
Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Snape's Power

Li Xuan below heard Lockhart's boastful words, and shook his head helplessly, if you don't blow for a day, you will die, right?!

"Allow me next to introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!"

Lockhart suddenly raised his volume and spoke in a more heated tone.

Looking at Snape who walked up from the other end of the stage, to be honest, Li Xuan didn't know what Lockhart used to impress Snape, making him willing to organize this duel club with this liar, and he was also said to be an assistant?!

"He generously offered to help me with a demonstration, but don't worry, I will return your Potions professor to you intact after the demonstration!"

Hearing Lockhart's words, Li Xuan smiled impudently, because he saw Snape's face become more gloomy, and at the same time, the back of his right hand holding the wand appeared blue.

Lockhart has a hard time to eat, obviously the hard power is not as good as Snape, and he is still talking here. You think it's the Internet era, when the keyboard warrior doesn't have to be responsible for others can't find you?!

Li Xuan thought about it, maybe in addition to Lockhart's good reward for Snape, Snape might also take this opportunity to teach Lockhart a lesson.

Or maybe you want to take this opportunity to really try whether this liar professor who always pretends to be crazy and sells stupidity is really water, or is he pretending to have a bigger plan in private?!

If it's the latter, it's good to try it out in such a wave, and if it's the former, then he will have to pay for tonight's words! Li Xuan rarely saw that the corners of Snape's mouth were raised, and it seemed that being able to teach Lockhart a lesson was also a very happy and happy thing for him!

Both Snape and Lockhart walked towards the middle of the stage with wands in hand, and looking at the serious expressions of the two people, the students couldn't help but close their mouths and quiet.

The two men bowed slightly in the middle of the stage, then each raised their wands upright in front of them, and then turned and walked like the other side of the stage.

"As you can see, we held our wand in a normal duel position and performed a duel salute."

Lockhart scowled to the silent students,

"Count three and we'll cast the first spell, of course, neither of us will take each other's lives, your Potions professor will be intact."

Looking at Lockhart, who was still talking there, Snape frowned, and secretly decided to increase the output of magic power for a while!

"One! Two! Three! "

"Except for your weapons!"

As soon as Lockhart's countdown ended, Snape quickly recited the spell, and the golden spell hit Lockhart's body accurately, knocking him directly away for a distance of ten meters!

The other little wizards were laughing at Lockhart's embarrassment, and only Li Xuan could see the other party's means from Snape's casting.

First, although Snape's spell shouted loudly, there was a slight stutter in the middle, and Li Xuan didn't think that Slip had a stuttering problem.

Then there is no doubt that he has not said the words except for your weapon for a long time, that is to say, he has achieved spellless casting for a long time, and now he is suddenly saying this, which is a little unaccustomed.

And secondly, unlike Lockhart who held his wand in front of him, Snape's posture was to gather the wand above his head, and when casting the spell, it subtly rotated and slid down, and the spell was launched from the lower part of the human body.

At this point, Li Xuan didn't pay much attention before, and now when he saw Snape's movements, he knew that he still lacked training at this point, maybe people like Harry who had an opinion about Snape or people who didn't understand felt that Snape's movements were bells and whistles, but Snape's hand, Li Xuan still admired, which was definitely trained in battle.

First of all, such a change in the wand can greatly reduce the probability of the enemy's magic hitting the wand, after all, originally aimed at the top of the head, but you turn and turn, and suddenly run in front of the body, the first hand advantage is there.

As for raising the wand above your head, isn't it okay for the enemy to shoot a spell directly at your head, and if you can't hit your wand, then hit your head, there is always one who can hit?!

If only Snape had such a good solution, do you think he would be stupid to stand there during the battle? Of course, there are footwork under the feet.

And he will also have a defensive spell such as an iron armor spell on his body, and he really can't squat?


It's better than looking at the body to aim in addition to hard resistance, then you can only move left and right, and this is at least a choice of squatting down.

If you still want to hard the former can also lie down, then Li Xuan can only say that then you can lie down, the probability of not getting up after lying down is very large, the kind that can't run away, directly out of gas!

After the spell is launched, it will even turn around!

Li Xuan seemed to shout at Snape: Professor, I want to learn this!

You must know that after the general magic leaves the wand, it will not be controlled by wizards at all, except for some specific magic, the rest of the magic is all straight to and fro, otherwise why is it Hogwarts welding school?!


Snape's hand swing magic, if the opponent wants to block, the difficulty will definitely be greatly increased, and here it will win Snape an advantage.

In this way, Snape can be said to have won numbly! So you think Snape has no combat power and can only make potions?

When you try to subdue him with magic, I'm sorry, you'll find that he's better at fighting than potions, which is why Li Xuan thinks Snape is a genius.

Could this be the legendary Battle Master who is not a Potions Master and not a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?!

When Li Xuan was thinking about this, Lockhart, who was shot away, rubbed the place that had just been hit by Snape's magic and stood up, and I have to say that Snape's hand is really not light, but Lockhart has also been prepared, and the vest he is wearing looks like an ordinary vest, but it is actually made of dragon skin.

Lockhart's attack power, which has earned so much money by publishing books, is not good, then of course it is necessary to pull the defense full!

Lockhart, who was directly killed by Snape, did not have the slightest embarrassment on his face, on the contrary, he was still able to laugh, Li Xuan could only sigh, if Lockhart was in a previous life, it was definitely a sales crown, and it was the kind that sold the crown every month, and the one that sold the crown every year!

In this regard, Li Xuan can only say that he admires and admires, and he really can't compare to ten.