

Immediately he said his name, I noticed the name plate on his table. " Nice to meet you sir ."

"Nice to meet you too. By the way , nice dress . Is it one of your designs ? "

" Yes sir " I said wondering why he was asking .

" You do have potentials . "

"Thank u sir"

" Since you are such a good designer, I would like you to design a dress for my daughter . It gonna determine if you're staying . If my daughter loves the dress , you're gonna get a bonus . I might even forget that you were late today but if she hates it , out you go. Let me warn you , she is hard to please. Do you understand ? "

' For a man with such a personality, this man does speak a lot words ' I thought to my self . My thoughts were disturbed when I had him say

" I said do you understand ? "

I took a deep breath and replied " Yes sir . Sir , how am I gonna see her ? "

He dialed a number on the telephone and spoke into the receiver when the call went through "Send her to my office now "

Few minutes later, someone knocked on the door .Without even waiting for a "come in" , the door opened and a girl about eight years of age came in and walked towards Mr Luke Brown.

" Daddy, you called for me " she said when she got to the CEO's table.

"Yes, I did " he replied . I noticed he face was filled with warmth .

" Why did you call me ? "

"Sweetheart , meet the new designer , Miss Emma Daniels . She's gonna design a new dress for you ."

She turned around and said " Hi , I'm Alexandra Brown. I hate long dresses and I love to look good. Bear that in mind . I hope your designs are as good as they say it is . I wouldn't want you to end up like the designer before you ."

' Why do I feel that this child is a lot more scary than her father ' I thought to my self"

We'd be leaving now " Alexandra said to her father . "Okay baby " The CEO replied .

"Good day sir " I said to the CEO.

"Good day "

We left the CEO's office and took the elevator to the second floor. We then turned towards the right and walked straight down till we got to a office. Alexandra opened the door and went in . " This is your new office . This is where you're gonna design clothes. You are expected to design at least ten dresses every month which will be presented to daddy at the end of every month. Since you're gonna design a dress for me, that can wait till you're done with my dress. " Alexandra said to me.

"Yes Miss " I replied

" Good. Take my measurement. I don't wanna wait here any longer . "

"Yes Miss"

I take her measurement and soon she leaves