
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

FrozenTide · Others
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37 Chs

Highschool DXD Part 2 A 2nd Class & Going for a walk

It did not take long to reach home and Rias was happy to talk later after she recovered mentally.

"Ha, that is more like it." Noir sighed feeling the characteristics of his second class take place. He chooses Emperor Fighter. It was originally just a Fighter but evolved due to his chess set. All the years spent fighting but capped off boosted his understanding in the class immediately. He just needs to level up. "Ah, my spell slots have increased. But not all of them. I should buy equipment to boost that actually."

Status: Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

"Need to choose 5 more cantrips. But nothing in Cleric excites me. Oh, just gonna buy something in.."

"Pick something in the Warlock area." Medea said. She was floating on a purple cloud near him. "Your Cleric powers are both Holy and Unholy kind of. But our new Home World is mostly Devils. I think the power output would work in your favor. Besides, I took up Warlock and I can show you a thing or two."

"Alright then." Noir made the purchase and watched the points get deducted. "Well, that is one hell of an investment. The price tag was high for just getting it without making it a class. It would take too long for me to level another class."

System: 21,000 Points reduced

Medea nodded in understanding. In her hand, a black staff floated. Her own Fullbring that awakened from constantly being around Noir, Genryusai, and Zaraki when they trained.

"I will explain it to you in detail. Then we can have some personal fun." Medea's smile let him know he would not get away without comprehending his power. Something she always looked forward to doing. "It will be worth it."

Noir smiled knowing it would be. He was glad Saber postponed her training session for later.

"Quick question, are you ever going to call her by her real name?"

"Ehhh meh." Noir shrugged. He forgot that Medea unlocked her own personal power. The ability of true Telepathy. Sysetm said it was Mental Fortitude or something. It was odd that both she and Murasaki unlocked the same one. "She does not mind. So it should be fine."

"Mhm." Medea nodded in understanding. "It is a shame the others have not unlocked a personal power yet. Even more of a shame you have not. Maybe a little pressure will help?" Medea changed to an ever-dark tone. It would be a long training session.

Good thing the House of Mystery had its own time cycle.




15 days later in the House of Mystery and they were done. Medea was merciless after Noir understood the basics. # of the days he spent out cold from her exploding the area while he was practicing to concentrate. It was not as easily used as her other magic. Even more so since he needed to visualize and direct the flow correctly.

"Haaa, you are a slave driver." Noir groaned after healing them both. Mentally he was done. From the looks of Medea, so was she. "So what is bothering you?"

Medea sat up and jumped back onto her cloud. Pieces moved around restoring her clothes. She levied a critical gaze at Noir as she recalled the past.

"We almost died.... Still cannot get over it. I want to have so much power it does not happen again." She visibly shook at the memory. As well as not being there for Noir when he needed her most. "You were my User, then my Friend, and finally my Husband for a time. So much we never got to do. So many fell afterward I take it?" Noir gave a simple nod. "Did the woman who replaced me last long?"

"She lived 30 odd years. A very lovely Tiefling. Our children for the most part lived. Some collapsed after she died. I buried them and took care of their kids with their individual spouses. Married an Orc Barbarian some 21 years later. That was a hell of a romance."

"So what are you going to do now? I mean I succeeded Murasaki afterward. And you have never had more than one wife at a time. Or did that change after I was put in stasis?"

"It changed after you were put in stasis. You were the last married out just love. But I needed to survive. Had a Kingdom to build and run. Marriage alliances started showing up. In time I fell in love with them but it was not easy. Then my mentality changed with age." Noir gave her a calm smile as he grabbed her chin. The floating of the cloud changed so she was comfortable. "I turned colder and was able to keep moving on as people fell by the thousands. Not our people mind you. That still hurt for the most part."

Noir showed her the Fullbring Pocket Watch. It allowed him to take on various forms of power from Bleach. But only for a few years. He never knew what form was next. But, he was able to check the time limit until it changed. Currently, it was set to Quincy. He couldn't wait for it to end. Before that, it was Bount powers.

"Eh, still so difficult to Master." Medea said as she looked it over. "I wish to study it again. Do you mind?"

"Go for it. I was able to Master the Hollow Powers inside. But only the current powers in it. Apparently, I need to master my Soul Reapers to do so. But the watch locked them away for some stupid reason."

"Definitely will look into it." Medea had activated several magic circles around it. She immediately spent her points on upgrading her Spell Schools. Given time she would be able to figure out the new functions now that she wasn't stuck at a level cap. "Physical fun time later."

"Hehe, figured as much." Noir chuckled and gave her a deep kiss. "Go to the library to check it out there with Murasaki. I am pretty sure she wants to talk with you about some things." He then drifted away.

*Scatter!* Noir turned into particles and was gone. His Drift had changed due to his new magic addition.

"Haa ok." Medea blinked twice at his location. A look of mischief flashed in her eyes. "I know just what she wants to talk about." The cloud shot off opening a door to transport her to another place.


-Noir Takes a Walk-


"Ha to be so young again." Sighing he enjoyed the air while walking. More open than the Underdark. His body was thriving in it, but his eyes darted around restless. New people new rules would take getting used to. 'At least I can set us up with origins in other places now. Parents and memories to help things along. Every one of my Companions has a powerful soul. Going to at least 5 other Worlds won't cause a problem.'

Looking at the screen while walking would usually be simple. The different options and setup that the Operator had to do, were too much. The birthplace was fine, but a preliminary scan result shows the crime rate and likelihood of meeting danger high. Then the education that the Companion/Follower/User would gain was another issue. Then the parentage and if they would be involved with the direct plot.

However, he was not used to the level of mental draining it did to the Operator's. Noir actually bumped into someone.

"Oof, my apologies. Totally my fault." Noir reached over to help the young man up. "No harm done yes?"

"Yes. I am fine." The young man had a very soft disposition. Despite the small tap, a bruise had formed on his arm. "Excuse me." He left immediately after. Noir paid him no mind. He didn't look familiar and was weaker than him.

'All around he posed no outward threat. Best to remember that face for later.' Walking into a coffee house seemed like a good idea. 'Need a simple place to enjoy myself and work.'

Unknown to Noir, a young bi-spectacle Devil was looking at him. It was Tsubaki Shinra, Queen of Sona Sitri. Tsubaki was remade into a devil due to personal grievances. She was once part of the Shinra clan. A family famous for exercising Evil sprits. A relatively tall woman with a very dashing figure.

The same as the other females in the series. She acted just as seriously as her leader Sona.

'What strong spiritual power he has. Is he an exorcist? That can not be right.' Tsubaki shook her head while waiting for her order correction. The energy she was feeling came from Noir's Vas Lorde power. Without the watch, it was detectable by certain powers. Even masked it could be felt since he lost concentration when bumping into the young man earlier. 'Haaa, I need to tell Sona as soon as possible.'

Not wanting to cause her Lady problems, Tsubaki sent a message quickly. This had another problem, it drew Noir's attention to her. He gave her a polite wave before looking to the waitress to come for his order.

"What can I get for you today?" The waitress asked politely.

"I would like three of everything. But.. I can see the place is relatively busy. The door says you close in about an hour. Any way I can purchase everything that you do not sell?" Noir checked the store again for the number of people. Most had gotten their cakes and finished them. But didn't mean they didn't want another one. "I can pay cash or card."

"Umm, let me check with my manager right quick." The waitress scurried off quickly.

'Hmm, always better to walk and find a place. The smell is fantastic in her. All I need now is a good pizza place. Oh, how I miss it.' Noir's mouth salavate a bit at that. He opened his screen to convert some points to cash, but stopped seeing it was done already by someone. 'Medea must have done it. Definitely a decent amount at that.'

Then again he had a lot of jewels and gold from the Underdark Wars.

It didn't take long for the manager to come over with the waitress. But looked slightly nervous. Noir just blinked at them wide-eyed. He didnt think it would be a big deal.

"Sir we have no problem completing your order. In fact, we will pack things up right now if you like." The manager was slightly nervous and it showed when he talked.

"Stop." Noir put his hand up shaking his head depressed. "I have no idea who you have me mixed me up with, I do not care either. Just do whatever you normally do. I rather you not make trouble for me. Just someone wanting to buy some cakes."

System: Persuasuion 26 Pass

"Hahaha, thank you. We may have overreacted." The Manager calmed down seeing that Noir was not a problem rich person. Or a problem maker. The waitress bought out some tea for Noir to try as he waited. The manager made small talk before getting back to work.

"Good stuff. Prefer sweet tea, but this has its benefits." Noir sipped the Black Tea and focused on work with the Operator Screen. Already he found a place to work on it, while enjoying the atmosphere. 'Zaraki & Yachiru need a place to go wild and for them to grow. Hmm, one place for them to go. I will send them to the Soul Eater manga World. Newborn babies in a completely safe place. A chance for them to receive an education in the Human side of things. Should be fine.'

Creating the setup and the safe environment was easy enough for them. A large experience of "growth" in a peaceful life would make it worthwhile for them. When the them there would reach 15, Noir would send them there. He moved on to the next group afterward.

'I will keep Medea, Saber, and Murasaki together. But not a fighting one either. Hmm I know a decent one for them. The Anime Clannad should do just fine. In fact, Kazuma and Scheris will go to. Just not Genryusai. Need to have a chat with him first.'

As Noir worked away, time went by quickly. Most of the teas were finished. Each was sipped, but the ones he winced at, were set to the side and never touched again.

"Sir, here you go." The manager came back over with a few boxes for him. The place was mostly empty besides himself and four others. "Do you need help with any of this?"

"Not necessary." Noir sent a bit of his senses out. Everyone left in the building was magic of sorts. He did not pry into what they were. Passing a silver debit card over, everything was paid for then stored away in a magic circle. "I will come again. If it is not a problem?"

"Not at all." The manager said politely. Noir left and looked at the night sky. It was later than he thought. "If he comes again, act normal but try to not cause him problems." The others looked at their boss and gave a nod. They understood what he meant.

Outside, Noir ran into some other company. A group of people had locked down the area in magic.

"Oh me oh my, I spy with my little eyes.." Noir taunted as he released his Vas Lorde power. Immediately their magic circles were broken. ".. a few dead members of the Sitri family."

Health 237 Level 20/1 Ac 15 Proficiency Bonus: 6

Age: 801 Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

Spell Save: 19 Spell attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength: 18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:19 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 19

Athletics: 4 Acrobatics: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5

Stealth: 5 Arcana: 4 History: 4 Investigation: 4*

Nature: 4* Religion: 4* Deception:4* Intimidation: 4*

Performance:4* Insight:5* Medicine:5* Persuasion*: 4

Titles: Emperor of Underdark II, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes, Master to the House of Mystery

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing

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