
Chapter 88: False and True Harry

The next day, the church.

The church was filled with a solemn atmosphere on a weekend morning.

"Let us pray for her, for both men and women are like the flowers in the valley, today they are still open while tomorrow they may fade, human life is like a season that comes and goes, let us pray."

The pastor finished the benediction and then said, "Will the pallbearers please come to the front?"

Peter was sitting in the front row of the church, next to Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

After hearing the pastor's words, Uncle Ben stood up and walked forward.

The person who died was a relative of the Parker family, a young girl who had died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Uncle Ben had received the news a few days before, and the original plan was for both he and Aunt May to come together.

But at Peter's insistence, the nephew was brought anyway.

As for the reason for Peter's insistence, it was naturally because he was worried that Helen would be unfavorable to both Uncle Ben.

After experiencing last night's incident, he became convinced that Helen had established some kind of connection with the alien in his body.

And the worst outcome would be that the other party was also parasitized.

So ..... Was it that puddle of gooey stuff that he spit out?

Also, the alien embryo inside himself would evolve?

His tail had stabbed that vampire in the heart yesterday.

Contemplating this, he pulled out his cell phone and searched for the name of yesterday's bar.

See if he could figure out what existed in this bar that Helen had visited.

While he was retrieving it, Gwen called to him, asking where he was.

Hesitating, he gave Gwen the address of where he was.

After hanging up the phone, Peter raised his head toward the church window.

The crucifix hanging above stood out in the sunlight.

The searches for "Alcatraz Bar" were nothing more than mediocre information.

It looked like any bar in New York.

As Uncle Ben and the three others prepared to lift the gray coffin, Gwen arrived at the church.

Gwen was wearing an aqua blue dress and was so infected by the atmosphere of the church that her face stayed tight.

"Tomorrow and the accident, we never know who will come first."

After greeting Aunt May, Gwen sat down and after watching the funeral for a while, she whispered to Peter, "I was on the road yesterday, and I was almost hit by a car."

She thought of yesterday, when the black car came barreling towards her.

If it wasn't for her own supernatural powers, something unfortunate might have really happened "But I'm fine, I was lucky enough."

Seeing the surprised look that Peter threw at her, Gwen hurriedly explained that she was fine.

She was about to say something when the people carrying the coffin were ready and the crowd started to stand up.

Uncle Ben, along with three other men, carried the coffin and headed out along the cinder-covered road.

The others in the chapel followed outside.

Gwen accompanied Peter and followed the flow of people out.

"Actually, Gwen ..."

You didn't have to come over, this heaviness doesn't suit you," Peter said to Gwen.

"I'm not that fragile."

Gwen said in a light-hearted tone, "Peter, you can't think I have to stay away from funerals and stuff just because I said that - death always favors Gwen."

"It also represents a kind of consolation for us, doesn't it? Mourning for those who have passed, though occasionally it leaves me with a sense of awe, a sinking uneasiness."

Gwen states her feelings and then asks Peter, "Do you think funerals are heavy? Peter."

"I'm more rational."

Peter glanced toward the Cadillac funeral car parked at the curb, then said, "I've always thought of funerals as a kind of demystification of death."

"Why do you say that?"

"Some people see a lot at funerals, such as the man who buried Hitler, the man who dissected the body of John Wilkes Booth, the forty undertakers who were responsible for cleaning Jonestown, and the man who took the body of Alexander the Great and put it in a gold coffin to prevent decomposition."

(John Wilkes Booth: Assassin of Abraham Lincoln)

Peter's thoughts turned to last night, the vampire that he had killed.

Some of the secrets of death that he had seen when he himself disposed of the body that had risen from the dead.

Gwen nodded, thinking there was some truth to it.

"Maybe you're right, Peter, but those secrets of death, they'll probably be buried forever, and these people didn't write a book to tell the secrets."

Gwen didn't notice the look on Peter's face, she suddenly remembered the most important thing she hadn't said to Peter yet.

"I saw Harry today."

Gwen said to Peter with a frown, "But he seemed a little off."

"What's wrong?"

Gwen organized her words and said, "I don't know how to describe it, Harry he greeted me with poise, dressed in upper class clothes, spoke with the same cadence as his father, and at every turn what great things Osborne has created and how to make Osborne even greater and all that."

Peter asked her, "Is that bad?"

I'm not saying it's bad, this kind of performance would be fine on any rich guy, but the point is, Harry is different.

Gwen let out a breath and said to Peter, "He's not the type of guy who would be all about business and success, he's normal, I mean, he's never distanced himself from others as a rich guy and coldly packaged himself as someone chasing success, that's not Harry."

Peter was silent for a moment after sniffing and said, "People change all the time, Gwen."

"But they can't change overnight."

Gwen said a little glumly, "It's like he's a different person, maybe something happened behind the scenes that we don't know about.

Peter nodded and asked Gwen, "So which do you think is the better state for Harry?"

Gwen froze for a moment and thought for a moment before saying, "It seems like he's more cheerful now, before he was always worried as if he was worried about something but..."

Hesitating for a moment Gwen said: ''That might be false, no matter how happy one should be not really how can one forget all the pain?


Osbourne Manor.

Harry greeted his father in the parlor.

"Hey, Dad."

Norman said with satisfaction as he slapped towards Harry's shoulder, "I hear you're doing well at the company, Harry."

"I'm trying to learn some of the company's operational management methods, not sure how well it's working, but it's an experiment."

Harry said to his father, "I like the experimentation."

"Good, you go get some rest."

Eyeing Harry as he headed upstairs, Norman's expression became serious.

He turned toward the butler and said, "Very well, keep giving Harry his medication."