
I reincarnated in the world full of beasts with a Clash of clan system

he died and reincarnate with his body remain intact. - - - - This novel story is my own but the system element are in clash of clan can you tell me is that a fanfic or own novel? Because I see someone NOVEL with tap tycoon or smth with his/her own story too so I'm confused is my work are fanfic or not? can you tell me? Btw some chapters are cringy slice of life The plot is somehow slow or fast idk just read it. Lastly my updates of chapters are randomly so don't take too much hope for me (The one who beautiful out there is a witch.... not my art btw..)

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Chapter 4 : Builders appearance

Wilson threw out outside in barracks, then he see a human shadow in the smoke in front of him. "hmm, the lord choose me?" He sees a 6'2 footer beautiful lady carrying a silver sword, and in her athletic only a private part covered by bear fur, combined by long yellow messy hair with blue eyes. "hmm? oh hi lord, why are you on our altar?."

he was stupidly shocked by her appearance, that he even didn't recognize that it can talk. "lord, are you okay? why are you sitting there?" she slowly walked towards him while her massive h cup chest is swaying, she noticed his 'lord' staring at her chest, she didn't feel any disgust towards him instead she is proud of her appearance. She extends her arm and she smile.

*cough* Wilson manage to stand up on his own and then he nodd.

"erm, yes, I am."

"a-alright." a nameless barbarian scratch his head and he looked the other way in awkwardness.

Wilson came upon his idea and he asked a nameless barbarian.

"Do you have a name?"

"yes, I am Hayat," she said with a prideful tone.

After she said her name Wilson saw an exclamation mark on Hayat's head, he take a step but Hayat moves backward by his action.

he didn't notice Hayat is taking a backward while Wilson is taking a step to approach her. But his eyes only focused on the exclamation mark on the top of Hayat's head.

"e-erm, l-lord w-what ar- eh?" she suddenly slipped by a four inches iron ball but also to mistake she also hold his 'lord's' hand.

*thud* they fall and make a loud noise, then face to face and Wilson manages to make a stance of push up in front of Hayat's face, and their face is only a five inches a far, Wilson recovered to his stupor, and his gazed locked on Hayat's blue eyes and fell on her tiny red lips.

His virgin mind didn't know what to do he

saw many clichés like this in movies and he felt cringing to death on them but, when it happened to him with a voluptuous lady his mind can't take it anymore.

he thought in his past life he is cold enough to avoid many sexy ladies, but here his V-Card whole body is accelerating in horniness his ten-inch crotch is standing manly in his loose shorts.

Hayat felt some hard stick in her belly, she blushed and looked away due to her embarrassing situation. But she felt a hand on her chin and her face slowly return on his 'lord's face and a thumb finger slowly caressing her lips, her heart increasingly beating fast she only locked her gaze on his lord black eyes.

Wilson's face slowly approaches Hayat's lips in slow motion 4 inches...3inch....2...

*cough *ehemm*cough* multiple fake loud coughs can be heard from two old dwarf masculine men with blue eyes, who appears bald, and has a nose as big as their eyes. wears a yellow-brown aviator hat, brown leathery pants, and orange shoes, and wields a stone hammer.

and the other one is surely different from his appearance. bigger muscles, slightly taller than the other one. Wearing medieval sheepskin gloves, combined with a brown apron, sleeveless shirt, and leathered trousers.

'damnn, it's only an inch' he looked again into Hayat's eyes and made an apologetic face, Hayat understood what it mean and nodd slightly, Wilson stand up first and he extend his arms to her, and she didn't refute it but gradually accept his offer.

"I missed that scene back in my early days," said the bald dwarf.

"that young brat's dick is bigger than mine," said the one who wearing an apron.

"KEKEKEKE" and they laugh outwardly.

Wilson heard what are they discussing he looked away in the other direction and his face is full of redness by the shame. Hayat heard it too, but she didn't look in another way instead she peek a little into Wilson's crotch, and she blushed because it was still erect, now Hayat understand what that man wearing an apron meant.

*ahem* now Wilson calm himself and recovered from horniness because of the cockblock by two dwarfs in front of him. "erm, sir what are you doing there" Wilson scratch his beardless chin while squinting his eyes.

"I wake up in this world, which is mean the lord choose me. I asked the other people walking in that place, where are the lord that summoned us. And the priestess-gowned girl pointed in this direction." said the bald dwarf.

"you wake up in this world?" he tilt his head due to confusion. the two dwarf inwardly also confused too, but they don't want to disrespect their lord so they only nodd to him

"so that means you are in another world??" the two dwarfs face to faced and smiled devilishly in their minds, they know why their lord acting this strangely it means.

'HE'S A NEWBORN LORD' the two of them know what they're gonna do.

'WE NEED TO BULLSHIT' they nodd together.

"yes, lord we came from in the other world called zolea." Hayat was shocked a little bit but she didn't show it, she knows the planet zolea it's the habitats of the dwarves 'so the fourteen legends of chaotic planetary war are true?'

"And they called us the world of destruction because of our destructible inventions that can destroy a planet" the two smiled proudly because their heroes died with their destructive weapons won triumphantly.

Hayat felt somewhat irritable because of their bullshit bragging 'it's already million years ago if the barbarian king and queen are in their peak state that time your so-called inventions only a piece of leaf in our king's raw strength' she wanted to say it out loud because she read it in the legend of the stone slab due to their king and queen age, their prime state is long ago gone and the skill of their sword is rusted due to long peace of their world, but she didn't want to disrespect his lord so she only snorted coldly and endure their bullshit bragging.

"so what is your name?"

"Pete, at your service lord" said by bald dwarf

"Leonel, at your service lord," said a haired dwarf and they both bowed to him.

Again he sees an exclamation mark on their head and he is eager to touch it, and discover what it means. But he retract his desire to touch it, he didn't want them to misunderstand him for being a homosexual, He see Hayat so he can check it later.

"Alright, don't call me a lord I preferred if you call me chief, just call me Chief Wilson" He smiled when he said the last part it is somehow relaxing to hear when he heard that.

the three of them looked at each other and they nodd with an amused expression they have only the same word in their mind.

'he's a little different'

"yes, Chief Wilson" When he heard that phrase it was relaxing but his time was interrupted when he heard a three-girl shouting not far away.

"CHIEF WILSON!!" When it's only a hundred meters he sees three girl figures carrying many foods together. He know them so he waved back. The three of them also clearly saw a three lady figure.

The two dwarfs see a barbaric woman making a bitter face so they wanted to add a diesel to the fire.

"Chief Wilson's handsomeness surely unparalleled I think in the future he can make a harem at ease"

"Yeah, and his dick is surely unparalleled too he can surely satisfy any women in that village, also their village has a massive chest too bigger than someone that I see" Leonel didn't help Pete to piss her a little bit, but he adds gasoline to the fire, but they see their chief coming back with three girls so they breathe calmly, But they didn't stop there also they let out their tongue a little bit and show it to the barbaric woman.

"Y-" she heard and see what they do, she didn't offend what they said but she was irritated when someone acted like a child in front of her like a wimpy child acting or a show-off bragging with no truth.

She sees Wilson coming back here while chatting with the other woman while patting each of their head she sees their blushed face when Wilson caresses their head 'is that good?' she shook her head when they now approaching them.

Aeryn sees a voluptuous woman while her sword is on her waist she stares at the woman's breast it's so huge compared to her c cup breast. she retracts her gaze when she sees Wilson making an introduced motion.

"Okay, I think you three already know these two masculine dwarfs but I reintroduce them again in a proper way. he is Pete, he is Leonel, and lastly Hayat". The three of them nodd to the other party.

*clap* Wilson claps his hands." alright go that place he points to the 4x4 sq. meters large open grassy area with a cooking fire in the center. they walked into the place which is only ten meters, and they started preparing a meal and start grilling a-looking chicken meat. while waiting for a chicken Wilson asked the two dwarfs again.

"what are you're reasons to go here again?" he looked at the two dwarfs with a serious gaze.

"We noticed the three different buildings in that village which is our first time to see it, our builder senses told that we need to learn it. and we are also shocked by these two cannons automatically moving on their own" Wilson takes a look at the two cannons it clearly can rotate in 360 degrees without any supporting gear on below. he wanted to say if their joking in what they said but he think deeply and find out that it is possible that they didn't know about it because it belongs to the clash of clan designers and no one wanted to steal their design well if they wanted they need to pay copyrights.* Also in clash of Clans the builders always sleeping, they only waked up if there's a building that new purchased or upgraded so surely it's a new discovery if the builders in coc awaken too if he logging out.

"Well it's okay you can learn it but you need to wait for five hours" Wilson didn't lie because that is the time of his loot.

*(i don't know if that is the right term)

(coc is a short term of clash of clans)

(cc is short term of clan castle)

hope it helps if someone confused

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