
I love a Criminal

Xiong Mei’s perfect world crumbles when her father gets arrested for his crimes tainting his perfect majestic father image in her eyes. She asks everyone around her including her father’s family to help her out only to see everyone feel disgusted with her and abandon her including her beloved fiancee traumatizing her. When she gets to know that there was more to her father’s story than being a criminal, her life was put in danger. So she had to leave the country with her father’s only trusted subordinate as he becomes her other father figure. She had to start over from being the daddy’s princess to a nobody hoping to seek justice for her father. She works hard for seven years to become a businesswoman so that she can set a foot in her country again and get her father out. Though she never intended to take revenge on any of her family members and fiancee thinking all this while that this was the retribution she was facing because of her and her father’s brutality towards others. The past kept coming back to haunt her in the end making her fight for her way. Lu Zihao was a famous businessman ruling the country’s business while being a royal descendent who never intends to get into relationships because of his parent’s bad entanglement until he meets her. Every interaction with her left him amused to no end. Slowly he started to fall in love with her in the process of breaking all her walls sliding slowly into her heart.

maverick_maya · Urban
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11 Chs

Panic attacks

She seriously tried to hear if there was any kind of fight so that she could intervene and help him but she didn't hear any sort of problems except cutlery. She sighed in relief knowing that she didn't take any rough decisions.

"Did you miss me?"

Lara looked at his smile which made two dimples on his two cheeks making him look so cute that she almost wanted to pinch it. She unconsciously nodded at him in a daze. This made his smile only brighter. She sighed knowing that her answer at least made him happier. As long as he is happy but she did miss him.

"How are you?" she asked with a smile as he just stared at her without eating.

He shrugged as he pointed at himself, she chuckled and only shaked her head.

"Why did you get a panic attack again?"

His eyes have turned serious as took her hand from to give it a reassuring squeeze in case she felt triggered. Lara told him everything.

"You are not ready," he said giving her hand another squeeze.

"Yes, I'm going to fall just like the last time and hurt me again"

"No," he said making her look at his eyes.

"This time ill be right there to catch you," he said with a warm smile.

Lara felt her eyes hot as the heat rushed up to her cheeks. This was what she wanted to hear all these years. Yes, she made mistakes but never to the point that she didn't deserve forgiveness. She can do this.

"You can" he said as he urged her to start eating.

After some time he dropped her at the office and went off his way after giving her a hug.

Lara was in a great mood as she entered her room and completed all her work early as well humming around shocking Wang Ling who just sat in a daze ever since she saw Lu Zihao coming into the office so casually.

Lara continued working though she knew that Wang Ling could have some questions. But she didn't know how to address them either. The relationship she had with Zihao was something that she never understood.

She knew that he loved her but she also knew that she can never love or trust someone after the betrayal she has been through. It made her wonder if she deserved it at all.

Wang Ling noticed that Lara was stuck on the same page for a while and she knew this was the best time to pop the question

"President, how do you know President Lu?" she asked looking curiously.

"Went to the same college," she said and moved to the next page. Wang Ling nodded and moved back to her work.

Before they knew it, the day has ended. Wang Ling thought hard about if she should mention her panic attack or not but she has to know or she wouldn't be able to prepare herself.

She sat on the passenger seat and looked at her president driving her back to their place. They have been going together It was indeed awkward to travel with her boss but it was definitely something she enjoyed too.

"Lara" she called out, it didn't sound so wrong now.

Lara smiled and paused the music indicating for her to continue.

"Why did you have a panic attack?" she asked cautiously.

Lara slowly moved the car to the side of the road and stopped.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes until Lara started speaking.

"I have done mistakes Ling and I got the punishment for them. It would have been good enough if they lasted only when they did but I have been living in their shadows"

"The families you spoke about today are the same people who would not think twice before trashing me but I came back knowing that I deserve better and no one can stop me from taking a chance at a better life. Noone"

Wang Ling nodded but didn't comment anything after that. She didn't have any right to judge her boss right now so she could only sit straight until they reached home.

As the Phantom drove through the city lights Wang Ling looked at her president to see if she would find fear but she didn't know that what she saw that day was going to change her mind forever.

Lu Zihao came out of the shower and stood on his balcony looking at the building right in front of him with a smile. His smile got wider when the lights lit up. He knew now that they lived in the same community,he could happily see her more often.

He took his phone and sent her text looking at her tired face.

"How was your day?"-Zihao

Lara's eyes immediately opened when she heard the bubble of the message sent. She searched for it under the pillows and finally found it. Her face unknowingly turned brighter as her lips curved unconsciously.

Zihao smiled and leaned on the railing with a smile too.

"If this isn't love, what is it, Lara?"