
I was reincarnated and all I have is a book?!!? [Dropped]

David didn't know how or why it happened but he knew one thing...HIS REINCARNATION SUCKS!

Lord_Banned · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

A Game?

After Kaminari and Mineta finished their small trip to the library, they went back to class, Mineta learned quite a lot, while Kaminari, well he was just there. Mineta got to even see how beautiful the library was.

Classes went by which were useless to Mineta now, but he could use the time to think. Mineta decided to think about what he needed to worry about for now, and one of his biggest worries had to be of course...his body.

He was too weak, too fragile, too slow, and too small, he needed to get bigger and stronger, and it didn't matter if people would notice the change, it was too dangerous to stay as weak as he is , especially when he doesn't know if he's in the original world, for all he knows he could be in an alternate universe where he could be killed in an instant.

Right now he could get thrown around like a doll and he couldn't let that happen, so his priority was to focus on his body, during the 2 weeks. He wanted to make it to the 1 vs 1 part, the hero he was aiming for to scout him was Edgeshot.

With Edgeshot, he can learn the proper combat skills he wants, after all, similar to his appearance, Edgeshot has accumulated years and years of combat experience and is a master at hand-to-hand combat. Not only that, he's an expert at gathering information.

Anyway, goal 1 for training is physical capabilities, after setting up a goal, Mineta thought of different ways to train as well as looked through the system book to see possible powers he can buy that could help with his process, and before he knew it, school ended.

Mineta got off his seat and walked towards the door to go home to test out a few things, but before anyone in class 1-A could open the door, it was opened by someone outside, and then 1-A saw the crowd of students, waiting to do nothing but annoy them.

'Oh right, I forgot about these annoying shitheads' Mineta thought with a look of annoyance.

"WHAT THE HECK!!" Uraraka shouted out of surprise while everyone stood there in surprise Bakugo and Mineta kept walking.

"Get out of the way you damn mobs!" Bakugo insulted, of course by this the crowd grew angrier, "Don't go calling people "mob" right off the bat!" Iida said.

Then Mineta watched as Shinso said the same thing as he did in the anime/manga, and by this Mineta thought something, now that he knows what the future is, well if the one he knows of is correct, how long will it take until everything changes?

At this Mineta couldn't help but smirk, he was about to have a little bit of fun, why not change things sooner than later?

"hey, you...wanna play a game?" Mineta said pointing at Shinso, everyone's attention turned to Mineta, and a streak of light passed through Mineta's eyes.

"What do you want midget?" Shinso said looking down at Mineta with his tired eyes, everyone was confused as to what Mineta meant with playing a game including Shinso himself.

"I'll ignore what you said, you want to be in the heroics class right? Then how about me and you play a little game, and if you win...I'll give you my spot in the class" Instantly everyone's eyes widen, and everyone in the crowd instantly grew shook.

"WHAT!?!" Some of class 1-A shouted, Bakugo looked at this intrigued as well as Shoto, people couldn't believe what Mineta just said, risking your spot in class 1-A over a game?!

"Are you joking?" Shinso said with a cold tone and glare, he couldn't believe it as well, he was thinking Mineta was just playing games with him.

"Do I look like I'm Joking?" Mineta said glaring at him back, of course, Mineta didn't look scary at all, but anyone could tell that with the face he was making, he was dead serious.

"...what happens if you win?" A valid question from Shinso, after all, if the prize for him winning was a spot in the heroics class he always wanted, then what Mineta wants must be something he also wants.

"I want you...to be my training partner" Mineta said, there was a silence, everyone expected Mineta to say something more interesting.

"...that's it?" Shinso asked, he was discombobulated, after all, he was expecting something a lot worse.

"yep that's it, you see I'm not the strongest in this class I'm probably the weakest, so I need a training partner, especially when it comes to combat" Mineta said, Shinso understood what he was saying.

"Okay i'll play...so what's the game?" Shinso asked, while all of this was happening, the crowd was still watching, but then they started thinking if Shinso can get a chance, why not them? And just Like Mineta planned, it began.



This was Mineta's plan all along, getting winners points can only be received by winning, depending on what the game is and who is playing, so if you play with multiple people at the same time and win, wouldn't the reward be multiplied?

Mineta smirked at his genius, "calm down people, every one of you have a chance to play, now the game goes as follows, the sports festival will have different parts, if any one of us can manage to get top 3 in any of them, victory is automatically yours, easy enough right?"

The crowd thought about it and he was right, it was easy enough, but some still had their doubts, of course, after all the people in the heroics class weren't just there because they wanted to be there, but Mineta expected this, so he pushed a little further.

"Wait, don't tell me you guys are getting cold feet now? I didn't know U.A highschool had a bunch of...pussies" Mineta said with a cold tone while looking at them as if their trash, the crowd grew furious but Shinso and some other people saw through Mineta's trick.

"Well, what was I expecting from people who couldn't even make it to heroics, trash will always be trash after all" Mineta finished off his speech with a smirk, and finally without them knowing, the crowd fell right into Mineta's trick.

"M-Mineta language!" Iida said, he was so surprised by what was happening that he couldn't help but stutter a bit at the beginning, he was in shock.




'This...it's like I'm watching a king manipulate his citizens!' Momo thought, she couldn't believe her eyes, was this really Mineta? The entire class of 1-A was now seeing Mineta in a new light...and it wasn't a good one.

They watched as Mineta was entertained by what was happening as if it was all happening according to his plan...it was frightening.

"Remember...2 weeks, train to the best of your abilities..." Mineta said while walking out of the classroom, people made way for him but what Mineta just said wasn't finished, 'because at the end of the day, the harder they train, the more winning points I get' He thought with a evil smork in his face.


'I don't really care about fame, a lot of heroes might, but I could care less and with fame I could do things and get away with it but I don't see myself doing illegal stuff and if I do, I'll make sure I just don't get caught, I don't see myself being some trash hero that only cares about fame and money quite frankly If I wanted to I could just create a business and become a millionaire or something, but that's boring.

I'm in a world where any second some child at the age of 4 can develop a quirk that can bring nothing but destruction, If I'm going to be a hero, I'll be a hero for myself, to survive, to strive, and I'll risk my life for people, but really, I don't see myself ever losing my life during battle. After all, each day I can get stronger.

I'll live to fulfill all my desires, I won't let the hero association control me, i'll become independent, maybe even start my agency or something. hmm, I've decided, I'm going to learn how to wield swords, master some martial arts, etc, Imma even see if I can have a gun, wait now that I think about it I can, as long as it doesn't have bullets but something else, i'm sure they'll allow it. I should also have hella gadgets, I have so many ideas.

Anyway, I was going through the system book earlier, and total concentration breathing was in there, it cost quite a lot but if I can get that plus a breathing style, hehe, the possibilities are endless. Okay then, I've decided what my goal is going to be, me becoming a badass hero that does whatever he wants. I'll fulfill all wishes, and find the love of my life which we'll smash all day.'

Mineta finally finished his self-talk, he got out of his bed and went to find his dad. He found his father in the living room watching some news channel, and so then, training began.

"Hey dad, do we still have the board games we used to play with?" Mineta asked walking toward his dad, his dad's attention switch to him.

"Yeah, it's somewhere in my room, why?" Mineta's dad answered, he didn't get a response and he saw his son go to his room, a few minutes later he left his room with many board games, he had a wide grin on his face.

[a/n: I don't care about stones...but still give me stones]

hope you enjoyed it, leave some recommendations for powers or anything, have a nice night or day.

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts