
Chapter 126

Chapter 126: The Envy Savior


Li Xuan, who was sitting with Penelo on the Hogwarts Express car, listened to the sound of the train moving forward, and the scenery of the rapid receding outside the window, and then a long journey.

There were only three people in the carriage, Li Xuan, Hermione and Penelope, and Martha didn't want to come over and disturb their three-person world without seeing for most of the day.

Now Hermione and Penelo are playing the backgammon that Li Xuan took out, both girls are smart, and for a while they are somewhat evenly matched.

Li Xuan looked at it from the side, basically Penelo won more.

It's not interesting to just look at it, and Hermione has been losing, and she doesn't really want to continue playing, so Li Xuan simply took out a deck of playing cards and taught Hermione to play landlord with Penelope.

The rules of fighting the landlord were not difficult, so after Li Xuan explained and tried it a few more times, the two women got started.

It can be said that in the following time, in addition to eating and going to the toilet, the three of them have been playing fighting landlords, mainly Hermione and Penelope.

In the previous life, Li Xuan was similar, when he first learned to fight the landlord, it was called an addiction, otherwise there would be no theory that the game was harmful.

However, just one Dou Landlord made Hermione and Penelo so obsessed, so if Li Xuan took out another national mahjong, wouldn't they not eat or drink?!

Should… Probably… Maybe… Probably not…

Get off at King's Cross Station and make an appointment with Hermione and Penelope, and they can come to play with themselves in half a month, after all, they must have a while to deal with the company's affairs when they have just returned.

Hermione and Penelope also had to spend some time with their families, which was just right, but looking at the address given by Li Xuan, Hermione found that Li Xuan lived next door to Harry.

"Harry, do you want to go together?"

When Li Xuan saw Harry standing on the side of the road alone with a large pile of luggage, he asked the driver to drive the car over and asked to get out of the window.

"Huh?! No… No thanks… "

Harry, who was waiting on the side of the road, was a little frightened when he saw Li Xuan who suddenly appeared in front of him, although he didn't know how long it would take for Uncle Dursley to come, and he must have cursed when he came.

But at least it's better than riding in the same car with Li Xuan, after all, the incident of the Academy Cup last night made him a little afraid to face Li Xuan.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Of course, Li Xuan saw Harry's embarrassment, so he didn't force it, and he just felt that he was a little pitiful. However, the young man's self-esteem made him unwilling to accept Li Xuan's kindness, and he really didn't know how to face Li Xuan now.

"Young Master, this is the rumored savior Harry Potter?!"

Jeffrey, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked, Jeffrey was the head of the wizard on Europa's side, like the last time he asked Mundungus to trade the Slytherin locket, it was handed over to him to handle, and now the locket is in the safe at Li Xuan's feet.

"Yes, that's Harry Potter, the savior, but now it's just a child."

Jeffrey saw that Li Xuan didn't say anything halfway, but looked out the window and thought about something, so he didn't ask more.

For his boss to be a first-year Hogwarts student, Jeffrey initially disagreed, thinking that Li Xuan was the kind of family child.

As a result, it was later found that Li Xuan did not rely on his family, but on himself.

During the holiday a few months ago, when Li Xuan showed his strength in front of Oleg and them, Jeffrey could never forget Li Xuan, who was as powerful as a dragon with one enemy and dozens of enemies.

And a Ulanke iron-belly fire dragon was directly summoned behind, as well as wearing magic pattern steel armor and holding a mace about the size of a person.

There are also the five birds and snakes with a strange breath, no matter which combination they are, no one can walk in their hands.

But in front of Li Xuan, they are all very well-behaved, but when they fight with Jeffrey, they are more crazy than a mad demon! Therefore, Li Xuan, who is not only strong in his own strength, but also has powerful imperial beast means, is mysterious and powerful in the eyes of Jeffrey.

In addition, Li Xuan is also generous, whether it is Jin Garon, or various potions, or the guidance of various spells, Li Xuan did not treat them badly in this area of resources.

Among them, what makes every wizard crazy is a potion called wizard blood that Li Xuan took out, which can enhance the magic power of wizards without damage or side effects.

Although the amount of improvement is not much, it is a promotion channel for Jeffrey, who is already difficult to improve his magic: Not to mention other spirit fruits, spirit meat, spirit fish, spirit wine and spirit honey!

These things not only taste good, but also feel warm all over the body when eaten, a slight improvement in physique, and a slight improvement in magic, but this requires a lot of money.

But it doesn't matter!

The amount is less, at least you can see hope, what are Jeffrey and these people who are difficult to improve their strength afraid of? It's not afraid of hard work, but I'm afraid that hard work has not improved my strength in the slightest, which is really frustrating.

The spirit fruit, spirit wine, and spirit honey mentioned by Jeffrey are naturally the products of the small world, and growing in such a place as the small world with rich spiritual energy, they are more or less contaminated with some spiritual energy.

This is why eating these things also improves Jeffrey, plus their strength is basically more at the stage of great wizards and wizards, so these spirit fruits will have a role.

In the wizarding world, in fact, the level of wizards and great wizards accounts for the vast majority Oh, as for elite wizards, there are very few, generally proportional, at least fifty to one.

The Morning Star wizard above is not to mention, even many wizards are wizard level to death, no way, talent is always a few, plus they do not work hard, after the best stage of promotion, wait until they want to improve, but find that how to struggle is not 2.6 is just futile.

Harry, on the other hand, watched Li Xuan's car drive away, and when he just got out of the car, he saw Jeffrey's respectful appearance towards Li Xuan, more respectful than the little wizards at Hogwarts.

It seems that Li Xuan's skills are also very powerful, and he naturally knows that Li Xuan is a person.

And when Li Xuan invited him, he remembered that Li Xuan actually lived not far from him, No. 8 Privet Road, Little Whiggin District, Surrey, and he had seen Li Xuan several times before entering Hogwarts.

Collecting the envy in his heart, Harry continued to wait on the side of the road for Uncle Dursley's arrival, but unfortunately he only had gold gallons and no pounds, otherwise he would be able to take a taxi back by himself.

Of course, Harry was very reluctant to go back, back to that cramped attic, that "home" that didn't have the slightest human touch!