
Chapter 613: The Playful Wolf Pack

To get a better view, Tang Xiaoxin and her friends chased the little wolves' movements and climbed up the observation tower. This spot offered the best view of the wolf exhibit, with the other two viewing points being near the waterfall and the pond.

There were quite a few visitors here as well.

Watching the playful wolf pack, especially the little black wolf, they laughed heartily. "Haha, why does this wolf look so goofy! It even sticks its tongue out while running!"

"It looks like there's a husky living inside it!"

Tang Xiaoxin and Qian Keke squeezed in, holding onto the railing and looking down, laughing so hard their mouths couldn't close. "This little wolf really resembles its dad, Black Charcoal! Not only is it all black, but it also has that goofy look."

"The little wolves are having so much fun!"

The little black wolf ran towards the waterfall, lowering its body and skimming the grass as it made a sharp turn, like an AE86 drifting stylishly.

Its gaze seemed filled with "wisdom," making it laughable just to look at its eyes. Combined with its wiggling body and grinning mouth, it exuded a comedic aura.

One of its playmates seemed a bit tired and stopped running.

DouDou charged from the side, catching up to the little black wolf! Ahead, MaoXian blocked its path.

The two adult wolves surrounded the little black wolf, bumping into it and trying to snatch its bone. Of course, as adults, they knew how to play gently, controlling their strength. Otherwise, it wouldn't be play but bullying.

The little black wolf was knocked down, happily rolling on the ground, raising its paws to wrestle with DouDou.

The wolves fiercely contested the bone!

MaoXian grabbed the bone, feeling proud, but the little wolves teamed up to snatch it back, losing it in the chaos.

Several little wolves tugged at MaoXian's legs and bit its fur, helplessly watching as the clever DouDou picked up the bone.

The older wolves, infected by the playful atmosphere, joined the game!

Though their stamina wasn't as robust as the younger ones, they relied on their experienced skills.

Torn Ear, like a basketball guard, ran left and right in front, making confusing moves to intercept DouDou.

DouDou managed to break through but was soon caught by another little wolf, losing the bone again.

Lame Foot lay on a large rock, watching the playful wolves. It seemed to want to join in but then lay back down.

Lame Foot's leg had been injured and wasn't very agile, and it was old. This year, more white fur had appeared on its forehead and face, like an elderly person's silver hair, with loose fur telling of the passage of time.

Watching the little wolves play, it slowly closed its eyes again, quietly falling asleep.

In its dreams, it might have remembered its youthful days, when it had a healthy body, could run fast, and see far.

However, its youth wasn't spent in such a good environment as this wolf exhibit, but mostly in an iron cage with a concrete floor.

Tang Xiaoxin observed, feeling that wolves really knew how to enjoy themselves!

A single bone could bring so much joy, and even the adult wolves joined in, putting aside their elder status to play without any pretense.

During play, their bonds unknowingly strengthened. This might be why the wolf pack could cooperate so well and work together as one!

The wolves played wildly, chasing from the waterfall to the hillside!

Black Charcoal and Little Rain were lying on the ground, kissing and cuddling lovingly, while a group of wolves ran past, then back again, constantly fighting and making noise over the bone.

The other wolves were somewhat restrained, not daring to disturb Black Charcoal and Little Rain, but the little wolves had no such taboo!

After all, they were their parents.

They ran right past Black Charcoal and Little Rain, with the little black wolf stepping on Black Charcoal's face on the way out and stepping on Little Rain's butt on the way back.

Black Charcoal, in the middle of kissing Little Rain, suddenly got stepped on and sat up, frowning and widening his eyes, "Hmm? What happened?"

Looking left and right, he only saw the little black wolf's joyful, tail-wagging back as it ran away!

Little Rain, having been stepped on, looked a bit displeased.

Seeing the little wolves running back, she stood in their way, her gaze stern, and howled, "Awoo!"

Alright, kids, playtime is over!

The little wolves, having chased each other for a while, were also quite tired, panting heavily!

Seeing their mom get up to stop them, they all lay down on the grass, resting their bodies.

Especially the little black wolf, knowing it had played a bit too wild, turned its head away at Little Rain's stern look, panting with its tongue out and sneaking glances at her, pretending to know nothing.

Though their dad was bigger, their mom still held the highest authority at home!

Black Charcoal bit Little Rain's cheek, breaking the serious atmosphere.

As if saying, "Alright, alright, don't be so strict with the kids."

Seeing the kids lying around, he suddenly got excited, raised his head, and let out a deep, resonant howl.


Little Rain joined in with a clear voice, "Awoo~~"

The wolves in the exhibit, no matter where they were, raised their heads and howled along.

After howling, the little wolves lay on the ground, leaning against each other, and quickly fell asleep!

It looked very warm and harmonious.

Though the little black wolf was goofy while playing, it looked very cute with its paws under its chin, ears drooping on both sides, eyes closed, sleeping quietly.

"Goodbye! Sleep well!"

"See you next time!"

Seeing the wolves starting to rest, Tang Xiaoxin and her friends left the wolf exhibit.


After watching the gibbons in the morning, they strolled around the Crane Pavilion and Waterfowl Lake, watching the swans with their babies.

After touring the predator exhibit, it was almost noon.

Before lunch, they headed to the plateau exhibit to see the chubby and cute Pallas's cats!

They searched for a while among the rocks in the activity area but didn't see any signs of the cats.

Asking a keeper, they were told the cats were in the back area. DaSheng had come out to play for a while in the morning, but YuanXiao had stayed in the back area all day, sleeping in a cat bed.

The Pallas's cats were the most mysterious animals in the zoo, even less visible than the jaguars, and might not be seen even after several visits.

Diana, becoming more familiar with the exhibit environment, was coming out more often now.

They had also introduced a normally-colored jaguar from another zoo, which wasn't as timid and cautious, not hiding deliberately, and lay openly on the perch to observe visitors.

The two girls, disappointed at not seeing the Pallas's cats, decided to head to the zoo restaurant for lunch and a break.