lady. "Mary, please," the lady pleaded. "Yes, my lady, I find it difficult to refuse your requests," Mary conceded.

I don't know how many of you will read this book of mine, but I don't care. When I get bored, I write. So, here's another story that I've created.

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