
Chapter 614: Free to Fly

As soon as they entered the restaurant, they were greeted by the cool breeze of the air conditioning.

Qian Keke spread her arms wide and exclaimed happily, "Ah, this feels so good!"

Excitedly, she suggested, "Hey Xiaoxin, how about we get an ice cream?"

Tang Xiaoxin's eyes sparkled, "Ice cream is so cute and adorable, why would we eat it?"

Qian Keke sighed, "Ice Cream is a big tiger now, not as cute as when it was little!"

She remembered how small it was when it first debuted last year. It had grown so fast.

Tang Xiaoxin then said, "Let's eat lunch first, okay? We can have ice cream afterward, otherwise, it might not be good for our stomachs!"

Qian Keke nodded in agreement, "Alright, sounds good!"

Just then, they saw a visitor carrying a plate of watermelon. Following the direction he came from, they spotted a table laden with cut watermelon, cantaloupe, and other fruits.

Their eyes lit up, and they called a waiter over, asking, "Hey, is the watermelon free?"

The waiter responded enthusiastically, "Yes, would you like me to bring you some?"

Qian Keke replied, "Yes, please! Thank you!"

Tang Xiaoxin was surprised, "Wow, the restaurant is really generous."

She was delighted to enjoy free fruit.

Not only did the animal restaurant offer free fruit, but the panda restaurant and lion restaurant did too!

It was a perk from the zoo, ensuring visitors had a more enjoyable experience and left with fond memories.

The waiter quickly brought them a plate of watermelon and a plate of cantaloupe!

Eating in the animal restaurant was quite pleasant.

With the cool air conditioning blowing, they enjoyed the view of koi fish swimming in the river outside and listened to relaxing music.

They took bites of their meal, followed by sweet, juicy watermelon.

Sitting there for a while, they felt the morning's fatigue melt away.

In fact, Linhai Zoo was quite comfortable to walk around!

Some zoos were large but poorly planned, with long distances between exhibits and no transportation options, making it exhausting. Others were built in hilly areas, requiring a lot of climbing.

Linhai Zoo was compact and well-planned, with one exhibit leading seamlessly to the next.

Qian Keke, feeling full from the cantaloupe, let out a satisfied burp!

After resting, they continued their tour.

They headed to the hippo exhibit!

As they arrived, they saw a crowd of visitors gathered at the railing.

People were chattering excitedly.

"Oh, it's coming up!"

"It's coming out of the water!"

A child exclaimed happily, "Mommy, look at the hippo!"

Tang Xiaoxin saw a massive reddish-brown figure emerging from the water in the distance, slowly stepping onto the shore.

She grabbed Qian Keke's hand excitedly, "Look, the hippo is just coming out of the water, let's go see!"

Qian Keke, holding her stomach, said, "Oh, slow down, I can't run, I'm too full!"

"That's what you get for eating so much fruit earlier!"

Qian Keke smiled sheepishly, "It was just too delicious!"

The two girls reached the railing, resting their chins on the handrail, smiling as they prepared to observe the hippo closely.

The hippo, named Pangpang, walked onto the shore with its short legs, standing still with its head down, seemingly contemplating something.

Suddenly, its tail started to wag gently.


It let out an extremely loud fart!

It was so intense, like the roar of a lawnmower, with its tail flapping wildly, sending a spray of unidentified mushy objects flying in all directions!

The visitors were stunned, "Whoa!"

"What the heck!"


Some visitors directly behind Pangpang's butt screamed and quickly moved aside!

Even though there was a river about ten meters away, making it unlikely to reach that far, the psychological impact was too much!

And it wasn't over!

The continuous rapid farting grew louder, evolving into the roar of a ghostly motorcycle, shaking the ground!

Accompanied by the tail's electric motor-like spasms, black objects spiraled through the air.

To the visitors, it was like a bomber diving and dropping bombs, with air raid sirens blaring and bombs exploding around them.

The scene was incredibly shocking!

The lively chatter from moments ago fell silent, everyone stunned!

Tang Xiaoxin and her friends, like they had been stared at by Medusa, froze with their smiles, eyes wide open, petrified.


A delicate, lingering fart sound signaled the end of the poop-spraying.

Pangpang's tail stopped twitching, and it lifted its head, looking relaxed and elegant as it walked forward.

The visitors finally snapped out of it, bursting into laughter, some holding their stomachs, laughing so hard they couldn't breathe!


"Oh my gosh, did the hippo have diarrhea?"

"How does it manage to make poop fly everywhere! I'm dying of laughter!"

"Flying freely in your heart!"

"The sound was so loud, it felt like the landscaping crew trimming the bushes at my apartment!"

Qian Keke shook Tang Xiaoxin's shoulders vigorously, her face scrunched up in a pained expression, "Waaah, I just finished eating!"

Tang Xiaoxin, both amused and exasperated, said, "What a unique way to welcome us!"

She comforted Qian Keke, "At least it wasn't before lunch!"

Qian Keke's face turned even more embarrassed, "Ugh! Now it feels even grosser!"

A visitor curiously asked a keeper, "What's up with the hippo? Did it eat something bad?"

The keeper laughed, "No, that's just how hippos poop.

When you visit the tiger exhibit, you might notice them rubbing against trees or scratching the trunks with their claws."

The visitors nodded, "We've seen that!"

"My cat often rubs against my legs and scratches the sofa!"

The keeper explained, "It's not just about sharpening claws or scratching an itch; it's a way for tigers to mark their territory.

Defecating and the associated odors are common ways to mark territory. Hippos have a unique behavior, as you just saw, spinning their tails while pooping to spread their feces over a larger area to mark their territory."

The visitors were amazed, "That's fascinating!"

"Quite peculiar!"

The keeper continued, "Pangpang's farting is indeed impressive. The first time I heard it, I was shocked too. The other hippo, Dudu, has a quieter fart and poops more discreetly."

Tang Xiaoxin couldn't help but quip, "How can pooping and being discreet even be related!"