
I Think I Love My Music Teacher

Ashley Elizabeth Whitmore is dangerously obsessed with her older, troubled music teacher - Andy --- Despite his resistance, Andy couldn’t resist her. They plunge into a sweet and forbidden affair that threatens to consume them both. But there is trouble, Andy’s vengeful ex-lover Lily emerges - a colleague who'll stop at nothing to destroy Ashley and reclaim her man. Trapped in a twisted web of passion, jealousy, and betrayal, the lovers must confront whether their passion for each other is worth an incoming fallout. How far will they go for the high-stakes thrill of loving on the edge of disaster? This novel is a warm and sugary book. It is filled with ups and downs that will keep you happy and entertained. ******Sugary Scene****** Ashley pivoted to flee, but they seized her arms in rough grips. The oranges fell and tumbled everywhere. The largest one slung her kicking form over his immense shoulder as Ashley screamed for help. But the street stayed lifeless and still. They were carting the sobbing, thrashing girl to an abandoned building nearby in broad daylight. Ashley was helpless. And as she felt the blood clouding her brain, she felt even more helpless. She kept screaming and thrashing. Just as all hope drained away, a new voice rang out: "Leave her alone!" Ashley's heart somersaulted as Andy emerged from the shadows. She instantly broke free, jumped down, and ran into his arms, shaking uncontrollably as he held her trembling frame. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he murmured, gently stroking her disheveled hair.

BleedingPen11 · Urban
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21 Chs

A Teen's Slumber... A Teacher's Triumph


It was chaos at the grandest mansion in Lamor, Deux.

Mrs. Amanda's heels clicked furiously as she marched down the hall, barking orders at her handful of scurrying maids.

"Mary!" She wheeled on the timid nanny. "Where is my daughter?"

Mary's eyes widened like a cornered rabbit. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"Well?" Mrs. Amanda placed her hands on her hips, her jaw clenched. "I asked you a question!"

When Mary still didn't respond, Mrs. Amanda threw up her hands in exasperation and stormed toward Ashley's bedroom suite. 

"Not again."

She flung open the double doors to find her 17-year-old daughter sprawled across the emperor-size bed, dead to the world.

"Aha! So this is why you didn't answer me." Mrs. Amanda glared at the slumbering form amidst the white and gold decor fit for royalty. 

"This girl sleeps in while the rest of us work! Ashley Elizabeth Whitmore, wake up this instant!"

Ashley jerked upright, eyes wide. 

"Mom? What are you doing in here so early?"

"What am I doing?" Mrs. Amanda planted her fists on her hips as Mary skittered in behind her. "It's nearly 8 o'clock and you're still not ready for school!"

"What?!" Ashley's head whipped around to gape at the clock. She launched herself out of the luxurious bed, suddenly a whirlwind of motion. 

"Why didn't you wake me, Mary?"

"I tried, Miss Ashley!" The nanny wrung her hands. "But you insisted on watching one more movie into the night. I'm so sorry, ma'am!"

Muttering under her breath, Mrs. Amanda spun on her heel and exited as swiftly as she'd arrived, leaving Ashley to get ready in a panic.

Like most uber-rich heir teenagers, Ashley was more than accustomed to the finer things. 

Maids waited on her hand and foot, seeing to her every need from laundry to meals - she didn't lift a finger around the palatial estate. 

Her businessman father never seemed to have time for his only child, so she'd been primarily raised by the doting Mary.

But Ashley's charmed life didn't make her a spoiled brat - though with her radiant beauty, silky hair, and effortless charisma, she could've gotten away with it. 

On the contrary, she was humble and sweet, completely uninterested in the lavish attention paid to the only daughter of Deux's most prominent billionaire.

Well, except for one small privilege...

Twenty minutes later, Ashley burst into the foyer where her best friends, the twins Hannah and Henry, were waiting.

Hannah's brows hiked upward.

"Girl, your mom is gonna kill you! We are so late."

"I know, I know!" Ashley dashed past them toward the waiting car. "Let's go!"

With the driver speeding and the foursome's hearts in their throats, they squealed into the school parking lot just as the final warning bell rang out. 

Any other student would've gotten detention for sure. But as soon as Ashley climbed out of the car, heads turned in deference. Even the disciplinary staff waiting by the doors averted their gazes.

The benefits of being the daughter of Hertford Academy's most generous benefactor - tardiness didn't apply. 

Ashley shrugged it off as the group hurried inside, Henry and Hannah snickering about her permanent get-out-of-jail-free pass.

That very moment, Andy Bates strode into the office building where his old friend Williams worked, CV in hand. 

His pulse raced with cautious optimism - could this be his big break after years of failure?

"Thanks for seeing me, man." Andy clasped the other man's hand firmly. "Though I gotta ask - why didn't you just tell me what job it is over the phone?"

Williams' expression turned sly. "Because I knew you'd say no right away if I did." He leaned back in his chair. 

"So hear me out..."

Andy listened in disbelief as the details spilled out. A high school music teaching position - the very last thing he would've expected. Or wanted.

After the let down started to fade, though, Williams' arguments rang true. The salary would be huge compared to what he was making now (which was nothing). 

He'd get a signing bonus to catch up on rent and bills right away. And...it could be a stepping stone to eventually landing his dream music job, if he stuck it out.

Andy sighed and reluctantly nodded. "All right, I'll interview. No promises beyond that, but you twisted my arm into at least giving it a shot."

A few hours later, Andy stood in line with the other applicants, undergoing the usual conferences with the principal and staff. 

As he waited his turn, a familiar face in the hall outside made his heart skip a beat.

Lily... his ex-girlfriend from college. Of course she'd be here - she was an English teacher at this school. 

Talk about awkward!

Andy tried his best to avoid eye contact, but Lily had always been perceptive. Her smile widened as she caught sight of him and she wove through the crowd.

"Andy? Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" She looked him up and down, then giggled. "Though I probably shouldn't be too surprised, huh? Here for the open music teacher job?"

He swallowed hard and gave a jerky nod. Up close, Lily was just as stunning as he remembered - those hypnotic hazel eyes, that dimpled grin that used to make his knees weak.

"That's wonderful! The students would be so lucky to have you." She threaded her hands behind her back, leaning toward him conspiratorially. 

"And you know... if you get hired, we staff members have been known to, ah, reinforce those old collegiate bonds from time to time if you know what I mean. Could be fun to reconnect, don't you think?"

Andy blinked, unable to mask his incredulous expression. 

Was she actually...? Did she just proposition him right here? His mind whirred. 

They hadn't parted on the best of terms after graduation, but what was one harmless cup of coffee between old friends if it could help smooth things over? Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Uh, y-yeah, I'm in if you are," he finally managed.

Lily flashed him one last heart-stopping smile. "It's a date then." She sauntered off down the hallway, hips swaying, leaving Andy dazed until the principal called his name for the interview. 

Hours later, Andy emerged from the building in a state of near-euphoria, Williams at his side and clapping him on the back. 

His interview couldn't have gone better if he tried! 

Obviously the staff was impressed. And if Lily being here wasn't enough motivation to accept the offer, the hefty hiring bonus they'd handed him certainly sealed the deal.

For the first time in what felt like forever, he was gainfully employed!

On his way home, Andy took a purposeful detour, stopping at an upscale grocery store to pick up some celebratory supplies - Fancy cheese, a nice bottle of wine, even a bouquet of fresh flowers. 

It was all he could do not to waltz through the aisles, grinning like a fool. After so many years of grinding struggle, this job could be the second chance he so desperately needed.

The spring in his step only intensified as he loaded the car, already dreaming up ways to surprise his mother with his good news. 

Lord knew she'd suffered through enough letdowns on his behalf - she deserved to share in this victory as much as he did. 

And with any luck, maybe this wonderful, unexpected turn might even be enough to ease up her spiritual overkill for once.


With his heart feeling fuller than it had in ages, Andy cranked up the radio and set off, renewed hope buoying his spirits. If this chance panned out, there was no limit to what amazing possibilities could be just around the bend!