
I Stream DC on Marvel

My name is Allen Walker. I lived a quiet and uneventful life until I got into trouble with the school's ultimate bully, Flash Thomson. It was worth it because I was able to protect my friend Gwen and help out a poor guy named Peter Parker. That's right... my life was turned upside down with my school problems. I somehow ended up tangled with bullies like Flash and his rich friend Harry Osborn, and the three beauties of the school, Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane. I understood why Gwen was there, as she's my friend, but I couldn't understand why the other two girls were interested in me. My destiny should have been getting beaten up by the school bullies, but luckily, I received unexpected help from a miraculous entity called the "The Absolute Content Creator System". This system mainly operates based on viewers and the popularity I gain by providing great content in my world. But somehow, I'm now live-streaming in the middle of the Superman vs. Doomsday fight... yes, it sounds very dangerous and stupid. No one told me I'd be going to the DC world to livestream?! Darkseid is going to kill me!! My aunt Natasha would scream at me for the stupidity I was committing, and she would be right, I mean, I'm streaming it to my world! But I have to be here, even if it's stupid and dangerous. The reason? I have a huge debt of one million dollars because I accidentally ordered a hundred fantasy waifu sex dolls... which have come to life for some reason. Yeah, things are getting complicated!! It sounds insane, but it's real. The first doll was Wednesday Addams, who tried to stab me, and the second was 2B from Nier: Automata, who treated me like her master... I won't complain about that. A bit confusing? Let's recap: - I live in a world that the system calls Marvel... I'm not sure if I should be worried. - I was a normal teenager making YouTube videos and streams, not very popular... – I got involved with the school beauties and that earned me the hatred of the bullies... ¿why? - I was chosen by a system related to content creation. - During a stream, my chat played a prank on me, and I ended up accidentally ordering a hundred very expensive sex dolls that left me in a one-million-dollar debt. - These dolls are coming to life for some reason. - To pay off that debt, I have to use the system that sends me to DC and broadcast craziness like Batman being captured by the Joker or some villain fighting the Justice League. It's not all bad. With a system like in the manga, I become stronger the more popular I get. I gain powers that only appear in comics and anime, and many other things. But, as I said, my world is not normal, and I'll end up getting involved in dangerous things. I knew that when a one-eyed man appeared at my door and said, "Do you know about the Avengers Initiative?"... I think I should definitely be worried about that. While things are bad with all that, my chat is full of trolls and assholes. To make matters worse, my congenital bad luck leads me into stupid and dangerous situations all the time. For example: entering Harley Quinn's room and having relations with her while the Joker is nearby or kicking Darkseid in the balls... Maybe I'll get killed soon, but if not, I'll continue live-streaming the best content on social media... I just hope the system doesn't stream to strange places. If you want to read chapters in advance, be able to see the images that webnovel does not want and support me here I leave you my patreon. Patreon.com/_Aizen A/N: Hello, I hope you like this story and support it. English is not my native language, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors.

Mr_Aizen · Anime und Comics
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329 Chs

Allen & Superman vs Doomsday

A red light flashed, enveloping Doomsday, and swallowing the sound. An instant later, a massive shockwave tore through the entire avenue, spanning several blocks. Every vehicle on the street was sent flying, crushed by Allen's power. Of course, there were no people on the streets before this.

The attack was significant and destructive, yet it was concentrated on a single target, Doomsday. Nevertheless, several buildings could have been sent flying were it not for a sort of semi-transparent white walls that protected them, isolating the buildings from the shockwave.

The eyes of the world were glued to their screens, witnessing the destruction caused by the "Cursed Technique Reversal: Red."

This was awe-inspiring for the DC world. At the same time, it was a sigh of relief. Even though they didn't know Allen, the fact that he was protected and, in turn, protected Wonder Woman, and the technique he used was to safeguard civilians, demonstrated that he was at least on their side.

News outlets quickly spread images of Allen: "Attention! We have reports of a new superhero joining the battle against the monster... against Doomsday!"

Even international news: "A young man dressed in white interrupted a potential tragedy in Metropolis, giving citizens a breath of relief. We will cover the confrontation in detail."

A reporter, who thought it was his end, continued reporting behind Clown Crown, which turned into a thirty-meter wall on both sides of the street: "Erick, we're behind the white wall. No victims or injuries, people are evacuating as we speak, and everyone wants to know who the young man in white is."

However, the shock in the Marvel world was greater, as many people knew the origin of that technique. People watching the live broadcast began to go mad.

– How is this possible?"

– That's impossible! Why can Allen use red?!"

– Can someone explain what's happening?! Does having white hair make you part of the Gojo clan?"

Allen's viewers were mostly people who came out of curiosity, but there was also a large number of anime and comics fans attracted by Allen's "CGI" quality.

Among them, speculation began about what had happened. Although voices of disbelief and doubt had subsided, many people began to accept that everything was real and that Allen was a mutant capable of traveling to another world.

The impact of seeing red destroy several entire streets was significant. Still, the fact that Clown Crown could contain the damage was also significant. Amid all the mixed emotions, someone made a comment that caught everyone's attention.

"He's a mutant with the ability to manipulate reality..."

No one knew who was the first to comment on that, but his words echoed in everyone.

Assuming that Allen was a mutant with such power could explain why he could reproduce the abilities of a "fictional" character like Satoru Gojo.

However, some people felt fear. Mutants had been known for many years in Allen's world (Marvel), but society, in general, had the habit of downplaying them and even pretending they didn't exist.

The worst part was that this media censorship made many people think that mutants were nothing more than humans with some animal characteristics or the power to bend spoons with their minds.

Unfortunately, the reality was different, and for those who already feared mutants, the birth of one with that power only sent shivers down their spine.

However, that was only a minority of people; most viewers were shocked and even excited about what they saw. Especially the hidden and fearful mutants, there was no reason for them, but they were mesmerized by seeing Allen alongside a superhero like Wonder Woman.

– Kick his ass!

– That's my boy, save my waifu!

– I love you, Allen!

– How can he be so beautiful?

– Tsk, Allen was already disgusting, and now with six eyes, he's even more unpleasant.

– Shut up, ugly.

– Is he a mutant?...

– Allen Walker... Where have I heard that name before?

– Shut up! Mutants are monsters! They're dangerous, and anyone can kill with just a wish!

– Why don't they shut down this stream?! It must be illegal to show a mutant publicly; it's disgusting. (User banned)


Light-years away from the atmosphere of the viewers, Allen felt a lot of pressure.

Doomsday is a very difficult creature to face; Superman had to die once to defeat it, and that was only temporary.

Allen appeared in a building with Diana in his arms.

"Unfortunately, this only made him angry..." Allen murmured.

[– 00:59:45]

He already knew he had limited time before he lost the six eyes, so he wouldn't waste time.

"Sorry, it's rude for you," Allen looked at Diana in his arms and apologized. It must be humiliating for an Amazon to be treated like this.

However, Diana didn't seem upset. She looked at Allen with kind eyes, and the next action took the young albino by surprise.

Without saying anything, Diana caressed Allen's face with her hands and leaned in to kiss him. For a moment, it was like a sweet kiss, but quickly Diana's tongue entered Allen's mouth as if she wanted to retrieve something.

Allen remained in shock for a moment, not knowing what was happening. The sweet taste of Diana's mouth left him blank, and no matter how much he wanted to think of a response to her action, nothing came to mind.

Diana put her arms around Allen and deepened her passionately filled kiss; her body warmed as Allen felt her softness.

The beautiful Amazon with hair as black as jet and eyes as blue as the sky did not hesitate to use her body as a means to prolong the kiss. Allen smelled the fragrance of a woman filled with desire in his arms, tempted but not giving in to his impulses as with Felicia.

Diana kissed Allen for about half a minute, then released him, and Allen lowered her from his arms, confused.

"You must be confused?... I'm sorry," Diana apologized, blushing, then touched her lips while a cute smile formed on her face. If any of her friends saw her at this moment, their eyes would pop out. After all, Diana's personality is strong, not that of a girl in love.

Upon noticing Allen's fixed gaze, Diana coughed uncomfortably.

"I..." Allen tried to say something but didn't know what to say.

Diana became nervous. "This is a tradition! When a warrior you consider worthy saves your life, you must show your respects!" she said in a hurry, but it was easy to see that it wasn't true.

"With a kiss?"

"No! Of course not!..." 

Allen laughed and thought the woman was cute, but he didn't have time for this. An overwhelming roar cleared the dust and debris.

Doomsday seemed to grow a little more as his massive muscles flexed, evolving and becoming furious.

Allen squinted. "Wow, he's a monster."

Diana looked silently at Allen, making him wonder if she knew him or something. Allen shook his head, leaving that for later.

"Be careful..." she didn't try to stop Allen, instead bidding him farewell with a look of encouragement, support, and... affection.

"Do we know each other?" Allen couldn't help asking, seeing the look that only important women in his life give him.

"...no," Diana replied with a small laugh.

Diana was lying, the mystery wasn't very big, it's easy to see. Even Flash's attitude when meeting Allen was somewhat strange and familiar.

In the near future, Allen had traveled a few years back from this same earth, but to avoid altering the past, Diana and Flash decided to lie that they didn't know him.

He couldn't solve this problem until the system evolved enough and gained two capabilities:

Temporal Anchor: which would synchronize the time of his world with the DC lands Allen visited.

Worldwide Record: This would allow Allen to return to the different DC lands he visited.

Allen also noticed that Diana was lying, but he thought the princess had her reasons, and since Doomsday was an immediate threat, he decided not to inquire for now.


Allen jumped off the building; the six eyes gleamed as Allen set aside his worries, paying no more attention to the rest.

Doomsday was not an opponent you could defeat with half concentration.

Allen used his eyes to see the world; for the next hour, everything before his eyes would be exposed.

The dust settled, and a furious Doomsday roared as his massive body expanded, and the damage caused by red healed.

Allen appeared in front of the gray giant and hit him with an open palm under the chin. The monster rose into the sky, and instead of continuing his attack, Allen smiled, for as Doomsday rose, a man dressed in blue and red awaited him and was not in a good mood.

Superman, people from all around exclaimed with joy; the man who had always been the hero of hope for everyone had arrived.

Without hesitation, Superman punched Doomsday in the face, causing a thunderous sound and shattering the windows of several buildings.

Allen extended his hand, and Crown Clawn reached Doomsday in the form of white ropes from all directions, wrapping around him.

Doomsday struggled, tearing pieces from the thing that enveloped him, but Crown Clawn immediately regenerated endlessly; shortly after, the monster was wrapped in a cocoon.

"Clark!" Allen shouted.

Upon hearing his name, Superman flew, grabbing the cocoon; the priority was to get Doomsday out of the city, and Superman understood that.

However, Superman only advanced a couple of miles before a giant hand emerged from the cocoon and grabbed him by the neck. Another arm came out and hit Clark in the face so hard he lost a tooth, then another devastating blow buried into Superman's stomach, sending him flying.

An explosion undid the white cocoon that enveloped Doomsday; the pieces of Crown Clawn regenerated into Allen's coat, and he frowned.

Allen teleported and appeared in the air in front of Doomsday. The monster, demonstrating absurd reflexes, hit just as Allen appeared as if he could see the future.

However, Allen's eyes only showed calmness while the attack that should have torn him apart was stopped dead in its tracks by the cursed unlimited technique.

Allen's eyes dilated, and he kicked Doomsday in the stomach, causing a soundwave that sent the beast flying.

Doomsday crashed through several empty buildings. Allen looked at Superman, who was flying up from below.

"Clark, he's not an opponent you can win against by holding back; Doomsday is from Krypton."


"A Kryptonian turned into a terrifying monster... one that is immortal and can adapt to its enemies."

Superman showed a dark and worried face before clenching his fists in fear.

"I live in a cardboard world, always afraid of breaking something..." Allen said in a low voice. His words surprised Superman, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Those words..." Clark remembered thinking that more than once.

"Trust me..." Allen said, staring at the son of Krypton. "You won't kill anyone with me here..."

Clark's eyes cleared of doubts, and he smiled, then fixed his eyes on Doomsday, the monster had fallen in a park.

With a sonic boom, Superman disappeared and arrived almost instantly at the park. His eyes showed he meant business.

Allen pointed at the park. "I'm counting on you, Clown Crown! Synchronization at 200%!"

Gojo had told Allen what he knew about that "glove." Allen had many questions but limited himself to listening.

His glove is called Innocence, and the more synchronization with its bearer, the more power it gains. Innocence is very versatile, depending on the desires; it can change its form and powers, adjusting to the desires of its bearer.

The current form of Allen's Innocence is Clown Crown, and it reaches 100% synchronization.

However, Allen discovered during his training with Gojo that he could increase synchronization much more, thanks to the strange (unlocked) status that came with Clown Crown, according to the system analysis.

Allen was able to increase synchronization to 200% without any problems, but when he tried to go further, he almost fainted because his current body couldn't handle more than that.

This took too long to explain, but in a fraction of a second, Clown Crown followed Allen's wishes and began to disappear from his body. Then, a shield in the form of a giant and transparent cube appeared, enclosing Doomsday and Superman.

Superman hit Doomsday so hard that the atmosphere inside the cube trembled. Allen gritted his teeth while controlling that the cube wouldn't break.

Superman didn't hold back and hit Doomsday's stomach, then his chin, face, and solar plexus, and continued hitting at super speed, while the cube formed by Clown Crown constantly fissured and repaired.

Allen felt that half the city would disappear if he let the cube break.

Doomsday didn't stay inert and returned several blows that made Clark bleed from his nose, ears, and mouth.

Allen knew both were receiving damage equally; even Superman, not holding back, couldn't defeat Doomsday. The most desperate part was that if they gave time to the monster, it would regenerate, while Clark wouldn't.

Allen saw Superman being hit and crashing into one of Clown Crown's walls. However, the surface stretched like rubber, trapping Superman without hurting him.

Doomsday lunged at a wounded Superman, but Allen appeared behind Doomsday.

"I won't let you..." Allen murmured. He then used both hands to form a blue sphere that pulled the monster towards him. "Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue."

Using the infinite rotation attraction, the monster was dragged while everything around Allen was destroyed.

Allen threw the sphere into the sky, dragging debris, cars, and entire buildings into the sky.

Many people screamed in fear as the buildings where they sought shelter broke.

A woman working in a building watched in horror as the building was torn away, feeling she was going to die. But when she opened her eyes, she saw she was in a transparent bubble, floating, completely unharmed.

Allen looked at the sky, while with one hand, he caused enormous destruction, and with the other, he controlled Clown Crown to protect every person and animal nearby.

Allen shouldn't be able to do something like this without the help of the six eyes that allowed him to see everything.

However, this wasn't free; Allen's nose started bleeding as his brain melted, but anticipating this result, Allen had previously used the cursed technique reversal to heal himself.

Cursed energy is negative energy, and that's why sorcerers can't heal themselves. Still, Gojo taught Allen to reverse the nature of negative energy to make it positive and heal himself. However, that didn't prevent Allen's pain, and he endured silently while crushing Doomsday with infinite pressure.

At the same time, thousands of spheres with people and animals floated away from the place.

Doomsday screamed stridently as he tried to free himself, but Allen didn't let him.

"Clark!" Allen shouted with a hoarse voice as blood came out of his mouth.

An injured Superman shot up into the sky while screaming, gathering all his strength to deliver a massive blow to Doomsday.

The shockwave of the blow traveled through the entire country as Doomsday flew towards the sky, he almost left the atmosphere, the monster's jaw was broken and bleeding.

"Don't stop!! Don't give him time to do anything!!" Allen shouted.

Allen used his ability to propel himself along with the cursed technique amplification to shoot into the stratosphere.

Superman felt chills as he saw with his supervision how Doomsday began to heal in the sky and propelled himself like Allen.

Both men made a thunderous sound as they traveled into the sky dozens of times at the speed of sound, chasing Doomsday.

Allen was the first to arrive and kicked the wounded gray giant's stomach, pushing it further up.

Then Superman appeared behind Doomsday and hit him with both hands down. Allen appeared below and gave Doomsday an uppercut to send him to Superman, who received him with his heat vision.


Doomsday wanted to do the same as Superman, and his eyes lit up, but Allen teleported behind him and used his arm covered by infinity to cover Doomsday's eyes and stop the attack, at the same time clinging to Doomsday's neck.

Clark screamed as he used his heat vision like never before, managing to burn Doomsday's skin. The monster screamed in fury and tried to free itself from Allen.

Allen had to deactivate his six eyes for a moment because he could no longer stand having them open; he also had to withdraw because it was hard for him to breathe at this altitude.

Superman grabbed Doomsday's head and used his heat vision directly on Doomsday's eyes. The enraged monster grabbed Superman and threw him towards Allen.

Without the six eyes, Allen couldn't activate infinity in time, and he couldn't defend himself, but Clown Crown, sensing danger, enveloped Allen, protecting him.

Allen and Superman fell into the atmosphere while burning from the friction.

Clark recovered and stopped their fall. But Doomsday didn't give them time to breathe and appeared as a terrifying monster above them. Clark was grabbed by the neck, and Allen tried to dodge but was caught by Doomsday's clothes.

The three fell again; Allen, annoyed, activated his six eyes without fear of turning his brain into soup and began to hit Doomsday. Clark did the same and hit Doomsday, furious, responded with wild blows.

The devastating blows of the three made the atmosphere tremble as they fought while falling.

It was a battle to the death that took the three to the limit.


In both worlds, people watched in shock as the battle unfolded beyond their imagination. Even those who knew Superman had never seen him fight without holding back. People familiar with Allen couldn't even comprehend what was happening. He used to be a geek who loved waifus until recently!

But the most terrifying part was that these two seemingly invincible men were fighting against the same monster without being able to win or lose.

Allen's face, as he fought and bled, became known throughout his world. But, as if by some stroke of luck, neither his aunt Natasha nor MJ or Gwen, saw this. Still, the people who once viewed him as a threat were now silent, watching him risk his life alongside Superman.