
I Think I Love My Music Teacher

Ashley Elizabeth Whitmore is dangerously obsessed with her older, troubled music teacher - Andy --- Despite his resistance, Andy couldn’t resist her. They plunge into a sweet and forbidden affair that threatens to consume them both. But there is trouble, Andy’s vengeful ex-lover Lily emerges - a colleague who'll stop at nothing to destroy Ashley and reclaim her man. Trapped in a twisted web of passion, jealousy, and betrayal, the lovers must confront whether their passion for each other is worth an incoming fallout. How far will they go for the high-stakes thrill of loving on the edge of disaster? This novel is a warm and sugary book. It is filled with ups and downs that will keep you happy and entertained. ******Sugary Scene****** Ashley pivoted to flee, but they seized her arms in rough grips. The oranges fell and tumbled everywhere. The largest one slung her kicking form over his immense shoulder as Ashley screamed for help. But the street stayed lifeless and still. They were carting the sobbing, thrashing girl to an abandoned building nearby in broad daylight. Ashley was helpless. And as she felt the blood clouding her brain, she felt even more helpless. She kept screaming and thrashing. Just as all hope drained away, a new voice rang out: "Leave her alone!" Ashley's heart somersaulted as Andy emerged from the shadows. She instantly broke free, jumped down, and ran into his arms, shaking uncontrollably as he held her trembling frame. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he murmured, gently stroking her disheveled hair.

BleedingPen11 · Urban
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21 Chs

Lost Wallets x Consequences

The final bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. 

Ashley and her best friend Hannah made their way out to the front gates, joining the streaming crowd of students. 

Henry and his buddies were already waiting by the curb when the girls arrived.

"There you are!" Hannah called out. "What's the holdup?"

Ashley hitched her designer backpack higher on her shoulder. 

"My guitar strings are totally dead. I'm gonna run down to that music shop on Main and get new ones before Mom picks us up."

"Aw, c'mon!" Hannah started to protest, but Ashley was already turning away.

"I'll be quick, I promise!" She shot her friend a reassuring smile over her shoulder. "Just stall Mom for me. And keep an eye on Henry - you know how he loves leaving us stranded if we're not back in time!"

Laughing, Hannah waved her off as Ashley disappeared down the sidewalk, her ponytail swishing behind her. 

The quaint shopping strip wasn't far, and she walked with a spring in her step, excited for her after-school escape.

A few blocks away, Mr. Bates pulled his car to the curb and hopped out. 

He'd was done shopping and he was offloading the items into his car's trunk.

"Thump." His wallet fell out of his pocket because it wasn't firmly placed in the first place… It landed on the granite floor and Andy didn't notice it.

He close his trunk and headed out to get the remaining things on the list.

Immediately he was done, he reached out for his wallet to pay but he could not find it.


"I swear it was here 5 minutes ago." Andy said tapping his pocket as he stepped outside trying to retrace his steps.


Down the street, Ashley was lost in thought on her way to the market when something caught her eye on the floor. 

A wallet? 

She scooped it up and called out, "Did anyone drop this?" The people passing by paid her no mind.

Ashley peeked inside, hoping to find the owner's name or address. 

Maybe she could return it. 

But before she could look closely, a booming voice made her jump.

"Hey you! What do you think you're doing with my wallet?!" A tall, muscular man charged towards her, eyes blazing with anger.

"Oh! Is this yours? I was just trying to -" Ashley stammered, but he didn't let her finish.

"Somebody stop that thief!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "I caught her red-handed, rifling through my stuff!"

A curious crowd began to form a tight circle around them. 

Ashley felt trapped, her voice drowned out by the stranger's furious accusations.

"Please, you've got it all wrong!" she cried desperately. But no one listened.

Suddenly, a forceful shove sent Ashley crashing to the dusty ground. 


The mob's taunts and jeers rang in her ears as she squeezed her eyes shut, holding back tears. 

This couldn't be happening!

Just then, a few familiar voices cut through the chaos. "Hey, wait a minute! That's Ashley - she's no thief..."

One by one, the shopkeepers who knew the kind-hearted girl stepped forward to clear her name and explain the misunderstanding. 

The crowd slowly dispersed, grumbling in embarrassment.

Ashley opened her eyes to see the accusing stranger towering over her, hand outstretched in apology. 

She met his remorseful gaze for a tense moment. 

Then, shaking her head sadly, she pushed herself up and hurried away without a word.

Much later, Ashley vented to her friend - Hannah about the traumatic injustice she had endured, vowing revenge on the overzealous jerk if their paths ever crossed again.

After sharing the good news with his mother who jumped for joy, danced and sang praises to God, he gave his mother the groceries he bought on his way.

And at the sight of the items, he remembered the scene he caused earlier in the market.

If not for the strangers who knew the kind-hearted girl, he would have wrongly accused her without even letting her explain.

How could he make things right with the innocent girl he had wronged so terribly?

Would he ever even see her again?

Ashley on the other hand couldn't stop thinking of the embarrassment she had to endure.

"Why did I leave without saying a word?"

"That guy made me go through so much embarrassment today, I do not care to know who he is but if I ever see him again I won't spare him." Ashley said to herself.


Immediately Andy stepped into the classroom, Heads turned. Gasps and whispers filled the air.

"Oh wow, he's so cute and handsome!"

"I didn't expect our new music teacher to look like that..."

Andy flashed an awkward smile, trying his best to ignore the murmurs. 

But then his eyes locked onto a familiar face in the front row - Ashley. The girl from the dreadful wallet incident. 

Their gazes met and Ashley's eyes narrowed menacingly. Andy felt the blood drain from his face as her icy glare pierced him like a dagger. 

A bead of sweat trickled down his neck. 

Ashley smirked ever so slightly, revelling in Andy's obvious discomfort. He tore his eyes away, desperate to regain his composure.

"G-Good morning, class," he stammered, his voice cracking. 

"I'm M-Mr. Andy, your new music instructor."

Deafening silence. 

Andy could hear his own pulse pounding in his ears as Ashley's penetrating stare bored into him. 

He squirmed, flashing back to the mortifying confrontation and the crushing guilt he'd felt.

Henry watched the tension crackling between the flustered teacher and his formidable classmate with bewildered fascination. What was the deal between them?

At last, Andy mumbled some excuse about being unprepared and abruptly fled from the room, much to everyone's confusion. 

As the other students filed out, he grabbed Ashley's arm. 

"A-Ashley? Wait, please..." Using the name he'd overheard earlier felt awkward on his tongue.

Ashley recoiled from his touch - like a hand burnt by an ember, eyes blazing with resentment. 

"An apology? Is that it?" she spat with disdainful laughter. 

"You think saying 'sorry' makes up for the utter humiliation you put me through?"

Andy opened his mouth, desperate to explain, but Ashley had already whipped out her phone at the sound of its ringtone. 

"That's my ride," she said coolly, jerking her arm away. 

"We're done here." 

With that, she turned on her heel and marched off in stony silence.