
I love a Criminal

Xiong Mei’s perfect world crumbles when her father gets arrested for his crimes tainting his perfect majestic father image in her eyes. She asks everyone around her including her father’s family to help her out only to see everyone feel disgusted with her and abandon her including her beloved fiancee traumatizing her. When she gets to know that there was more to her father’s story than being a criminal, her life was put in danger. So she had to leave the country with her father’s only trusted subordinate as he becomes her other father figure. She had to start over from being the daddy’s princess to a nobody hoping to seek justice for her father. She works hard for seven years to become a businesswoman so that she can set a foot in her country again and get her father out. Though she never intended to take revenge on any of her family members and fiancee thinking all this while that this was the retribution she was facing because of her and her father’s brutality towards others. The past kept coming back to haunt her in the end making her fight for her way. Lu Zihao was a famous businessman ruling the country’s business while being a royal descendent who never intends to get into relationships because of his parent’s bad entanglement until he meets her. Every interaction with her left him amused to no end. Slowly he started to fall in love with her in the process of breaking all her walls sliding slowly into her heart.

maverick_maya · Urban
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11 Chs


Lara took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down. She started repeating to herself," I'm stronger than this".

While Wang Ling paced here and there as she was worried about who this unknown man was entering her boss's office. Both of them froze when they saw the lift clink.

Lu Zihao's hair was messy and he was wearing a casual Tee and jeans as he ran straight to her seat worried about her.

Wang Ling felt her heart stop. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She rubbed her eyes once again to see if she was dreaming or why she was seeing President Lu Corporations here with her boss. Not that they are incompatible.

He might be the only one in this country who could stand on the same level as her awesome boss.

Lara slowly started feeling better seeing Lu Zihao. He went near her and soothed her back as he instructed her to breathe in and out. And she followed what he was saying seriously. She felt so much better seeing him.

She smiled gently when she relaxed, all thanks to him." Thank you for coming" she said as she looked at him. He was never obliged to do this yet every time he does it without a second thought.

"You know that you are the most important thing to me right?" he said, looking at her seriously. Though she wanted to retort she could only smile and nod.

Wang Ling just froze and stared at them in horror. Her boss was acting like an obedient kitty as Lu Zihao started lecturing her about how much workload she has been handling without proper rest. Just how they were related?

"Come let's go have lunch," he said looking at her hopefully. She nodded and started closing up her work to go join him.

It took Lu Zihao almost 40 minutes to realize they were accompanied by another person in the room.

"You must be Wang Ling," he said with a polite smile. Wang Ling surprised, nodded like a chicken.

"Thank you for taking care of my Lara," he said with a 90-degree bow, shocking Lara and Wang Ling. Though Lara felt warm at heart she could only shake her head at his behavior.

"I didn't do anything, sir. You don't need to bow for me" Wang Ling stuttered as she was going to cry immediately seeing him bow for her.

He smiled warmly at Lara and beckoned her to come fast. Lara felt her heart skip a beat and she smiled.

"What could she do to this man?" she thought as they headed to the private lift.

Immediately after they were alone in the lift. Lu Zihao pulled her towards him and hugged her tight, calming himself in her sweet scent.

Lara was taken aback but with the number of times it happened by now, she was used to it. She ruffled his hair with a smile.

This only made Lu Zihao happier knowing that she was slowly getting used to his presence and touch. Lara detests physical touch unless she is extremely familiar, it has come with her experience.

Now that he is back, let's see who will get back at his princess. Who will dare to go against the whole Lu Corporation?

He was her comfort all these years. She was very happy that he came back now.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and dragged her along with him. They both into the car and headed to the nearby restaurant.

He booked a private room along the way. After they reached, Lara got a call so she told him to go ahead and she will follow him. Lu Zihao though disappointed got recovered and went inside the restaurant.

Zhuo Jingjing couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Lu Zihao. Although Lu Zihao worked in the Lu Corporation from abroad, he was very popular with girls. He was known as a golden bachelor after all.

She couldn't help but feel giddy looking at him. This was her opportunity to make an impression on her. So she excitedly called out. Lu Zihao surprisedly stopped and turned.

"Do I know you?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No Mr.Lu, we met at a charity ball abroad once. I'm the architect from the Zhuo Corporations" she explained as she smiled.

The minute he heard Zhuo Corporations his dark eyes glinted with a dangerous light but he only politely smiled and left without giving her a face. He got to know his room and left. Lara entered the restaurant at that moment.

Seeing the conversation between Zhuo Jingjing and Lu Zihao she felt uncomfortable but she didn't say anything. Seeing how he ignored her, she felt like laughing out loud. She didn't say anything and just followed him.

Zhuo Jingjing frowned when she saw a girl follow Lu Zihao just like that without asking her permission. She didn't feel that girl was up to no good but she knew better than to make any comments. If she did intervene and Lu Zihao knew who that girl was. She was gonna get into trouble and have a bad impression. So she chose to take a room beside them.