
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Peter: "AHH SHIT!"

Old man: "Quickly, Peter, get close to me."

The Vampires started charging peter and the old man, but the old man cast a strong blinding spell which caused all the vampires to be blinds for a few seconds. Peter and the old man took this opportunity to run outside the tavern, but when they got outside they found out that everyone in the village is a vampire waiting for them.

Peter: "This is a vampires village! Why did you bring us here, old man?"

Old man: "This isn't the time for chatting. We need to escape."

Peter's sword starts shining.

Peter: "Huh? The sword is shining like before."

Old man: "We can use the sword!"

The old man Cast light magic on the sword intensifying its effects. The sword light lit up the entire village with light magic causing the vampires to hide from the light.

Peter: "Now's our chance!"

They started running to the gates of the village to escape, but the sword light started becoming weaker and the vampires came out from hiding and started chasing peter and the old man. The vampires managed to block the gates and forced peter and the old man to run into a corner.

Old Man: "Shit, They got us cornered."

Peter: "Now what old man? if we don't do anything, we'll become a vampire's soup."

The sword light magic died and every vampire started running towards peter and the old man. just before they got to them a Mysterious Hot Girl wearing a cape fell down from nowhere and cast a huge fire spell burning the vampires.

Mysterious Hot Girl: "Follow me, if you want to live."

They managed to escape outside the village thanks to the Mysterious Hot Girl, but zombies were waiting for them outside the protective ward, and the vampires started chasing them again.

Peter: "We are sandwiched between zombies and vampires."

Mysterious Hot Girl: "We have to run beyond the ward."

Peter: "Are you insane? Zombies are waiting for us outside."

Old man: "I'll take zombies chasing us over vampires."

Mysterious Hot Girl: "We don't have a choice, Let's go."

They Ran outside the protective ward and hundreds of zombies started chasing them.


Mysterious Hot Girl: "SHUT UP AND RUN!"

Old man: "The sun is about to set soon."

After being chased by zombies for over 2 hours the sun started coming up and the zombies quickly dug deep down the sand to hide.

Peter: 'Falls on the ground.' "You said the sun was about to set soon old man. Two hours are not soon."

Old man: "At least we managed to escape."

Peter stares at the Mysterious Hot Girl.

Peter: "Thank you for saving us." 'OHH MAA GAWWD SHE'S HOT'

Mysterious Hot Girl: "What were you two doing inside that village?"

Old man: "we were being chased by zombies so we had to stay there until the next day. What happened to that village?"

Mysterious Hot Girl: "I don't know the details, but one day a vampire attacked the village, turning everyone into vampires. Now they lure travelers and adventurers inside the village and drink their blood."

The old man stares at peter.

Peter: "What? I didn't know she was a vampire."

Mysterious Hot Girl: 'Stares at peter' "Who are you?"

Peter: "I'm Peter, nice to meet you." 'Stares at her boobs'

Old man: "Just call me old man."

Ren: "My name is Ren and you." 'Points at peter' "I see you staring at my boobs."

Ren is 5,7 ft, Has Black short hair and red eyes. Her body is insane and got huge boobs.

Peter: "WH WHAT? I couldn't help it. It's not my fault that I can see your side boobs ahahaha."

Ren: 'Face turns red' "YOU PERVERT!" 'Punches Peter in the face sending him flying.'

Old man: "Oh Boy."

Peter: "Ouch! why did you punch me?"

Ren: "Because you're a pervert."

Peter: "I'm not a pervert. I'm Peter, the HERO OF NYLAND."

Ren: "Pfff ahahahaha. You are the hero of Nyland? a weak guy like you was chosen? Ahahahaha."

Peter: "I might not be the best yet, but 'Starts smiling and points at the sky' once I marry all the princesses, I'll become the strongest and defeat the demon king."

Ren: "A princess would never marry someone like you."

Peter: "Ahahahah and what do you think we are doing here hmmm? The water kingdom princess wants me to get her an emerald gemstone to marry her. Technically we are engaged."

Old man: "That's not what you said earlier."

Ren: "AHAHAHAHAH Are you seriously marrying my bitch sister?"

Peter: "Yeah, Wait... WHAAAAAT? SISTER?"

Old man: "You must be the second princess?"

Ren: "Second? I'm the first."

Peter: "B B But the ritual?"

Old man: "Both Ren and her sister are the water kingdom princesses. Which means, both can perform the hero ritual."

Ren: "You know what, I'm interested in this emerald quest you guys are doing. Mind if I join you?"

Peter: Stares at Ren's Boobs "Of course you can join us."

Ren: "Again? Stop staring at my BOOBS!" 'Punches peter'

Old man: "Ahahaha, you are strong. I can use your help to knock some sense into peter's head."

Will peter's journey be successful and acquire the emerald gemstone? Will he marry Princess Amelia or get closer to Princess Ren? find out in the next chapter.

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