
I own an Island in an apocalyptic world

Kael while he was still a child , a fire broke out at his home and his parents sacrificed their lives to save him , even though he survived the fire accident , he was disfigured and looked ugly. He was betrayed and killed by a guy , he thought he was his only friend. “ If there is a next life i want to born in this planet after humans gone extinct “ [ Host was discovered, integrating the system with the host's soul….. integration is completed…. Beginning the reborn process….. reborn is completed ]

LuoFeng915 · Fantasie
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73 Chs

It will be really bad if this zombified alligator wakes up

"Haha, hi," Kael greeted while stepping backward.

Grrr… grrr…

Child zombies stood up on two legs and moved toward Kael with a bloodthirsty look on their faces.

"See, I'm just a passerby. I didn't mean to disturb your hearty meal. You can carry on eating. I will take my leave," said Kael, then turned around to run away from them.

Grrr… grrr…

All the child zombies started chasing Kael. "You shameless brats! How can you all gang up on me?"

Click… click…

"Shit, kids without parents in the apocalypse became very violent," Kael cursed angrily while dodging their bites.

"Wait, is that me?" Kael exclaimed while looking at his reflection in the small water body on the ground while dodging the child zombie attacks.

"Dark hair, eyebrows, sharp eyes, slightly growing mustache and beard, hmm, not bad… not bad… I won't look ugly anymore. I really like my new look," Kael murmured while rubbing his chin with a smug look on his face.

Grrr… grrr…

"Can't wait for a moment? You shitty brats irritating me," Kael raised his leg and kicked the zombie which lunged on him.


The child zombie crashed onto the wall and slid down with a leg stump on its stomach.

The child zombies immediately became wary the moment one of their own kind was attacked.

"Mama… mama…"

The child zombie that had crashed into the wall started crying loudly in a piercing voice.

"Maa… maa…"

A big disfigured female zombie slowly walked out of the building.

"Hell, sister, were you this big before the apocalypse, or did you become this big after the apocalypse? If you were this big before the apocalypse, can you tell me at which shop you buy the rice?" asked Kael with a shocked look on his face.

[Danger… Danger… Level 1 zombie leader appeared… Host, you have to run as fast as possible if you want to keep your life with you.]

Danger signs appeared around the female level 1 zombie leader, and Kael came back to his senses and hurriedly ran away from there without turning back.


The female level 1 zombie leader released a blood-curdling roar out of its mouth and started chasing after him.

"Damn it… damn it… aunty… oh zombie aunty… stop fucking chasing me and go take care of your child zombies!" Kael shouted while nonstop running with his body drenched in cold sweat.

" Grroar…"

The female level 1 zombie leader raised its speed and was closing in on Kael.

"Fuck your grandma!" When he saw that the female level 1 zombie leader was just a few inches behind him, his kidneys nearly jumped out of his back.

He hurriedly rolled aside but still was pierced and scratched by the female level 1 zombie leader.

"Ouch… ouch… it hurts… damn it… so much blood… I'm losing so much blood." Tears welled up in his eyes when he saw the injury and the blood coming out of it.

He saw the damaged bridge and ran towards it at full speed, while falling down and standing up.

But the bridge was damaged and broken; he didn't see the broken part of the bridge. He came to the edge and stood on his toes, beads of sweat slowly sliding down from his face.

"Sigh, I stopped at the right time. If I'm late even for a second, I would have fallen into the river and drowned to death," Kael murmured while slowly stepping backward.

But while he was relaxed and thought he escaped the danger, he forgot the actual danger that was chasing him from behind. He came back to his senses when he heard the loud growls coming from the female level 1 zombie leader.

Before he even thought of a way to dodge, he was dashed by the female level 1 zombie leader and flew into the air, then fell into the river.

" Ahh….. Your grandma…."

After a few minutes, he slowly came back to his senses.

"Ouch… ouch… it hurts… It hurts like hell," Kael lamented while holding the injury and other displaced bones in his body.

[Host danger… danger…]

Danger signs glowed below him.

"Danger?" He looked around with a confused expression on his face.

"Everything around me is water. Wait, what? If it's the water that surrounds me, am I in water? But why is there only a hard surface below me?" Kael looked down with shaking legs and sweat beads forming on his forehead.

Even though the climate is very cool, his body can't help but sweat profusely due to the high tension his brain is going through.

"This tough skin… is it an alligator?" Kael nearly lost consciousness due to sudden shock. He had always seen alligators on TV; not even in his dreams did he think he would see one in real life, let alone sitting on its back.

"Glurr… glurr…"

"Wait, it's not moving? Is it sleeping?" Kael murmured as he moved close to the alligator's head and spotted its closed eyes.

"Sigh, it's really sleeping, but Why the heck can't I stop my legs from shaking ? Is it an instinctive fear of humans? Damn it, stop already. It will be really bad if this zombified alligator wakes up," Kael murmured while trying his best to stop the shaking of his legs.

He doesn't know that five figures are watching him from the shadows.

"Brother Fre, do you think this boy will become that zombified alligator's food?" asked the young lady with a curious look on her face.

"Of course he will become the food for that zombified alligator," said Fre with a sinister smile on his face.

"No, I feel like he will escape from that zombified alligator," said the bald guy with furrowed brows on his face.

"Baldy, why don't we bet?" asked Fre mockingly.

"Fre, bet you say. I'm ready. What do you want to bet?" asked Baldy with a stern gaze on his face.

"Haha, the loser of the bet has to give up the lunch rations," said Fre with a mocking smile on his face.

After hesitating for a moment, Baldy nodded his head. "Okay."

"Hehe, sister Tris, we are going to have a hearty lunch today," said Fre with a boastful laugh.

"Hmph," Baldy scoffed and didn't argue further.

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