
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

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37 Chs

Highschool DXD Part 1 Fighting against Pillars

A young teen was bleeding on the ground. Close to death after getting run through by an energy spear that did not cauterize his wound. A woman barely dressed floated to the side. Her black wings were just as distracting as her outfit.

"Wow, you really jacked him up." Noir said from behind. He reappeared not to far from her. "Hello, little Fallen Angel. I am here to give you a little discipline for killing a stupid human. bad Fallen Angel. Just bad Raynare.. or is it Yuma? I forget in my old age."

"Who the hell are you?!" Raynare cursed. Her body told her, the person in front was dangerous. Even with the basic clothes he wore, it gave off powerful magic. "Mind your business human.." She stopped when she saw the Warhammer appear in his hands.

*Ding!* Fresh magic hummed as it was formed fully.

"I am going to beat you with this Warhammer. As punishment for your sins against the innocent." Noir smiled and drifted to her. Raynare couldn't feel his trace till he reappeared. The Warhammer cracked through her rib cage. "Unless you give up of course."

*Bam!* The Warhammer was naturally invoked with the spell Spiritual Weapon. Using Divine Strike as well, the damage pierced through. Causing radiant damage to her insides. It didn't do any extra with her being a Fallen Angel. But it gave a fair enough assessment for Noir on the differences.

"Ughh! Such holy power!" Raynare flapped away and tried to escape. White flames appeared in front and hit her body. "Ahhh!" The Sacred Flame burned her flesh as she tried to get away. Her eyes had a look of craziness as she stared at him from the second bit of Holy energy used on her.

*Sching!* A spear made of lighting formed, the magic was heavily concentrated.

Noir drifted to right in front of her and stared at her. His look provoked her to try it. Saying to give her best shot. Raynare created two more and hurled them at Noir.

*Schlick! Schlick! Schlick!* All three pierced his flesh at once.

Health -33

"How do you like that!?" Raynare's excitement was short-lived. A small glow from Noir and he was back at full health again. "Such potent healing! You must have a Sacred Gear inside you!"

"Tell you what, I let you give me a check for it, you let me check inside you. Deal?"

System: Persuasion Check 31 Pass

"Tch, sure." Raynare felt it would at least give her a chance to cut his throat when he was close. Or at least cut his eye out. A fold of her wings put her in front of him. Arms extended checking him over. "No Sacred Gear." Raynare said after a pause. She didn't move due to the light that shined out. It was too warm and called to her.

"Would you like to be redeemed and return to grace?" Noir asked calmly. His voice sounded magnetic to her. "You can return to doing your original design and enjoy your new life status."

"Like you can do that!" Raynare shot up in an instant. Her leg whipped out and kicked Noir in the face. "Hah!"

*Whack!* The same time the leg hit, the Warhammer hit her extended leg in a vicious counter.

"Ahhhhh!" Raynare screamed bloody murder. She collapsed on the ground from overwhelming pain that she hadn't felt since the war. Crawling was the only thing she could do as the very use of her wings caused more pain. 'I need to get out of here! Why is this human so strong!?'

*Whack!* Noir pulled back and swung up high. Raynare was knocked into a tree snapping it in two from the force.

"Kuff! Why!? Are you after me!?" Struggling to get up Raynare was ready to give up.

"Well because you attacked the useless idiot. I mean he is a disgrace to humans and as a male, he does bother me slightly. But only slightly, that determination and level of perveness is on a new level." Placing the Warhammer against her flesh caused a little pause. "If you wore actual armor, it would go a long way. I assure you."

"I will in my next life." Raynare felt herself losing consciousness for a bit. But it did not last long. "Ummm so warm." A white knight piece was put into her chest. "I feel so peaceful!" Eyes snapping open staring in disbelief a moment after.

*Shing!* The black wings returned to their original glory. Gray with traces of white showing more and more by the moment. Inside the knight piece was a Common Pull. The System started explaining the rules to her. As well as what Noir had planned and his role in their World.

"You.. will be God and the Devil." Raynare couldn't help but break down a little. 'What kind of monster is he?'

"Cure Wounds." Noir cast the spell to speed up the healing that the Piece was doing. "New Angels made from the Fallen. A chance to hear a  God's decree. Much to do in the future in this World."

"I will do what I can my lord. But I have failed before." Raynare stood up and was surprised to feel her body was light and powerful once more. She could hear a few whispers around the area. Just a few powerful whispers is all. "I can hear prayers. The strong ones anyway. Does this mean I have to go back to heaven?"

"No. Heaven is a place on Earth, heh." Noir chuckled at the words. "Angels are meant to help the faithful. That also includes those who have done wrong in the past. How much to forgive is up to you of course. But the work aside, walk with me Raynare, and tell me everything you know and suspect about the other Fallen and the Fallen Exorcists."

System: Persuasion Check 20 Pass

As they walked around talking, Noir guided them back towards Issei's collapse point. His body was gone. Taken away by one of Rias' peerage most likely. Rias and Akeno were both there still. From the side, Kiba came out of the grass. He had been scouting for the one who killed Issei.




Rias could feel Noir's power. As well as that of the woman with him. But she couldn't tell what she was due to the recent change. The first thought that came to mind was an Exorcist. Especially seeing the Warhammer.

"You are trespassing. Identify yourself." Kiba said strongly.

"Umm call me baba yaga." Noir kept himself from laughing outright just barely. "You should introduce yourself first. But then again I know who you are already so it will be fine for your leader to talk. Away with.. you failed project, Joshua.. I mean Kiba."

Making the shooing motion did not go over well. It was blatantly dismissive and offensive. Raynare smiled from the side. She was itching for a fight but calmed down in a second. The atmosphere became charged all of a sudden.

"I am Rias Gremory, this is my territory."

"Aye but that only applied to your kind really. As a human, Earth is my territory as a whole. I may have other things mixed in, but that determines everything."

"If you live here you need my permission. Especially if you are going to cause trouble." Her tone was powerful as she put up a front. But to Noir, it felt hollow. "You should leave before we force you to." Akeno behind her felt a slight bit of magic start to form.

"Rias… if you keep this up.." Noir felt the power from his title Conqueror activate further. She met the criteria for what he needed. So he changed what he was going to say. "I will make you one of my Queens."

*Ripple!* As his magic locked the area down, the others tried to interfere. They could not due to his Emperor Set. As well as his domain separating them from getting involved.

"Humph! You thank you can defeat me!?" Rias harrumphed angrily. Her hands raised to fire magic. "I will show you the power of a high-class devil!"

*Fwoosh!* A large blast of magic came towards Noir. He stood there muttering a quick spell.

*Boom!* It exploded destroying his shirt and singing the grass.

Health- 73

The damage was pretty high for a direct hit. Rias just stared and watched as Noir just kept muttering. The next blast she sent was taken the same way. Followed by the one right after. These were quickly sent out with less power.

Health -33

Health -31

"Come Forth to this World, child of the Raven Queen." A large magic circle appeared to allow the creature to come out. The spell was Conjure Celestial. The summon was not from this World but a neighboring one. As soon as it appeared, Noir threw a black pawn piece into it. "A Tenguu of sorts. How nice."

*Flutter!* The Tengu flapped its three wings as the magic changed it and bound it to the World. A young man appeared around 26 or so. It was happy to serve.

"Caaawww!" The loud screech sent a shockwave blast towards Rias, this knocked her into the ground. The stone in the ground pulverized instantly from the shockwave that followed. Rias could feel her skull was turning to powder from the onslaught. Once it stopped she prepared to strike back.

"Cure Wounds." Noir cast the healing spell at level 5. His wounds recovered instantly. "You did well. Go and fly around the city." The Tengu took off instantly to have some fun. Raynare flew off to join it at first, but decided to hover around instead.

Health + 137

"This is not over!" Rias built up a large fount of magic to fire. Noir just snapped his fingers attacking instantly.

"Firestorm." Completely engulfed in flames, Rias lost control of her spell circle. It collapsed exploding in her face due to the firestorm mixing in.

*Boom!* Flying to the side she hit the barrier. Noir was there with a quick Drift to her.

"You lose." Noir picked her up by the neck. Her body was covered in blood and her clothes torn. She looked helpless. Her peerage attacked the barrier with abandon. "But you have a kindness to you. It is quite pleasant too. Despite what "people" may think of you. Even though Issei has a Sacred Gear, you still saved him. And the rest of your peerage and the "townsfolk" are happy. I can permit you to continue ruling justly in this "World" of yours."

"Kuuuk!" Rias coughed up some blood. "Will they be safe?" Her eyes started to dim as she asked. She spoke of her peerage even in this time of times.

"That will be on you. You will be trained. I do not allow the weakness of certain "Ranks" under me." Rias felt a deep pressure leave from him. She gave a small nod and stopped resisting. A white Queen piece was pushed inside her. Her chess pieces all received a poke from his Devil power. Her King piece and the new Queen piece circled around inside her soul. Noir leaned in and whispered into her ear. "What you thought was important no longer matters, only pleasing me. Do grow to a point where I can respect your decisions, my little Saint Devil."

*Shine!* The piece had a Medium Pull embedded inside it. It went to work adding Companion status to her. As well as explaining the additional rules that came from her moving from just a Follower.

"I guess she will do ok." Raynare said annoyed. She did not like Rias. But the feeling was surreal enough from deep within. But the Knight piece inside her didn't react in any compulsory way. She was not under Rias in any way. "I see. My Lord, I will deal with Kalawarner when I get back. I will make sure she sees your light."

"Go ahead. I leave it to you, my Knight." Noir said kindly. A bit of magic flowed in his voice letting her know he trusted her to complete it as she saw fit. "Do not get in too much trouble."

Raynare's white wings appeared as she shot off. In the night's sky, they gave a beautiful shine. Illuminating the area. Rias felt the light and was surprised it did not injure her. She started to focus on what new things affected her. And how to earn enough points to change her fate going forward.

After a quick heal, Rias was good to go. She felt pathetic from the fight. As well as the fact he didn't use his actual fighting power. She was used as a gauge and nothing more. Rias stared hard enough to burn a hole in Noir's head.

'I will pay him back for this defeat!' As Rias thought that over, the Auxilary System for Followers and Companions already had quests provided to her. 'Damn it! I am so weak!"

Checking a ranking of power, the Tengu that just was summon was stronger their her. 

Health 220 Level 20 Ac 15 Proficiency Bonus: 6

Age: 801 Cantrips Known: 7 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot IV 2nd III 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th II 7th II 8th I 9th I

Spell Save: 19 Spell attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength: 18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:19 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 19

Athletics: 4 Acrobatics: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5

Stealth: 5 Arcana: 4 History: 4 Investigation: 4*

Nature: 4* Religion: 4* Deception:4* Intimidation: 4*

Performance:4* Insight:5* Medicine:5* Persuasion*: 4

Titles: Emperor of Underdark II, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes, Master to the House of Mystery

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing

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