
I reincarnated in the world full of beasts with a Clash of clan system

he died and reincarnate with his body remain intact. - - - - This novel story is my own but the system element are in clash of clan can you tell me is that a fanfic or own novel? Because I see someone NOVEL with tap tycoon or smth with his/her own story too so I'm confused is my work are fanfic or not? can you tell me? Btw some chapters are cringy slice of life The plot is somehow slow or fast idk just read it. Lastly my updates of chapters are randomly so don't take too much hope for me (The one who beautiful out there is a witch.... not my art btw..)

CONDENSED_MILK · Videospiele
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23 Chs

Chapter 3: The Clash of clan that i know is a bit different

Aeryn and Wilson traveled in ten minutes to reach the north side of the village, and they saw a dense forest. "it's like a five-hectare that you need to walk before going there" he shook his head due to exhaustion state.

"How many people are there in the village?"

Aeryn was Startled by his sudden question, They didn't talk while walking. "W-we only numbered of 64, most of them is girls and a countable of men" he nodd and run to 100 meters away from the forest. Aeryn didn't notice his action she thought that Wilson going to make her a bait. "What are you waiting FOR!?, RUN HERE!!" after she hear a shout from him she didn't hesitantly make a choice. after she run towards him she enquire him with a worried expression.

"what happened?" *huff* *huff* she makes a

heavy breath. Because of her exhaustion, she didn't notice someone patting her head "ehhhh??" she see him smiling widely at her then he chuckled. "I just want to tease you a bit" He see Aeryn blush, then he retracted his hand and then make a fake cough. *ahem*

he place a two 3x3 sq. foot tower it consists of a short dark metal barrel mounted on a crude four-legged circular wooden platform.

- Cannon

- Level 1

- DPS ( 9 / 7.2 )

- Hitpoints ( 420 )

- Range ( 9 m radius )

- Attack speed ( 0.8 sec )

- DT ( Single Type )

{Exp Gained 3}

And he put another cannon in 9 meters side.

he wanted to put an Army camp in the middle

of these two cannons, a 4x4 sq. meters large open grassy area with a cooking fire in the center.

- Army camp

- Level 1

- Troop capacity ( 0/20 )

- Hitpoints ( 250 )

He want to know if he can also train some barbarians here so he put another building, a 3x3 sq. meters building with a sloped red roof with a small window and door-less entryway. The roof is emblazoned with a pair of crossed swords. The building itself resembles a larger Builder's Hut, but with differences. The swords on the roof symbolize the Barbarian, unlocked at this level. A small window is carved in the stone wall. behind the army camp.

- Barracks

- Level 1

- Unlocked unit ( Barbarian )

- Hitpoints ( 250 )

He wanted to know what is inside in this mysterious building that have infinite troops hiding in there, he take a step and touched the doorless barracks. then he disappeared in front of Aeryn.

He Sank into the void and a second later he found himself in a wooden gym. he thought he can find now the answer to this mysterious barracks.

But to his disappointment, he only saw a square icon of the realistic face of a barbarian, a yellow hair and yellow beard picture it shows in the icon.

- Barbarian

- Level 1

- DPS ( unknown )

- Hitpoints ( depends on the summon )

- Training points ( 15 elixirs)

"EHhh??, a summon?? well maybe that's how it calls, but this barbarian stats are unknown, I think the script of the COC system is a bit different.

Aeryn pov

*some movements in the bush*

Aeryn Nervously stares at that bush. "i-is that you c-chief Wilson?" *gulp* she tremulously stepped back.

*growl* a low growl of an animal respond to her. then a 6 six foot three black wolves with falling saliva and their sharp teeth noticeable, they came out in one of the bushes while grinding their teeth and staring at Aeryn like a sheep. the three wolves dashed out to the bush and start running towards her.

*bang* before she could run she see an automatically firing cannon towards the three wolves.

*bang* bang* bang* bang* every second the two cannons fire in the same rhythm. after a few seconds of massacring the wolves the two cannon stop their firing, When they felt there was no moving hostility towards their base, the body of the three wolves have many holes to be seen.

Aeryn dropped her jaw to the exaggerated power of two wooden cannons. she didn't know that this is how to be powerful their chief is.

Back to Wilson's pov

He sees his gold capacity resources rise without doing anything.

- Gold ( 12 / 2,500 )

- Elixir ( 0 / 2,500 )

- Gems ( 250 )

he left in the barracks and went out to see what is going on there.

Wilson can see a mess and carcasses of unknown creatures it can't describe by their appearance due to holes in their bodies. and the ground has some made of iron ball sickened.

Aeryn see again his chief out of nowhere, she hurriedly bowed and thanked him for saving her life.

he knows what happened here, he takes a step on the corpse of one creature and taps it. *plop* *uwahhh* *bubble popping intensifies*

The creature immediately became a pink bubble and completely vanished, he see his capacity for elixir rise again.

- Elixir ( 22 / 2,500 )

But there was one more problem he didn't know what to do with the missed iron balls so he decided to tap it, he didn't have so much hope in this one because, in his past life there are no such a thing in Coc, albeit he wanted to try it. then.

*clang* *shriinggkilingling* *coin clashing intensifies*

- Gold ( 38 / 2,500 )

he checked the two cannons and he can see a reload/repair square icon on them.

- Load ( 87 / 100 )

- Gold needed to refill ( 50 )

Wilson was surely a hundred percent sure about the differences, in his past life the coc that he knows haven't done this kind of thing, only the three buildings he remembered needed to repair, xbow, inferno tower, and Artillery.


"Hey, Aeryn back to the village and send some people here to bring some food, I also go back after five hours guarding here." he said with a sleepy tone. "bu-" she didn't finish when Wilson patted her head. "alright, please chief come back safely" she leaves while blushing.

Wilson again enters the barracks and taps the barbarian. he was shocked by its appearance "The hell?? YOUR SCRIPT IS WRONG SYSTEM!!!"

(the sound effects that I put are only my imagination... I need sleep I didn't sleep at all.. after I made a chapter in another novel)

You secretly reading this right? Just keep quite we are in Library.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

CONDENSED_MILKcreators' thoughts