
I Will Follow You to the End, Like I Always Have

Third time’s the charm! I apologized for all the confusing uploads from me. I finally got the account and fanfic setting right this time. This is the one where I will continue to upload future chapters. This is my Marvel's Eternals storyline rewrite. And currently is 1 chapter per week every Saturday. Hope you guys enjoy and happy reading!

Astronius · Filme
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18 Chs


As you descended upon the entrance of the hanging garden, a tranquil oasis suspended amidst the chaos of the outside world, a sense of trepidation gripped you. Aware of the sanctity of Ajak's meditation, you hesitated, fearing that your presence might disrupt her profound communion with the universe. Determined not to disturb her, you made a deliberate choice to traverse the lush expanse of the garden, allowing the vibrant tapestry of blooming flora and the gentle rustle of leaves to guide your path.

As the golden sun began its descent, casting its warm, honeyed glow upon the garden, your gaze fell upon Ajak, ensconced in serene tranquility. In a departure from her usual cosmic armor and regal crown, she adorned herself in the flowing attire of Babylonian locals, seamlessly blending with the historical tapestry of the sacred place. The moment your footsteps reached her ears, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a depth of wisdom and compassion within. A radiant smile graced her countenance, illuminating the garden with its sheer warmth and grace.

"Seidon," she greeted. "Ajak," As the syllables of your names intertwined in the air, a palpable connection resonated between you and Ajak. With a graceful inclination of your body, you crossed your right arm over your chest, paying homage to the customs of respect and honor. Ajak, the embodiment of grace and leadership, reciprocated the gesture, acknowledging the shared bond between you.

In silent harmony, she beckoned you to join her on a journey through the mystical haven that encompassed the hanging garden. Step by step, your feet treading upon the verdant tapestry beneath, the two of you traversed the meandering paths, flanked by an array of vibrant blooms and lush foliage. Time seemed to bend and weave around you, as if the world itself held its breath in reverence of this profound encounter.

Side by side, you moved with synchronicity, the gentle rustle of leaves accompanying your footsteps. Each turn revealed new wonders as fragrances mingled in the air, evoking a sensory symphony of nature's beauty. As the garden unfolded before your very eyes, a tapestry of colors and scents, it mirrored the connection between you and Ajak—an unspoken understanding and a shared purpose that bound you together.

As you stood amidst the ethereal beauty of the hanging garden, the weight of recent events rested upon your shoulders. With a measured voice, you relayed the outcome of the Deviant's assault to Ajak, the leader of your celestial family. The words spilled forth, carrying the weight of both relief and concern.

"We have taken care of the assault on the city," you began, your tone filled with a mixture of determination and weariness. "Most of the humans emerged unharmed, their lives spared from the chaos that ensued. However, a few unfortunate souls suffered injuries during their desperate escape." You paused momentarily, the gravity of the situation etched across your face. "Sersi has taken charge, guiding the wounded to the alchemists who now possess the knowledge to tend to their afflictions."

Ajak's gaze, both perceptive and empathetic, never wavered as she regarded you. Concern laced her words as she inquired about your own well-being, delving beneath the surface of your stoic facade. The question hung in the air, a silent invitation to reveal the toll that had been exacted upon you.

"And how about you?" Ajak's voice was a gentle reassurance, urging you to open up, to relinquish the burden you carried alone.

You hesitated, grappling with the impulse to shield your vulnerability. But before you could respond, Ajak's voice, firm yet tender, pierced through your defenses, giving you permission to be honest. She understood the weight you bore, and her words were a salve for your weary soul.

"You don't need to hide it from me," she asserted, her unwavering gaze a testament to the trust and understanding that existed between you.

In that moment, the weight you carried, the physical and emotional toll, became undeniable. The ache in your voice betrayed the strain you had concealed. Ajak stood as your beacon, offering solace and support amidst the storm.

The moment Ajak's words settled in the air, a searing pain coursed through your chest, an unwelcome reminder of the immense strain your powers had endured. The metallic tang of blood tainted your mouth, an undeniable sign of the toll it had taken on your physical form. The frequency of the Deviants' assaults on the city had escalated, pushing you to your limits as you unleashed your healing abilities in an unprecedented manner, weaving cosmic energy to mend the wounds of countless humans simultaneously.

Ajak, the steadfast leader who understood the depths of your powers, was the sole confidant of your unique healing gift, complementing your elemental prowess. Together, you possessed the ability to mend wounds, but your strength lay in healing many at once, an ability that came with its own inherent vulnerability. The weakness in your power became apparent—a delicate balance between mending and self-inflicted harm. It was a secret shared solely between you and Ajak, an unspoken agreement to protect the family from this knowledge.

As the pain surged, its intensity growing unbearable, your knees weakened, and you struggled to hide the crimson stain that could give away the severity of your state. The world around you seemed to blur, swaying and swirling as if mocking your faltering equilibrium. Desperately, you reached out, clutching at the earth beneath you, hoping to soften the impending collapse. And amidst this chaos, an instant of vulnerability, a trickle of blood began to escape from the corner of your mouth, a somber reminder of your wounds. In that instant, Ajak swiftly moved to your side, her unwavering presence shielding you from further harm.

"Seidon, look at me," Her voice, steady and soothing, pierced through the haze that clouded your senses, urging you to focus. "Listen to my voice..." Cosmic energy emanated from her hands, illuminating the space between you. With deliberate care, she brought her hands closer to the sides of your face, captivating your attention, grounding you in the present moment.

In mere seconds, a remarkable transformation unfolded. The pain relinquished its grip, gradually subsiding like an ebbing tide. Clarity returned to your vision, chasing away the fog that had encased your senses. Vitality surged through your veins once more, rekindling the dwindling flame of strength within you. Ajak's outstretched hands offered an anchor of support, a lifeline to pull you upright once more.

"Thank you, Ajak." A sense of secrecy enveloped the atmosphere as Ajak raised an important concern, questioning if others were aware of your extraordinary healing ability. In response, you simply nodded, confirming that the knowledge of your power remained concealed from the rest. Ajak's voice carried a note of caution, emphasizing the need for utmost discretion, urging you to limit the use of your gift to situations of necessity.

"Good, keep it between you and me on a need-to-know basis," Ajak warned, underscoring the significance of maintaining confidentiality. Aware of the weight of their advice, you assured Ajak of your understanding, acknowledging their counsel with a firm, "Understood." However, as you began to rise from your seat, Ajak instructed you to stay put momentarily.

"Stay here, I just need to give the report to Arishem before we attend the party."

With a silent affirmation, you inclined your head and positioned yourself to the side, maintaining close proximity to Ajak as she engaged in a dialogue with Arishem. Though your collective purpose, alongside the others, was to safeguard humanity from the malevolent Deviants, a clandestine duty had been entrusted to you specifically by the Prime Celestial—protecting Ajak, the revered Prime Eternal. Bound by a sense of reverence and discretion, you averted your gaze, respectfully turning away to give Ajak the necessary space for her interaction. Aware of the importance of confidentiality, you found solace in the fact that your unwavering loyalty lay with Ajak alone.

The air grew heavy with anticipation, punctuated by the silent exchange of words between Ajak and Arishem. In a gesture of utmost respect, you maintained your diverted gaze until a resonant exhalation, emanating from Ajak herself, reached your ears. The sound prompted you to pivot back, your attention fully redirected towards Ajak, prepared to receive the outcome of her exchange with the commanding presence of Arishem.

"Are you alright?" Concern etched across your face, you couldn't help but inquire about Ajak's well-being, a tinge of worry evident in your voice. The momentary exhaustion that flickered across her visage didn't escape your notice, prompting your inquiry.

"I'm okay..." Ajak's response carried a hint of reassurance, although her voice trailed off into silence as she drew in a series of deep breaths, replenishing her energy reserves. It was precisely at that juncture when the distant sounds of revelry reached your ears, permeating the atmosphere with a contagious spirit of merriment. Ajak, donning a smile that masked any residual fatigue, beckoned you to join in the imminent festivities.

"Come, I think the party is about to start. We best not miss it," she urged, gracefully setting forth in the direction of the melodious strains wafting through the air. Responding with a nod of understanding, you fell into step behind Ajak, maintaining a close proximity as you traversed down the stairs, leading back into the vibrant heart of Ishtar City.

Here, in the aftermath of yet another victorious encounter against the relentless Deviants, it had become a cherished tradition to celebrate exuberantly. The city thrived with life, its residents reveling in the triumph, and the anticipation of the upcoming soirée cast an enchanting aura. Descending amidst the jovial chaos, your eyes were captivated by the sight of children, their youthful exuberance filling the air with contagious laughter. Their carefree merriment touched both your hearts, momentarily easing the weight of the arduous day. As you opened your mouth, preparing to speak to Ajak, the arrival of another group of exuberant children interrupted your words. Amidst the commotion, a little Babylonian girl seized hold of your forearm, her excitement palpable as she beckoned you to join the celebration. Glancing towards Ajak, her smile served as a silent affirmation, signaling for you to follow the eager child. Ajak's voice, filled with assurance and trust, reached your ears.

"Go, I'll be right behind." With a grateful smile, you accepted the invitation, prepared to immerse yourself in the joyous revelry, while Ajak lingered momentarily before joining in the jubilation that awaited.

Under the golden hues of the rising sun, casting a warm glow over the city, the central square had transformed into a vibrant tapestry of human celebration. Groups of lively individuals had gathered, their voices mingling with the jubilant ambiance. Clutching a brimming pint of beer in your hand, a radiant smile adorned your face as you seamlessly transitioned from one festive cluster to another. The Eternals, in their timeless wisdom, had not only bestowed upon humanity the means to protect themselves from the Deviants but had also instilled within them the art of revelry.

Amongst the revelers, one group reveled in the exquisite flavors of fine brews, their laughter resonating through the air. In another cluster, your eyes locked onto Sersi, her effervescent presence a magnet for the joyous throng of children surrounding her. Not far away, Druig lingered in a corner, his mischievous grin hinting at the antics unfolding within a group of humans engaged in a spirited drinking contest. Makkari's whereabouts eluded you momentarily, his swift movements perhaps leading him on an exhilarating chase. Positioned at the forefront, Gilgamesh and Kingo occupied the prime seats, immersed in the captivating tale spun by Sprite, recounting the day's arduous battle with the Deviants in epic fashion. Their rapt attention mirrored the mesmerized expressions of the enraptured audience, each listener hanging onto Sprite's words as if etching the saga into their very souls.

Amidst Sprite's captivating narrative, the atmosphere crackled with mirth and camaraderie, each member of the group drawn into the tale of the day's Deviant assault. However, the lighthearted ambiance took an unexpected turn when Gilgamesh, driven by a mischievous impulse, attempted to squeeze onto the already occupied seat beside Kingo. In a moment of clumsiness, he stumbled, causing a splash of beer to cascade towards Kingo's direction. Yet, with remarkable agility, Kingo swiftly evaded the deluge, skillfully dodging the cascading liquid that threatened to drench him. Aware of his close call, Kingo couldn't help but express his amusement and bemusement.

"There are so many other chairs, man. You know, I could use my powers..." he began, his voice slightly muffled as Gilgamesh playfully nudged the gunslinger's head beneath his elbow, creating an impromptu game of friendly banter. Gilgamesh, with a playful glint in his eyes, intentionally ruffled through Kingo's hair with his colossal palm, reveling in the joviality of the moment. As Kingo, attempting to protect his meticulously styled hair, called out for assistance, his gaze caught yours, a plea for rescue echoing in his gesture as he extended his hand towards you.

"Seidon, help me!" he implored, momentarily seeking refuge from the playful antics of the hulking and seemingly inebriated Gilgamesh. With a chuckle that merged into the chorus of laughter reverberating throughout the festive gathering, you witnessed Kingo's plea being drowned out by the buoyant rhythm of the party music, his words lost in the joyous cacophony that encapsulated the grand celebration.

The symphony of laughter and celebration echoed through the air, filling every nook and cranny of the vibrant city square. Amidst the revelry, your attention was drawn to the approaching figures of Ikaris and Thena, their paths seemingly set towards the city gate. Concern etched across Ikaris' face as he attempted to dissuade Thena from pursuing her mysterious intentions. However, the resolute determination that defined Thena's character prompted her to scoff at Ikaris' plea, brushing off his concerns as she strode past the city gate, vanishing into the enigmatic embrace of the night.

Taking another sip from your jug of beer, you sensed a swift breeze sweeping past you, unmistakably announcing the arrival of Makkari. There she stood, abruptly halting beside the table where Druig was seated, her presence electrifying the air.

"My beautiful Makkari. You're late," Druig, ever the charismatic soul, greeted Makkari with a wry smile, acknowledging her delayed arrival as he raised his jug in a gesture of camaraderie. Leaning against the nearby wall, you watched the dynamic exchange between the two, their interactions seamlessly intertwining with those seated before them.

In the vicinity, a group of humans appeared to teeter on the precipice of confrontation, their tempers flaring. Yet, much to your surprise and amusement, their aggression swiftly transformed into bewildered self-slaps and joyful embraces. It became apparent that Druig's subtle mastery of mind control had diffused the tension, replacing hostility with unanticipated camaraderie. Makkari, ever the accomplice in mischief, joined Druig in this amusing display, their shared mischievous glances and challengingly exchanged looks revealing a silent understanding and agreement.

A chuckle escaped your lips as you witnessed their harmonious accord, an undeniable bond uniting them. Their interplay, infused with an undercurrent of shared mischief, filled your heart with warmth and delight. Their connection, illuminated by the way they looked at each other, sparked an unspoken joy within you, celebrating the unique bond they shared. In that moment, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness for the two mischievous souls, embracing the spirit of revelry and forging connections amidst the exuberant celebration.

As the vibrant festivities continued to unfold in the city square, you had made your rounds to each party group, savoring the last drop of beer from your jug before setting it aside. Amidst the revelry, your attention was drawn to the sight of Ikaris standing beside Ajak, engrossed in a profound conversation following his interaction with Thena. Following their gaze, you observed both of them fixated on Sersi, who gracefully joined the dancing party around the enchanting bonfire. Mesmerized by the joyous spectacle, you immersed yourself in the jubilant atmosphere, relishing the contagious merriment.

However, your reverie was interrupted when Ikaris made his way down the stairs, heading towards the blazing bonfire. Just as you witnessed their departure into the night, Ajak's voice called out to you, pulling you from your thoughts.

"Seidon," Ajak signaled, prompting you to detach yourself from the wall and ascend the stairs to where she stood. Together, you silently watched as Ikaris extended his hand to Sersi, and the two of them strolled toward the city gate, vanishing into the darkness.

"I respect your wisdom, Ajak. But I have noticed something about Ikaris," you hesitated, conveying your concerns delicately. "Celestial smite me if they think I have overstepped the boundaries, but I must share this unease in my heart with you."

Ajak turned to face you directly, her gaze unwavering. "I think you should not encourage him to go down that path with that kind of loyalty," she responded firmly. "With that kind of loyalty, I don't trust him to watch my back. It only makes him dangerous."

"To say he is stubborn is an understatement..." As your words trailed off, you detected a fleeting expression of conflict that flickered in Ajak's eyes, swiftly passing but not escaping your discerning gaze. Ajak turned her gaze back to the vibrant celebration below, exhaling deeply.

"You noticed it too..." Ajak whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the festivities.

"I did," you replied earnestly.

"He flies too high in the sky and cannot see the beauty. I fear that he will hit the ground too hard," Ajak confessed, her concern etched in her voice. "I hope that Sersi will be able to help him see it."

A vivid memory surfaced in your mind—the image of Sersi and Ikaris standing together on the Domo's bridge upon their arrival, their unspoken connection undeniable.

"I hope so too," you murmured, taking a step closer to Ajak, your gaze fixed on the lively celebrations below.

"Whom do you trust then?" Ajak's sudden question caught you off guard, and she tilted her head, curiosity shining in her eyes.

"I trust you, Ajak. And I will follow you to the end," you replied resolutely, your words carrying a profound sense of loyalty and dedication.