
I Just Got Isekai, Great

It's a story following a young boy who got isekai by a truck after being chased by thugs and getting sent to the My Hero Academia verse with some unknown powers.

Cray_546 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Catastrophic Arrival


Please don't mind my messy writing some changes can be made in the future so enjoy


Cray POV:

I swear being chased by thugs who wanted you dead wasn't in my life plan but here I am running to who knows where. Everything was alright till I saw a white light appear. I closed my eyes to avoid the blinding light but when I opened them up I was falling from the fricking sky and seconds later I crashed into bushes. "I swear this is gonna be the weirdest day of my life", I thought. I got up and walked around searching for a road to a nearby city. I figured that being in a high place could give me an advantage and I was lucky to know that the forest where I landed wasn't too dense so I could jump from tree to tree."If only I had my gun so hunting for food would be easier", I thought while sighing disappointed in myself. I was feeling a little tired from all of those exercises and I'd decided to sleep in a tree in case someone. After checking, I went to sleep not letting my guard down.

Midoriya Pov:

I was training how to control one for all when I saw a big light and right after I saw a person falling from the sky, but before I could save them the person seemed to have teleported near the ground and crashed into the nearby bushes. Before I could ask him who he was he was gone. So I have decided to inform Mr. Aizawa about it. "Are you sure about what you just said right now Midoriya ?", Mr.Aizawa said after listening to my explanation. ''Yes, Mr.Aizawa, I saw someone who looked like a boy falling from the sky then he straight up teleported to the ground before running off", I said. " Umm, this could be a villain because no one knows the location of this training camp other than the heroes", Mr.Aizawa said and added, "Do you remember where he fell so we could search around for him?". "Yes I do, so could you please follow me", I said. After we went to the place where I saw that person fall from the sky, we only saw a foot mark on a tree but none on the ground so I concluded that he used the tree to move and not the ground. " Mr.Aizawa I saw that there weren't any footprints or marks on the ground so I concluded that he might have used the trees to move instead of the ground ", I said. " Umm, good conclusion Midoriya but I'd believe that he must have experience in that so he could have not touched the ground", Mr.Aizawa said, "Well with what we have there's nothing of use so let's go back to camp for now". " Mr.Aizawa, wait I heard a noise coming from there!", I shouted as I pointed in the direction of where the noise was coming from and we followed where it was coming from. We have found the track of someone passing and we have decided to search the area. I was looking around till my eyes laid on the person I saw falling from the sky. " Mr.Aizawa there he is", I said while pointing upwards towards him. "Hey, you who are you ?", Mr.Aizawa shouted towards the stranger.

Cray POV:

I was woken up by someone shouting saying who I was and some other shit I didn't listen to. "What ya want ya old man? Can a man have some rest?", I said to him. "This is a secret location how did you know the emplacement of this training? Are you with the League of Villains? What's your purpose?", the seemingly looking old man said. "League of what now? And I don't know dude I just found myself here", I said while not telling them I fell from the sky. Suddenly before an answer came back, I barely dodged the trajectory of something and while doing so I found myself on the ground. "What the heck, what was that dude, is it expensive, can you sell it ?", I said while dodging whatever things the old man was using cuz it seemed soft but solid. "Welp nice meeting ya let's hope to never meet again", i said while taking off towards I don't know where.

Aizawa POV:

Before I could capture the unknown person who seemed like a kid, he took off in the direction of the campsite. "Shit, he is going in the direction of the camp and this is where all the students are", I thought to myself. I could only run behind him trying to catch up but he was incredibly fast so I thought that it could be a quirk and I activated mine trying to cancel it but nothing happened absolutely nothing. We were still running till I saw him getting further in front, not by walking but by teleporting.

Cray pov:

" I was running as fast as normal but why are they so far behind then? Do I parcours a larger distance than usual?", I thought to myself before stopping at the camp I was seeing before my eyes. It was full of teenagers with weird powers and hair but before I could process it all I felt the urge to dodge so I dodged whatever was coming and I was right cuz that old dude was trying to get me with his weird scarf. "Stop right there you villain! What is your purpose?", shouted the weird old man. Suddenly everyone's attention was directed at me and I didn't mind cuz this wasn't the first time. "Who is he, Mr. Aizawa ?", said a round head brunette girl. "Yeah, who is he?", said a spiky red-haired dude with shark teeth. "I do not know but he could be dangerous", said the hobbo man. I still don't know how I could understand what they are saying cuz it's in another language but that doesn't mean I could speak it. Before I could think more, I could barely dodge some explosion attacks coming at me. After dodging I looked for who sent it and it was some blonde spiky-haired dude but before attacking again he was stopped by a hobbo man. I was going to just dip but then I just passed out due to exhaustion. When I woke up I was in a hospital room but with handcuffs, I later learned that 2 weeks had passed since then. Sometimes later after I woke up, I saw Hobbo man from back then and he was asking me weird questions like what is my quirk and stuff I didn't know.

Aizawa pov:

After 2 weeks I had a call saying that the boy that we saw at the training camp was now awake. So when I went into his room and the moment I entered I saw that he was trying to jump out the window from the 5th floor to escape, but before he could I caught him and placed him on his bed. "What is your name ?", I asked him and he answered in another language that I think it's English "None ya business hobbo man", "What is your Quirk?", I continued with my questions.

"What's that?", he answered. "A Quirk? It's an ability that 80% of the population can have", I answered." Why do I have those strange handcuffs?", he questioned." It's Quirk canceling handcuffs, it prevents you from using your quirk ", I said.

Third pov:

There was a big silence after what Aizawa said to our boy Cray. There were many questions left unanswered like who is he, where he came from, how he found out about a secret training camp, and many more. Cray took the chance of the silence to just run out of the room with the handcuffs, so you could imagine the scene of just seeing a boy run out of the hospital with cuffs behind the Pro hero Eraserhead, it's not something you see every day.

Cray pov:

" Finally, I'm out of that room and where am I cuz I remember running away from thugs in Vancouver or Sum", I thought while running away from those weird guys. While running with those weird ass cuffs, I noticed that they were people with weird bodies and power, like is it normal to have blue skin? I saw an alley and I entered it without even checking, a mistake, cuz it was blocked and I was just standing there contemplating my mistake, but I will not just give up. If I could take off at least one of the cuffs I could escape easily.

Aizawa pov;

After the kid took off running out of the room, I began chasing after him and I notified Nezu about it. "Nezu I need a raise after this", I said on the phone. Why that Aizawa? Having trouble keeping one kid in place?", Nezu said in the other half. "Well except the boy seems to be a pro at running and he seems to have multiple Quirks", I replied. "Really? He seems like an interesting boy, so if you get him bring him here at UA and I already notified some other heroes to capture the boy", he replied before hanging up. "Hello there Eraserhead, seems like you can't even capture one kid", a voice said coming from the top of some building and it was the Rabbit hero: Mirko. "Yeah yeah, you can do your nagging later just focus on catching the kid", I said while sighing. " Well I found the kid ", Mirko said while jumping right in front of the kid in an alley. I was surprised to see that he could take off one of the cuffs from his hand and that he found new clothes in a short amount of time. " Hey kid you're trapped just give up", I said while launching my capture weapon at him. This time I got him, "but why does it seem too easy than last time?", I thought, and right when I thought that he disappeared from our eyes. "What the hell! Did he have Quirk canceling cuffs so why could he use his Quirk?", Mirko shouted while going back to searching for our problematic boy. "I think I see him", said another voice, it was All Might. "Well where is he now ?", I ask. "Falling from the sky", he said. "WHAT", we all said while looking up, and he was falling from the sky. "He must have no control over it", I thought. Before I could do anything All Might went and caught the falling kid and we finally got him again after a long pursuit.

Cray pov:

If I said that this wasn't a weird day I would be lying through my teeth. I was in a hospital, then I ran out and I was falling from the air again, then I finally was caught by some weird buff man and here I am in a car to know where. "Well I could go to jail for resisting arrest but that wouldn't be a first", I was thinking before a voice spoke up, "We are here to get out of the car", he said. I got out and found myself in front of a big building with UA written on it. I later realize that this seemed like a school with the number of students I saw in the corridor and after walking we arrived in front of a big ass door that seemed like a principal office, I never had good experiences with them. When I entered I saw a white mouse. "Oh, you here? Yes please sit down on this chair", the talking mouse said. I sat on a chair and while I was looking around I saw I think a detective, the rabbit girl from before, a fire dude, a hobbo dude from last time and some more. "Well young man you cause our heroes quite the trouble by first knowing the emplacement of a secret training camp and resisting arrest", the mouse said adding "What was your objective while doing so?". "He might work for the League of Villains because some days after his arrival the League attacked, so why not just place him in prison", the fire dude said. "What is the League of Villains that you all speak of cuz it sounds like some kids name it", I ask. "Stop acting like you don't know and tell us what you know ", the fireman said angrily. "He wasn't lying when he told us he doesn't know", I heard the detective next to me say. "Can we please have your name young man ?", the mouse man said. "Cray Lynx", I responded. "Your age and parents?", he continues. "14 and I don't they left me at 7", I said. "And finally your Quirk?", when he said that the room was silent, no word came out of any in the room. "Why does everyone ask me that?? I don't even know what that is but let's just say none so they leave me alone", I thought before speaking up I said "None". "WHAT IMPOSSIBLE", They all said except the mouse man. "We all saw you teleport in front of our eyes so you may have a Quirk", the man named Eraserhead said. "Me? Teleport? Damn y'all must be on drugs cuz those things only exist in fiction even though it would be useful if I had it", I replied to him. "He is telling the truth on the part that he said that he had no Quirk", The detective said. "Thank you detective Tsukauchi", said the mouse man. It seemed like I was here forever but it was only 30 minutes which sucked cuz I could have some many stolen wallets by now. After some more talking and arguing the mouse said that would be in the custody of a man named Aizawa and attend this school due to me passing most tests with ease, which I refused because school is boring, but I had no choice. "Ugh, how did this situation happen", I said while getting out of the car in front of the man's house