
I Wanna be an Eevee Master

Reincarnated as the son of Eevee Breeder. Aim to Master the Pokemon World with Eevee Evolution

Faze_1359 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Chapter 6 Mt Moon.

I woke up early the next morning, after wash up and having breakfast I took all of my stuff from the poke centre locker. After I've done everything I save my game and head out of the Poke Centre. Once I came out, I realise that something wrong here when I saw a crowd of people in front of the Museum, there are also some police officer there. Just like any other normal human that inherit the busybody gene of my ancestor I also join in the fun to found out about the matter. It turns out that the museum has been robbed last night. The security guard have been knock unconscious and all the fossil and moon stone has been taken. The culprit is most probably the infamous team rocket since the guard saw their outfit before they are defeated and knock out. But they are still smart enough to cover their face beforehand.

There's nothing I can do here so I proceed with my original plan and head to route 3. Along the way there are a lot of trainer that I battle with but I manage to beat them all using Espeon since my pokemon level is a lot higher than them. I also battle the wild pokemon here the one I encounter is pidgey, spearow, ratata, mankey and nidoran. I also experimenting with my pokemon skill by trying to weaken the attack. Since my pokemon level is higher, so attacking with full power is just a waste. By holding back the power, I can shorten the casting time that needed to start the skill. I also can save the pokemon stamina.

The I found my target pokemon, a Jigglypuff. I order Espeon to attack using confusion while weakening the attack power to the max, luckily the Jigglypuff fall into confusion and I took to chance to throw my pokeball. I got it in one shot, it might be because of the level different my Espeon is level 20 while the Jigglypuff is just level 6 and it also falls into confusion which increase my chance to capture it. I want to catch it because it sings is a very useful skill but the most important thing is it cuteness. By the way the Jigglypuff is female.

There's nothing more that I want here so I head to a small poke centre outside of Mt Moon. The journey throughout route 3 took from morning to evening since I took the time battling trainers and wild pokemon along the way. I ate dinner at the café there and head to the rest area. There's quite a lot of trainer here since it's a famous training spot. Some of them is preparing to enter Mt Moon like me and some of just exit it. I heard from some of the trainer that just exit Mt moon cave that during Gym Master Broke training inside, he accidently destroyed a wall inside and found a hidden space with some shell type fossil in there. Right now there are some archaeology professor investigating that room.

Early the next morning I'm ready to get into Mt Moon, based on my knowledge normal trainer need about 3 to 5 days to cross Mt Moon if they did not get lost since Mt Moon cave is very vast. I don't plan to train my pokemon much here since I don't have any water or leaf type pokemon currently. But I need to have some detour since I want to collect all the item and hidden item using my GBA device.

Inside the game not all cave is dark but the real world is not the same. It common sense that all cave is dark usually we need to bring torchlight with lot of spare battery but for trainer with electric type of pokemon there are better alternative. There is some special tool sold at Pewter City as long as an electric type of pokemon keep supplying a small amount of electricity it will shine with gentle light enough to light up a wide area around it. That is also the reason why I want to catch a Pikachu in Varidian Forest, not just because it's cute. In this world pokemon technology is the mainstream. A lot of tool is created to harvest the power of pokemon for all human wellbeing.

Inside the cave I fight with the wild pokemon attracted by my GBA device and ocassionally fight with other pokemon trainer. Most of the trainer here train rock type pokemon and the reason they are here is to train their pokemon and few of them use other type of pokemon. They are just here to pass through to Pewter City or to Cerulean City like me. I also stop at a few place for treasure hunting, I already found a TM and some other normal item. The pokemon that I can find with random encounter here is Geodude, Zubat, Paras and Clefairy. Other than that I also saw some Onix, graveler and Golbat which might be higher level and I need to take initiative to fight but I won't since I don't want to train here. I fight all zubat with Espeon since it weak against it but I choose to run from Geodude. I never found Clefairy since its rare.

I found the first stairs down that lead to a narrow corridor with a lot of Paras and some Parasect. At the end of the corridor there's another stair that lead to an empty cave, but my avatar found a star piece. Then I go back to the ground floor. I collect some more miscellaneous item before finding another stair. I go down to get a TM and ether then return to the ground floor. I continue walking until I arrive at a certain place I search around until I found the item that I'm searching for, Moon Stone. I'm very excited to find my second evolution item but I suppress my emotion and continue walking until I arrive near the stairs.

There are save area for camping nearby, it's 4 pm right now and it's still early for camping so there's no one here so it's the best time to evolve. I take out my Eevee and use the Moon Stone on it then it evolves into Umbreon. This Umbreon is female. It has a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. It has two pairs of pointed teeth one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw which are visible when its mouth is open. It has long, pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them and it sometimes glow with mysterious light. After admiring my Umbreon look I start preparing to camp. Then I bring my Umbreon for some levelling since this pokemon is the one with the highest exp among my eevee. It just need a sliver of exp to level up, we found some paras and beat it up. Umbreon level up and learn Pursuit its first dark type move.

By the time we return to the camp site there are already some other trainer setting up their tent here. I start cooking and during dinner I have some small talk with the other trainer. There's not much important news I get here I take out all my pokemon and prepare to sleep. I arrange my pokemon to take turn for night watch and I sleep with Jigglypuff lullaby. This is the specialty of Jigglypuff I heard it from TV that this is call sleep therapy. A Jigglypuff song can make a trainer instantly fall into deep sleep and give the best sleep quality.

There are other pokemon move that can help human sleep like Hypnosis and sleep powder but by far sing is the best option. Sleep Powder can be categorise into drug so there are some people who allergic to it and overuse can cause some side effect while Hypnosis make human mental defences weaker, they are easier to be influence by outside factor and may lead to nightmare. Jigglypuff song can sooth human emotion and can easier to lead to a nice dream it just that pokemon with sing skill is very rare. That's why I plan to send Clefairy home to help my family after I caught it since it can also learn sing but it might need some time since I can't effort the transfer fee.

The next day after breakfast, I pack up my tent and go down the stairs to the deepest part of Mt Moon Cave. I don't forget to train my Jigglypuff by switching the pokemon with Espeon just before receiving attack from the wild pokemon. My jigglypuff slowly level up and already reach level 9 and learn pound. I pick up revive and continue getting deeper. Here I saw a group of people training their pokemon, the trainer is actually training with their pokemon and their muscle is bulging, most of their pokemon consist of rock type pokemon like Graveler, Rhyhorn and Onix. I'm sure they are from the Pewter City Gym just by looking at their appearance.

I saw a spiky head training with a very huge Onix. He appeared to be in the late 20, not as young as in the anime. I don't really care about him so I just pass by and headed to the corner near him to pick up a moonstone using my avatar since I need to reach the exact place before I can take it. Not long after I left the Pewter Gym Group, a Clefairy appeared in my wild pokemon encounter. Its level is 7 and I hurriedly release my Jigglypuff and use sing. As expected the Clefairy fall into a deep sleep I mentally order it to give two more pound on the sleeping Clefairy and its HP loss by half. The Clefairy wake up but before it gets to do anything it got hit by another dose of sing and fall asleep again. I switch my pokemon to Espeon and throw my pokeball and I got it in my second attempt. This Clefairy is female, I read in the guide that said that fairy type pokemon is mostly found as female and a male one was rare.

First I save my game. It's very hard to find a Clefairy so I don't want to lost this opportunity if some kind of accident happens. I let the Clefairy sleep in the pokeball to restore its HP slowly. I also stop training Jigglypuff after it reach level 10 and focus on getting out of this cave as early as possible. So every time a wild pokemon appear I use Espeon and run away if it Geodude and use confusion on Paras and Zubat.

Not long after that I arrive at the place that we can get fossil. There are a full scale excavation going on inside and I can see scholar and archaeologist discussing passionately inside. I can see the two fossil icon inside my GBA device but sadly the location of the fossil is in the middle of the room. Right now the entrance of the room has been barricade to prevent other people to enter so I can only watch the place from a far. Then I suddenly remember that in the guide team rocket also present in Mt Moon Cave even though they didn't do anything, but in the real world it's impossible for the real team rocket to leave peacefully.