

Around the year 2020 Ara Roxanne Black-Lupin is a sixth year student at Hogwarts along with the Weasley twins. She has great singing and guitar skills, that the twins and Lee could use for their band, "Trolls in the Dungeon". Will she agree to take part in the band? Will anything interesting happen between her and her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory? Read it to find out... DISCLAIMER: I absolutely love Cedric and will write fanfiction about him I just was in need for a character in the 6th year. Sorry about that.

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13 Chs


It's now mid-December, and nothing exciting has happened. Cho and Roger have confirmed their relationship (even though she's still kinda bitchy), Ced and I have (FINALLY) had sex, my dads and the Weasleys are now the best of friends, and we're going to spend the holidays with them, with my Uncle Reggie, my Aunt Cass and their son Leo. However, my aunts Nar and Mar and my cousin Aurora are going to France.

"Ladies! Wake up! I don't want to get stuck with the crusty sandwiches for the ride." Mary said.

"Damn, miss girl, chill." Carolina said.

"It's always the crusty sandwiches, never good morning," I said, heading to the bathroom. I applied eyeliner, mascara and contour, for the huge bags under my eyes, and combined it with pink lipgloss. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail, and put on black sweatpants with a black zip up and black, grey and white Jordans.

We then went down to have breakfast.

"Morning R." Said Roger, who, like every morning, sat down beside me.

"Morning R." I replied.


"Please. We stayed up until 6."

"Damn. Until 6?"


"That was two hours ago."

"I know, I'm pretty sure Mary didn't sleep and stayed up thinking about her sandwich."

"Hey!" Said Mary, who was in front of me, and threw a napkin at me.

"I mean, did you?"

"Yeah..." She replied, making us all laugh.

As we arrived at King's Cross station the moment I was dreading came. I hugged all of my friends one by one and promised them that we'd video chat every day. As I was kissing Cedric goodbye someone touched my shoulder, and as I turned around I silently prayed to Merlin it wasn't Pads. It was George.

"C'mon Bub, let's go," he said impatiently.

"Okay, why the hurry?" I asked.

"My dad can't wait to try the Muggle car."

"Oh, we better not keep him waiting, then."

"Oh he's not going to."

"Bye guys! I love y'all" I shouted, as I left with Georgie.

"Bye Rox!" they all shouted.

I sat down in a car with the twins, Ron, Lee, Harry and Mr Weasley. The twins had bullied Harry and Ron into the backseats, and they sat down one on each side of me, and Lee was sat beside Arthur, helping him use Google Maps.

I woke up to my head resting on George's shoulder. As I got up I heard Ron screaming that we were going to die, and Fred and George, worrying him even more. I smacked the twins on the top of their heads.

"It 's not funny. Plus, you're gonna wake Lee up, and trust me when I say he won't thank you for that." I said.

"It's not funny because it's not a joke," Fred said.

Ron continued screaming and Harry said, "Ron, calm down. There's only five minutes left."

"Blimey Harry, it's true." He said, and began to calm down.

As I looked past the window I saw a sign that said, 'You're entering Ottery St Catchpole. Welcome'

"Look Ara, that's our house! The Burrow." Mr Weasley said, pointing to a beautiful house.

"I love it," I said, smiling.

We parked, and entered The Burrow. The Burrow was very big, yet cozy. It had friendly, earthy colours. It was surrounded by browns, greens-, reds, oranges, yellows... I was absolutely amazed, because even though I had been there for less than three minutes, it already felt like home.

"Okay, Hermione will arrive after New Year's, and Ara will sleep in the same room as her. Ginny and Lottie will share a room. Fred, George and Lee, you will too. Harry, Ron will sleep together. Percy will sleep alone. Charlie and his, um, pets will take the shed, and Bill will take the couch. And, obviously, Sirius and Remus will share a room, Regulus and Cassandra will too, as will James and Lily." Molly said, as we entered the house.

"Percy, show Mr and Mrs Potter to their room, Ronald, take Harry to his room, the same goes for Gins. Fred, George and Lee go to your room. Mr Black and Mr Lupin please follow me. Molls please show Hermione and Ara to theirs." Mr Weasley said.

Molly took Hermione and me to a white-walled room with a TV, windows, two queen sized beds and a desk. It was decorated with warm colours. The desk, walls and comforter were white, The room was full of knitted brown, orange and red blankets.

"Here it is my dear. You have a fireplace here, but you'll have to call anyone over seventeen to set it up, as you can't use magic outside of school. If you're cold call me, seriously hun. It is the room closest to the rooftop and it can get really cold in here."

"Thank you so much Mrs Weasley." I said.

"No problem, oh, and please call me Molly. I get the feeling you and I are going to be very good friends."

"I'm sure we will, Molly."

"I'll leave you to unpack, dinner will be served at 6:30."

"Okay, Molly. Thank you."

"No problem honey." She then left and closed the door.

I unpacked everything and left Zouis around the room. I replaced the Jordans with a pair of slippers and went downstairs. I got one of the many knitted blankets and curled up into an armchair, as I read Murderer for Christmas.

About an hour later I went upstairs and FaceTimed the groupchat, but only Jane and Roger picked up.

"How was the ride?" Jane asked.

"It was alright, I slept through most of it." I answered, "How was your rides home?" I asked.

"Fine. I was the last to leave, because as always, my parents thought we arrived at 11:30."

"I left a bit after you left, because my mom was checking up on your dad." Jane said. The night before yesterday was a full moon, and, of course, Madame Pomfrey knew about it and helped Pads and Moony.

"Oh, that's very nice of her."

"Well, now onto the real tea, Ced was furious when he saw you leave with the Weasleys." Roger said. Cedric was convinced something was going on between me and George, and it bothered the crap out of me, I'd have to speak with him later.

We talked for about an hour and I realised it was 6:25, nearly time for dinner. When I got downstairs I saw my Uncle Reg and my Aunt Cassandra and ran immediately to hug them. I hugged my uncle first, and he kissed my forehead as I hugged him.

"What's up kiddo," he asked. "How's Hogwarts treating you?"

"It's alright."

"I bet. I can't wait for Leo to get his letter." Uncle Reggie said.

Leo was 4 years old, and spent most of his time with his friends from his Muggle nursery school.

I then went and hugged my Aunt Cass, as she gently stroked my hair.

"You've gotten taller since I saw you last Christmas!" She said. They lived in London, and we lived in Godric's Hollow, so it was kind of difficult to see each other, mostly because I was most of the year lost in the mountains of Scotland.

"I know. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too baby."

"Where's Leo?"

"He's jumping on our bed, the first room to the right on the second floor." Aunt Cass said.

"'Kay, I'll be right back."

I went downstairs and saw the curly-haired boy jumping up and down on the bed as he sang the words to "Build Me Up Buttercup". I sat on the bed and sang "Why do you build me up?" He turned around and saw me. He immediately threw himself on my atma.

"Ara! Ara!" He shouted.

"Hey baby," I said. He sat on my lap and I rocked him back and forth. Suddenly, someone entered the room.

"Hello there," Said the 6 foot red-head.

"Hello. Ara who's this?" Leo asked.

"This is George Weasley. He's a bit of a pain in the bum but we got to be nice to him because this is his house." I answered.

George entered the room and said, "I'm not a pain. What's your name lil' guy?" He was now sitting beside Leo and me.

"I'm Leo."

"Nice to meet you Leo." George said, and shook his hand. "Wanna go have dinner with the rest of us?"


"You heard the guy Bub, let's go."