
I Will Do What I Want!

Well, here I am. Not sure how things ended up like this, but here I am living my dream in a Magical World! It's Great! I got some OP magic as isekai protagonists generally do, but as with all things there has to be a balance, It is precisely this problem which is giving me headaches.... why, just why DID I HAVE TO BE ROBORN AS A GIRL! Ugh... my head hurts. Whatever. Heroes, Villians, out with them, who gives a shit anyway? I WILL DO WHAT I WANT IN THIS LIFE! (A/N: Don't know if I will do romance or not, there probably will be some elements of it later on, but this is not a romance novel at heart. Hey! WHY CANT THE GENRE JUST BE MAGIC FANTASY! NOT MAGICAL ROMANCE!)

Lozz · Fantasie
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39 Chs


Me: Status

[Name: N/A

Race: Human

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Status: Fetus

Magic Affinity: Space (EX), Time (EX), Fire (SSS), Water (SSS), Wind (SSS), Earth (SSS), Light (SSS), Darkness (SSS), Neutral (EX)

Mana: 1000]

Fuck yeh!!! That's what I wanted to see! I got the cheats like all other protagonists do! This life is going to be awesome!

I know I should be feeling sad about dying and leaving my old life behind, but surprisingly I'm not. Although, I hope my father will be alright. We were always close. Nothing much I can do I'm afraid, although I am fairly sad about it.

Now then, I have quite a bit of time until my birth, either 9 months or 6 months depending on if the old wives tale about 3 month old babies. Either way I have time. I am going to work on my magic.

Hmm... elemental ones including light and darkness can be ruled out because of obvious reasons, not a clue what neutral does, but I'm assuming it's used for either special magic specific to each individual, or used to draw runes. So that's out. That only leaves space and time. I want an inventory like these isekai protagonists, so I think i'll play around with it for a bit.


It's been a few months now, I think, can't really tell the time as a fetus all too well. Although, I have some amazing news! First thing's first, I figured out how the magic works in this world. It's really very simple, all you need is good mana control. First you take the amount of mana you need, change it to the element you want (which is pretty easy, you just think about it), and do what you want with it. Now, imagination isn't a key factor here really, it's all about control. But imagination does play a big part in it as you need to control the magic to do what you want it to do, which can't happen if you don't have a clear image. But, once it happens, the initial image in your head is no longer needed because it's happening and you can see/feel it's effects.

The second big thing I discovered is mana. Mana is magical energy as we all know, however, I can feel it. I'm sure i'll be able to see it too when my eyes develop. Anyway that's not the big news. The discovery of cultivating! Now I learned martial arts in my previous life so I have a great understanding of the human body. I discovered that I can infuse magical energy into myself and absorb it into every part of my 'body'. Every time I do, I become more sensitive to mana up to a point. I think I'm at the maximum sensitivity now, but I'll keep doing it every day from now on as well. I haven't come to a point where I'm at my absorbtion limit yet, so I'll just keep going and see where it leads.


My Birth is coming up! It's getting cramped in here and I can see a little as well. Mostly red, but I can see a little. I've also made new discoveries as well! The first one being that the 'system' I thought I had, is just the status available to everyone. I've heard my mother say status a few times in the past month. Doesn't matter to me though, I have cheat magic!

The most important discovery however, is that I have a magical 'core' I suppose. It formed a week ago, and I found that through it, I can do a few things. Firstly, I can store magic, obviously, secondly, I can both purify and compress my magic core. So basically, I'm a magical cultivator now! Thank god magic doesn't rely on meridians or other such things. But I found out because I've 'upgraded' my magical core from silver, to gold and now it's purple. I think this is the limit, after all, purple is the royal colour. Either that or my body simply cannot upgrade because I now have a fully formed body and that effects me much more than when I was still a fetus. All that's left now is to continue my daily mana absorbtion and be born. Oh, here's my status by the way.

[Name: N/A

Race: Human

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Status: Unborn Baby

Magic Affinity: Space (EX), Time (EX), Fire (SSS), Water (SSS), Wind (SSS), Earth (SSS), Light (SSS), Darkness (SSS), Neutral (EX)

Mana: 15000

Title('s): Creature of Magic]

I got a title as well. Titles don't give bonuses in this world like they do in games, and there's also no such thing as skills, otherwise I would get a skill tab with Mana Control as a skill. Such as appraisal from novels. At least I don't think there are. Im Finally being born, I'm sooooo bored, See you after my birth!


The time has finally come! This cramped space has been getting quite annoying for a few days now, but I can feel contractions forcing me out. There's a light which I move towards, so close yet so far! Crawling as best as I can with the help of the contractions, my head is squeezed into a rather odd shape as I go through, I can feel it. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt like I thought it would, probably because I'm pudgy. Almost there!

Doctor POV:

Today is the day. The day the Duchess gives birth. I hurried over at once when I received a letter from the good lady informing me that she will give birth today, she is a powerful sensitive. I've helped deliver both her 2 sons and this is the third.

The driver of my carriage whips the horses into action as we race as fast as we possibly can through the busy streets that stretch across the valley that houses the large town, rushing straight for the large manor that sits atop the peak of the tallest hill that overlooks the valley.

I barge through the gate into the big manor on the hill, running directly into the house completely ignoring the guards, through the lavish corridoors draped in red carpets, I burst into the room at the end of the hall that I hear bustle coming from. I'm greeted with the sight of 2 maids tending to the duchess laying on a heap of pillows at an angle. Silver hair, golden eyes, young looking despite being in her mid 30's, and an enormous belly, clearly ready to give birth.

Duchess: It's good to see you Doctor, thank you for coming. I believe it's going to be another hour until I go into labour.

Doctor: Very good madam.


As I push through with all my might, the first thing I feel is cold. Biting cold. The second thing I notice is it's blindingly bright. I feel myself being picked up and I cry just to let them know I'm alright. My eyes adjusted to the light, although everything is still a little out of focus, I notice I'm being carried by a woman dressed as a maid. Okay, I think she's a real maid. Everything is really big to me too. I can feel her hands are the size of most of my torso. I stop crying as she carried me around the bed and passes me over to who I assume is my mother judging by the warm feelings I'm recieving. What is this warmth?

Mother: Hey there little one, welcome to the world.

She smiled in a wonderful smile and I giggle. straining eyesight I can make out her face. Delicate swooping eyebrows, pale oval face, a cute sized small nose, tinted rosy lips, and most of all, those bright golden eyes filled with warmth as she smiles down at me.

Doctor: Please pass her here madam, I must make sure she is healthy.

Mother: Of course doctor, thank you for the trouble.

Ah, so this is the doctor, not my father. I wonder where he is. If he isn't here, unless he's at war, I will consider him a bad father if he doesn't show up. If i'm honest though, I would prefer that. I had a wonderful father in my last life, it would be best if I can ignore the one in this life and cherish the memories of my previous father. Also, I think I heard something wrong in that sentence...

Doctor: A fine baby madam, the picture of health. I will be leaving now that my part in this is over, make sure to get some rest and give her a good name.

He passes me back to my mother but something is nagging me. It can't be... right?

Smiling weakly at me with those golden eyes radiating love and warmth, she said: Asia, you are Asia Quentin Marlington.

She pulled me to her chest and held me in the most tenderly way imaginable, simply staying like this until she recovers.

As for me, I was completely freaking out. I don't think I've been more terrified in my life. I'm a girl! What the fuck! Okay okay okay calm down me, just breathe. It'll be okay. Leaning against my mother, I listened quitely to her heartbeat. The warmth she radiated to me, I can feel it. So peaceful, so comforting. Is this a mother's love? The warmth...