
I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

It was always Elliot's dream to become an Adventurer. He lacked magic powers to which was why society looked down on him. His life changed when he was lost in the Forest of Gray Lake, and a book found its way into Elliot's hand. The book was a manual to become strong. So strong that you could cross the level cap of all adventurers. A book that contains the secret to surpass level 100. [ Images on the cover not mine ]

Peltivierre · Fantasie
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591 Chs

Graywar the Dragon Boy

Everyone was in awe at the sight. Hope grew even taller and his features were more refined. His sharp jaw enhanced his facial features, particularly his mismatched eyes.

"You look cool!"

"What did you take, Hope? You weren't like this yesterday."

"Yeah. Tell us everything, Hope!"

The people flocked around him and it made him feel flustered. After all, he wasn't used to that many attention on him. He was used to being in the sidelines while his friends took the spotlight.

"Oh, Mr. Moon, I have something to tell you," Hope said as the people started dispersing at the sight of Frederick. The guild master told them to leave Hope alone and they did as was told instantly.

"What is it?" Elliot pursed his lips. "I have something to tell you too."

"I have Dragon Force now," Hope cheered. "I can finally help you with your Dragon Stones."

Elliot smiled, "Really? That's good news."

"What were you about to say?"