
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


After traveling for 5 days peter and his companions arrived at the swamps. the swamps are the most dangerous area in the water nation land. it's the home of the humanoid spiders. Creatures with half women and a huge spider body. They are very aggressive and love to eat humans. most adventurers don't make it out of the swamps alive.

Petre: "It's very humid around here."

Ren: "Yeah, makes me want to remove my clothes."

Peter: "I would not mind that ahahah."

Ren: "I would've punched you, but I'm not in the mood."

Old man: "We have to watch our steps around the swamps. We don't want the humanoid spiders to sneak on us."

After hours of walking, it got late and they decided to find shelter and build a small camp to rest.

Old man: "Humanoid spiders usually hunt at this hour of the night so we have to stay vigilant. the swamps may not be huge, but it's very dangerous."

Ren: "Well, good thing I'm here with you then, since the hero is useless."

Peter: "Sigh, Give me a break. I'm trying my best here."

Ren: "Maybe I can train you if you want?"

Peter: Are you asking me on a date?

Ren: her face turns red "Huh? As I'll ever ask, a loser like you out. Ahahah. "

Peter: "You know what Ren?"

Ren: "W What?"

Peter: "I like you more than your sister."

Ren: "WH WHAT?" Face turns red "I mean of course I'm better, But just because you said that it doesn't mean I'm gonna like you."

Old man: "Enough flattering with each other and sleep."

Peter: "You guys sleep I'll stay on watch for a while."

Peter fell asleep 15 minutes later. After a while, he started feeling that something is moving him. He opens his eyes and saw a humanoid spider dragging him.


Humanoid spider: "I'm not kidnapping you. I'm going to eat you."


Ren and the old man woke up and quickly ran to peter to save him.

Ren: "PETER!" Cast a fireball at the spider, but it had no effect "What? my fireball has no effect?"

Old man: "Humanoid Spiders resist fire spells."

The spider drops peter and runs towards Ren, She jumps in the air to avoid getting hit, but the spider shoots a web at Ren and immobilizes her.

Ren: "Dammit! My sword."

Humanoid Spider: "You can't run now ahahaha."

The spider was about to sting Ren with her poison, but peter jumps in front of Ren to save her.

Peter: "REN!" Jumps in front of ren and takes the hit.

Ren: "PETER!"

Old man: "Cast a blinding spell at the spider and throws the light sword to ren."


Ren grabs the sword, cuts the webs, and stabs the spider in her human's half in the heart. The spider starts screaming and falls dead.

Ren: "PETER!" Runs to peter and holds him "Peter are you ok?"

Peter: 'breathing heavily' "I saved... you" "cough" "see I'm not useless aheheh" 'peter lost his conscious'

Ren: "Peter wake up! old man, he's not responding."

Old man: "The poison is taking effect. But don't worry. Humanoid spiders poison is not deadly, but he might not wake up for a while. We can't travel in his condition. We need to find a safe place to stay until he wakes up."

Ren: "Peter, I promise you'll be fine, just hang in there."

The Old man and Ren searched the swamps for a safe spot and they found an abandoned treehouse.

Ren: "Is that a treehouse?"

Old man: "It looks abandoned. come on, let's check it out."

Ren carried peter up to the treehouse. The treehouse still had all its items, but the dust was everywhere.

Old man: "Someone definitely lived here."

Ren: "Whoever was living here, left a long time ago, but did they forgot to take the house items?"

Old man: "It doesn't matter now. Let's clean up the house."

Ren cleaned the bed and put peter on it.

Ren: "Peter, please don't die."

Old man: "Huh? You really are worried about him."

Ren: "He Jumped to save me without hesitation. He didn't know if he'll survive, but he still did it."

Old man: "He might be an idiot, weak, and sometimes a little pervert. But he got a good heart and he's not a coward."

Ren: Stares at peter. "Old man, I'm going to hunt for food. Take care of peter for me. I'll be back soon."

"Will peter ever wake up from his coma? Did Ren just fall for peter? Find put in the next chapter"

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