
I just want to find peace in this Omniverse

Falling into the zombie Marvel universe, I discovered the TVA Tempad, my escape hatch through the omniverse. Fed up with zombies, heroes and magic, I embark on a search for a serene corner, far from the damned cosmic complication. My mission is to find peace in a universe without the eccentricities of my reality infected with all those things taken from science fiction.

alexis_venas · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


I found myself standing on the rooftop, enveloped in the darkness of the night. The moon, unperturbed in its position, illuminated with its pale light a gloomy scene where the moans and roars of the undead added a macabre dimension to this desolate world.

Across the street, at the temple, an insane horde of zombies patrolled the gate, a threat that demanded immediate attention.

The Sorcerers, beings who wield the power of other entities and dimensions for their own use. Personally, I always preferred the arts of witches and warlocks, those who channeled their own magic without relying on external forces.

I had never made the decision to acquire power when the apocalypse broke out. No sorcerer masters who ultimately wanted to devour me, no magical artifacts that could aid me, and no dazzling destiny as a protagonist. In this shadowy world, everything conspired to extinguish me, so anything I attempted would simply not work.

And seriously, having powers would only draw the attention of the few zombies over humans who sought a challenge.

Extracting a switch from my backpack, I directed my gaze several blocks away before pressing the button, hesitating for a moment before doing so.

There was no one else alive in this city but me; it was impossible for anyone to be harmed by my actions. With the sound of the button being pressed, from the rooftop, a rain of explosives descended towards the ground, detonating on the buildings' supports.

The firmament was tinged with a beautiful crimson hue as a thunderous roar resonated throughout the city.

"Truly beautiful," I muttered, watching as the fire consumed each building in its path. After the destruction, I remained absorbed in a moment of artistic contemplation, a taste developed in a peculiar way after the end of the world. It was only when I noticed the absence of moans and zombie roars in my surroundings that I reacted.

I looked down; the vast majority of the undead had already dispersed.

I guess it's time to get to work. I placed my backpack on the ground and took out a hook with a pre-prepared rope. I calculated the approximate distance from the rooftop to the temple and began to swing the hook with force, ensuring it gained the necessary momentum.

When the hook reached sufficient speed, I released it forcefully, aiming directly at the broken upper windows. My aim, sharpened by practice, caused the hook to latch on the first attempt. I pulled the rope to verify that it was securely fastened and secured it before installing a small device to slide down.

After extracting what I needed from my backpack: a low-caliber pistol with a silencer, a bat, and a military dagger, I shed the robe. After preparing everything, I slid down the cable.

If even a single zombie had looked up, I would have been in trouble. Although there weren't many below, the scream of one could alert the others who had strayed. Fortunately, everything went without incident, and I landed precisely inside the temple.

The place was currently empty, apparently the zombie sorcerers prevented ordinary people from entering their temples, either through some protection or simply by their nature. I descended from the window frame and stepped onto the temple floor. If I had to say something about this place, I would highlight its ancient appearance and, to be honest, it was in surprisingly good condition and cleaner than it should be.

"I guess this place is protected by sorcery," I murmured, observing my surroundings with curiosity, although I knew I had come to this place with a clear purpose: to cause a commotion and discover what treasure I might find. After checking the foyer and finding nothing out of the ordinary, I climbed the stairs to the second floor, remembering that treasures were usually kept in a secure room.

Upon reaching the second floor, I stopped as I saw strange doors and windows with a wheel on the side. "If I remember correctly, these things connect to anywhere in the world, right?" I murmured with curiosity. I placed my hand on the orb and turned it; the door in front of me simply disappeared, revealing a frozen world. The intense cold pierced my flesh, making me shiver. As I turned the sphere again, the cold wall reappeared. "I guess I shouldn't play with this; it really is too cold in that place."

Setting aside those portals, I continued deeper into the temple, discovering fascinating things, like rooms that, upon entering, seemed to transport you to the other side of the world literally, with sunlight filtering through the windows. Although everything was extremely interesting, my true objective lay elsewhere, and I didn't take long to find it.

I entered the treasure room, and a strange sensation overtook my body. It was as if my consciousness were being pulled in multiple directions, as if each treasure wanted to claim me. However, some exerted a stronger pull than others. Following that impulse, I walked toward where I felt the most intense attraction.

And I wasn't mistaken; a beautiful ring on a shelf was shining brightly. A whisper resonated deep in my mind, assuring me that I understood that this ring, in the shape of a serpent eating its own tail, was special. As I reached out to take it, an invisible barrier stopped me, a barrier that burned like fire. A spell protected this object and probably also the other mystical objects in this treasury.

"Ah, damn, that hurt! Like sticking my hand into fire," I cursed, recovering from that disappointing discovery. I decided to move to the next shelf, where a broken glass display showcased a beautiful red cloak with golden details. However, it didn't go unnoticed that several points were broken or burned, as if it had recently faced a great battle. Unlike the rest, this lacked the faint glow that the protective spell gave to the previously attempted object. Well, that's what I assumed. As a Marvel fan, I couldn't help but recognize the object on the shelf: the Cloak of Levitation.

Noticing the destruction it had suffered, my attention focused on movement in the cloak, and as I looked down, I discovered a golden object with an eye in the center, one of the Eyes of Agamotto. Though incomplete, it was the eye of knowledge.

Unaware, I tried to grab the Eye of Agamotto and, to my disappointment, it rejected me, lightly burning my hand. It was evident that only very special people could hold it, and in this case, maybe I was in this place because even Doctor Strange, turned into a zombie, had been abandoned even by the Eye of Agamotto.

With a disappointed grimace, I turned my gaze to Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation. Based on my recent experiences, I didn't have high expectations that the cloak would be the exception. However, since I didn't have much to lose, I touched it just to see what would happen. After a few seconds of waiting, nothing happened.

My disappointment turned into anticipation when I decided to take the cloak and put it on. Where was a mirror when you needed one? Excited, I wanted to test the power of the cloak right away. I crouched slightly, ready to take off and soar.

"Fly like Superman, b*tch!" I yelled, jumping with all my might. For a moment in the air, I feared that gravity would play tricks on me and send me straight to the ground. However, to my great relief, the Cloak of Levitation seemed to respond to my desires, and I began to float.

The sensation of being in the air was liberating, defying the laws of physics. I tossed some probably valuable things as I got used to flying and bumped here and there.

I left the treasure room with a smile on my face. My feet didn't touch the ground. Probably, after today, they never would again. Or at least, until I died. A thought for later. Where was I? Oh, right, causing havoc in the place. I started throwing books off the shelves, hurling any object that seemed valuable. Anyway, I have no f*cking clue about magic.

As I behaved like a teenager vandalizing, I continued my rampage throughout the temple. Every object thrown into the air became a small personal victory. I didn't care what happened to the objects I threw; I simply enjoyed the chaos I created.

The sound of shattering glass and the clang of objects crashing against the walls filled the air, creating a discordant symphony that resonated in every corner of the ancient hall. Finally, when the temple was engulfed in total chaos and the remnants of treasures and mystical objects lay scattered on the floor, I paused my rampage for a moment. I surveyed my handiwork with a wild grin, as if I had conquered a realm of disorder and anarchy.

Tired from my own actions, I collapsed into one of the armchairs in the main hall. In my hands, I held a book with a white cover inscribed with the words "Book of Vishanti".

"Let's see what we have here." The initial excitement that drove me had dissipated, giving way to a sense of boredom. I began to peruse some magic books that, unlike various mystical objects, didn't seem to have a protective spell.

"Blah, blah, blah... Magic and more mystical crap." I would have been excited if I at least knew some magic. I closed the book and stashed it in my backpack. Maybe I didn't understand a single word of the book, but its pages would serve me well as toilet paper. The hundred-dollar bills in my backpack were already dwindling. I contemplated the wreckage I had caused, a strange mix of satisfaction and fatigue washing over me.

My eyes scanned the room, taking in the wreckage adorning every corner. For a moment, they settled on a peculiar object that I didn't recognize at first.

It was a device the size of a tablet with an orange clock engraved on the back, exactly like... Wait, what the hell! My eyes sparkled with a glint of light. I sprang up from my seat and dashed desperately towards the tablet, falling to my knees as I stared intently at the object.

"This is a TemPad," I murmured to myself, taking in the magnitude of what I was seeing. My heart raced with anticipation upon realizing that it was a TemPad. These devices were used by the Time Variance Authority to carry out their missions. They functioned as a time door, allowing users to travel through different points in time and space. Additionally, they also served as a means of communication between temporal agents. Hunter B-15 was able to use hers to locate Variants. It's also used to call Miss Minutes to access records and files stored in the TVA library. These TemPads have the capability to be manipulated as well as Hunter X-05 did with hers.

"What's this doing here? Wait, does that matter? Get me out of here!" The will to live had returned. The presence of the TemPad offered an escape, an opportunity to flee from this zombie-infested hell I had plunged into.

I reached out towards the TemPad, feeling hope pulsating in my chest. When my fingers touched it, the TemPad instantly lit up and an image appeared on the screen. It was the real Miss Minutes, a two-dimensional animated character.

However, this Miss Minutes was not like the one from the Marvel Loki series that I remembered. She slowly opened her eyes, her pupils eerily turning towards my position, her cold gaze sending a shiver down my spine. I even felt a chill as she looked at me with that stare.


Like the crackling waves emitted by an old radio, Miss Minutes' mouth opened and closed, emitting all sorts of strange, noisy, and unintelligible sounds, as if it were the language of another planet or the reverse playback of a phrase.

"Miss Minutes, get me out of here!" I couldn't help but say as my heart constricted.

If this thing were broken, I'd probably go insane.

As the voice faded away, the strange and confusing sound of Miss Minutes abruptly stopped. Then, there seemed to be a trace of humanized emotion in her eyes. God knows how I saw emotional fluctuations in the eyes of an animated character.

"...Do you already know who I am?" Miss Minutes finally uttered the first understandable words.

It wasn't the language of any country, but rather a kind of bioelectrical sound that could allow any intelligent creature to understand the meaning she wanted to convey.

"Yes, I know you, get me out of here," I held the TemPad and said desperately.

Miss Minutes stared at me, as if she were learning and understanding the meaning of what I had just said, or as if the machine were reacting too slowly to process too much information.

Seeing this, I insisted again:

"I know you can open a time portal. Quick, get me out of this damn world!"

After an unknown period of time, Miss Minutes reacted and rigidly flashed a large smile, let's call it laughter.

In a flash, a door formed, rapidly expanding beneath my feet.

"As you wish," was the last thing I heard Miss Minutes say before falling into the portal beneath me.