
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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29 Chs

Malignant Tumor

Yang Luo sat across from the doctor, numbly holding the thin diagnostic report, flipping it back and forth.

The text on it was not a hasty handwriting, but a printed document.

But... why does it seem so dizzying?

"...The ultrasound shows multiple high echo masses, nodular in appearance, with a wide base, protruding into the heart cavity... diagnosed as primary cardiac sarcoma... malignant..."

"What... is this?"

Yang Luo stared at the text in disbelief. Each word assaulted his retina, freezing all thoughts in his brain.

"Cardiac sarcoma... malignant tumor... Doctor, this can't be real, right?"

Yang Luo slowly turned his gaze to the doctor, his eyes seemingly pleading.

"The results of the CT scan are like this. Of course, our hospital's diagnosis may not always be accurate. There might have been some oversight. You can have it checked multiple times in our hospital or others to avoid misdiagnosis."

The doctor, wearing a mask, folded his hands on the desk and spoke with a reassuring tone.

It seemed that he had seen many patients like Yang Luo.

Nodding blankly, Yang Luo picked up the diagnostic report and left the hospital hall.

Maybe it was psychological, or maybe because the hospital's seal confirmed the disease in his heart, a sharp pain emerged in his chest.


Exhaling quietly, Yang Luo comforted himself.

"It can't be. How unlucky can I be? Diagnosed with such a disease at 31, just bought a house, and getting a raise every year. Such low odds can't happen to me..."

"It must be a misdiagnosis... I'll check in another hospital."

Muttering to himself, Yang Luo's mood slightly improved.

Although the weight of reality hung over him like a guillotine, there was still a slim chance.

Yang Luo picked up his phone and dialed his team leader's number.

"Hello, team leader..."

"Oh, Bro Luo, didn't you go for a medical checkup today? How did it go?"

The team leader asked nonchalantly.

"...I still have a few days of annual leave left, right? I'm thinking of taking a few more days off. Hope you can approve."

"How many days are you thinking of?"

The team leader's tone became hesitant.

"We are in a crucial phase of a version update. Taking leave at this time... hey, Bro Luo, did something come up in the examination?"

"...Well, it seems a bit serious, but there's a possibility of misdiagnosis. That's why I wanted to take a few more days off and check in multiple hospitals."

"I see."

The team leader consoled him.

"...Alright then, Bro Luo, go for the check-up. Don't worry, it's just a few days. We can manage. If there's a serious issue, let us know. The company won't abandon you."

After thanking him repeatedly, the call ended, and Yang Luo put down his phone.

Although there was still a shadow in his heart, he felt surrounded by warmth thanks to his team leader's comforting words.

"It really is a good company... If it turns out to be a misdiagnosis, I'll work even harder for the company in the future."

Sniffling a bit, Yang Luo, holding the diagnostic report and feeling a mix of sorrow and solace, began looking up other hospitals and left the hospital hall.


Five days later.

Standing at the entrance of Qingxia City Central Tumor Hospital, Yang Luo stared at the thick stack of test results in his hand, his vision intermittently blurring.

Despite the bright sunshine, both his heart and body felt as if they were immersed in icy waters.

Over these five days, he'd visited seven to eight hospitals, underwent repeated CT scans, and consulted with numerous doctors.

However, no matter where he went, the conclusion was always the same.

"Cardiac sarcoma."

A type of primary cardiac tumor.


Although the surgery itself would only cost a few tens of thousands, factoring in the pre and post-operative treatments, along with other related medical expenses, the total would reach hundreds of thousands. He would have to take out loans to afford it.

Most crucially, according to the doctors, the location of his tumor was extremely "delicate." The success rate of the surgery was less than fifty percent... And even if the operation succeeded, the prognosis for recovery was grim, with a life expectancy of no more than two to three years.

— It's hard to accept.


"I'm only 31, I haven't even held a girlfriend's hand... From a rural elementary school, I've worked hard to study and finally settled in a big city... Why is this happening to me?"

Reflecting on his life, enduring hardships, and finally establishing himself in a reputable company through effort and wise choices, how did it come to this?

"I just bought a house for my parents not long ago, planning to bring them to Qingxia City... What will happen in the future?"

He sat listlessly on the steps of the hospital entrance, tears streaming unnoticed down his face.

He didn't know how long he sat there, but by the time he mustered the strength to rise, the sun had already set, casting shadows over the city. In the dimming light, he found a glimmer of hope.

"That's right... I still have my company, right? A company as compassionate as Shengyi will surely support me. After all, I've been with them for eight years."

"Yes, that's it... Maybe the company can even help connect me with clinics abroad for treatment!"

The very thought of "Shengyi" lightened Yang Luo's mood. He immediately called his team leader to inform him of the situation.

"What?! Bro Luo, you have a malignant heart tumor? Not much time left? How could this happen..."

"I didn't expect this either..."

Yang Luo replied with a bitter smile.

There was a pause on the other end as the team leader pondered his words.

"Bro Luo, I'll contact HR and see how we can handle this. Come to the company tomorrow afternoon, and we can talk."

"Okay, okay..."

Eager to accept, Yang Luo wanted to chat more with his team leader. Despite being much younger, he was the only one Yang Luo could confide in in this vast city.


As Yang Luo started to speak, he was met with a dial tone. "Beep... beep..."

Holding the phone, Yang Luo was momentarily stunned.

"Youngsters are really impatient, aren't they? He's already reaching out to the company on my behalf."

Shaking his head, a self-comforting smile appeared on his face.

"Ah, tomorrow afternoon... I wonder how the company plans to help me through this predicament."

"Indeed, it's always better to be part of an organization. It makes life more bearable."

With these thoughts, Yang Luo clutched his chest, shivered slightly, and boarded the bus home, eagerly awaiting the next day.