

Around the year 2020 Ara Roxanne Black-Lupin is a sixth year student at Hogwarts along with the Weasley twins. She has great singing and guitar skills, that the twins and Lee could use for their band, "Trolls in the Dungeon". Will she agree to take part in the band? Will anything interesting happen between her and her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory? Read it to find out... DISCLAIMER: I absolutely love Cedric and will write fanfiction about him I just was in need for a character in the 6th year. Sorry about that.

gostreamwalls · Fantasie
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13 Chs


We went down the stairs with Leo holding my right hand and holding George's left hand. We finally made it down the stairs and I carried him to the table because I was tired of leaning down. I'm sure George appreciated the gesture more than me though, as he was about a foot taller than me.

The dinner table was filled with unfamiliar faces, all of whom had red hair. They all stood up and introduced themselves.

"Hey I'm Charlie."

"I'm Roxy," I said.


I sat down on the only seat that was left, In front of my uncle Prongs and beside Leo and another redhead.

"I'm Bill Weasley, nice to meet you."

"I'm Roxy, nice to meet you too." I replied.

Molly, who was sitting beside Uncle Prongs, said, "We're very glad to have you here with us, and to all the new faces it is very nice to meet you. I hope you all feel comfortable, and if you need anything please ask any of the redheads from near around. Well, the redheads except Lily and Lottie of course."

"Now let's raise our glasses and have a toast for our holidays." Arthur said, eager to taste the wine.

"Cheers," we all said, and I took a sip of Butterbeer.

After dinner everyone except the children left and we were left alone in the living/dining room (Charlie and Bill went to the shed because Bill thwy to hang out).

"Harry d'you want to go upstairs?" Ron asked.


"'Kay but come double later because we're gonna watch a movie." George said.

"So, Lottie wanna go upstairs too?" Ginny asked. "I can't stand these three idiots' presence much longer."


"Okay, now it's just the four of us." Lee said.

"Lee Jordan you better not be planning something evil." Fred said.

"Not in our house." George added, then all three started laughing.

Fred, George and Lee kept talking but I was too busy thinking about how my conversation with Cedric would go, and replaying what I'd say to him.

A while later Ron, Harry, Lottie, Leo and Ginny came downstairs, ready to watch the movie. The two sofas became packed with people. I was beside Freddie, who was on the end, beside me were Leo, Lottie and Ginny. On the other sofa Lee, Ron, Harry and George sat down, in that particular order.

We decided to watch Wreck-It Ralph. The movie was good, but I could've enjoyed it more if I was not thinking again about Cedric. Leo fell asleep on my lap, and Fred had his head resting on my shoulder. It was around 10:30 pm when the movie finished, and everyone headed to their rooms. The moment I was dreading was finally arriving.

I was lying in bed ready to call Cedric when someone knocked at my door.

"Come in," I said, quickly fixing the loose strap that had fallen from my black tank top.

George entered and said, "nice pants," pointing to my plaid pajama pants.

"Thanks I guess," I said. "Do you wanna sit down?" I asked.

"Sure." He sat down cross legged in front of me. "Well, I'm not here because of your pants. I noticed that throughout the evening you didn't speak much, are you okay?" He asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah, it's nothing, I'm just pretty tired." I lied, I didn't want to worry him. Besides, he'd blame himself for Cedric being a jealous motherfu.

"Okay," he said, interrupting my thoughts. "Well I'm just a floor below. Goodnight Rox."

"Goodnight Georgie." It felt weird. He hadn't called me Rox in ages, it was always Bub this and Bub that.

I sighed. I opened my computer and FaceTimed Cedric, what happened was nothing like I expected.

"Hey," I said.

"How's Georgie?" He asked, throwing a nasty look at me.

"He's fine. How are you, your jealousness?"

"Oh I'm fine too, but I'm pretty sure I'm not as fine as the Weasley you've been snogging." That was it.

"You know what I'm done with your bullshit Cedric! You are literally jealous of my best friend so fuck you!I am so done with this!"

"Oh, I'm so done with you! Go and snog the red haired rat!"

"Oh maybe I will because we're over you pompous dick!"

"Oh we're so over."

"Oh we are!" I yelled and hung up at his face. Suddenly tears started streaming down my face. I hugged Zouis, and cried. A lot.

It was now 2:56 am and I had stopped crying. I got hungry and went downstairs silently, trying not to make a noise in any of the four floors. I went to the kitchen and saw Bill, making himself a cup of tea.

"Rough night eh?" He asked, looking at my red, puffy eyes and the mascara stains on my hoodie.

"Kinda." I said.

"Wanna talk about it? Promise I won't tell anyone." He said.

"Actually, that would be nice." I said to the kind boy, who had warmed up to me over dinner.

"Before you start let me grab some cake for you."

"Oh, don't worry about it." I said, even though I wanted cake.

"It's okay, could you just make two cups of tea?" He said.

"Sure." I said, trying to grab two cups, but failing miserably because of my height. Bill noticed, and handed me the cups and the tea, and the milk. I started to make the tea while he cut the cake, then he led me to a separate living room, where nobody would hear us. This was Bill's bedroom.

I sat down on the bed, and he sat down on another sopha just in front of me.

"Now what's wrong love?" He asked.

"My boyf- my ex."

"What happened."

"He broke up with me today." I said, and started crying.

"Oh love I'm so sorry to hear that," he said, then sat down beside me and hugged me. "Men are such dicks."

"Tell me about it. He broke up with me because he's jealous." I said, drying a tear away.

"Jealous? If you don't mind me asking, of who?"

I looked up at him. "Um… your brother."

"Fred or George?"

"What?" I said, confused about how he had figured that out so fast.

"I mean it's got to be one of the twins because you didn't know me or Char before today, and Percy is a dick. The rest are just too little." He explained.

"George," I said, and looked down.

"Does he have a reason to be?"

"Not that I know of, I mean he doesn't care about me having other guy friends, he even gets along with them, it's just the fact that one of my guy friends is George."

"Men are dicks," he said, again. "He does not deserve you, your tears or your time. You are going to give him the cold shoulder back at school to make sure you get over him, and that you don't go back to him. You're going to dry your tears and we're going to wait until tomorrow, time is the best healer for a broken heart, okay?"


He pulled me closer, and I cried into his shirt. After we broke away I wished him a good night, thanked him for the pep talk and left. I went into my room and fell asleep while hugging Snowy, my stuffed animal, that I always slept with.