

I sit in my chair while taking in the view of my office. The walls were painted pink with some touch of black and yellow. I could see the traffic from a glass wall . There were drawing books, pencils, markers, chalk , brown papers, thread , some needles , tape measure and a pair of scissors on a table not far from the glass wall. There were some mannequins in the office. There was also a drawing table .

' I'd better start thinking of a dress for Miss Alexandra ' . I took out a drawing book and began drawing my designs. ' Maybe she'll love a pink short gown with a huge bow at the back and some be__' My thoughts were interrupted when the phone on my drawing table rang.


" I called to talk about that dress you're gonna make me . I hate pink and any other bright colours. I also hate bows and anything that gonna make me look childish ."

"Okay miss"

" So don't u dare design any dress that has any of the things I hate or you'd kiss your job good bye ."

" Yes Miss. I won't___"

" I'm still speaking. Don't interrupt me again . I hope you understand what I've said to you "

"Yes Miss Alexandra"

" Good day "

I hang up the call and look at my drawing book.

" I'm sorry but I have to dispose you. You would have turned out amazing but the little boss hates pink and bows. "

I tear off the sheet from the drawing book.

I'm so sorry about updating now. I can't seem to find any inspiration at all. I'm not into designing but I hope this chapter is okay.

Dahrybolacreators' thoughts