
Chapter 574: Soaking in the Hot Spring

Meng Shi also got into the water.

He sat on the steps, leaning against the edge of the pool, with his muscular arms resting on the rim, looking very relaxed!

The water temperature in this pool was warm, slightly hot, but not unbearable—just perfect for soaking.

"I've never soaked in a hot spring before. It's really comfortable! The water quality of the hot spring seems different from regular water; it feels smoother to the touch."

Xiao Bao laughed, "It's my first time soaking too. Thanks to the director! Hey, where is the director anyway?"

Meng Shi looked around but didn't see Fang Ye. He casually said, "Maybe he's in another pool!"

As they soaked in the hot spring, they admired the lush bamboo and beautiful cherry blossom trees by the pond, with the orange-red sunset overhead.

Life was truly beautiful.

As they soaked, they felt their pores gradually open, and the fatigue seemed to dissipate bit by bit, making them so comfortable that they didn't even want to move their fingers.

He Yifei soaked for a few minutes, "Oh, I think I'm starting to sweat a bit!"

He picked up a small towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead, got out of the pool, and sat on a chair nearby.

When they had gotten their swimsuits earlier, the girl in a kimono had also reminded them not to soak for too long at a time. Soak for a few minutes, then come out and rest for a while, or they might get dizzy.

While resting, he picked up a plum juice from the side and started drinking it.

There were drinks available while soaking in the hot spring, kept in a small wooden bucket filled with cool water.

The temperature was cool but not too cold. If you drank something too cold right after sweating in the hot spring, it could easily upset your stomach or even make you sick.

The inn had thought of everything.

Meng Shi also got out of the hot spring and grabbed a can of beer to drink.


Fang Ye was also soaking in a hot spring at this time!

But he wasn't in the public bath; he was in a private pool with Lan Li.

Ever since the zoo discovered the hot spring, he had been looking forward to this day.

Lan Li was wearing a red swimsuit!

It had small flowers printed on it, giving it a very girly vibe. There was a blue ribbon tied in a bow on her chest, her bikini bottoms had three layers of ruffles, and her hair clip was shaped like a shell—very cute.

It wasn't a swimsuit provided by the hot spring inn; she had secretly bought it herself after hearing from Fang Ye that they could soak in the hot spring soon.

The swimsuit accentuated her figure more than usual, with a cleavage in the front, the ruffles on her bikini bottoms couldn't hide her perky butt, and her fair legs were exposed.

Sitting next to Fang Ye, her face had a faint blush, her eyelashes fluttering slightly. She pretended to admire the beautiful cherry blossom trees by the hot spring pool, but her attention was not on the scenery at all!

She felt Fang Ye's intense gaze moving from top to bottom, feeling secretly delighted yet a bit nervous. She turned her head and said, "Why are you looking at me?"

Fang Ye chuckled, "It's just the two of us here. Besides soaking in the hot spring, isn't there something else we can do?"

"What... what else can we do?"

Fang Ye lifted Lan Li's chin, making her look at him, and said with a smile, "Are you dumb? In this setting, with this atmosphere, isn't it obvious what we should do?"

Lan Li's face turned even redder, "It's not that I'm dumb; it's just that it's embarrassing to say it out loud, and you still have to ask..."

"What's embarrassing about a water fight?"

As Fang Ye spoke, he splashed a handful of water at Lan Li!

Lan Li got splashed in the face and immediately screamed, standing up from the water.

She was both angry and amused, and she splashed water back at Fang Ye, "Take this!"

While splashing water at Fang Ye, she ran backward!

The two of them happily started a water fight in the hot spring pool. For a moment, the water splashed around like elephants bathing, accompanied by continuous screams and laughter, chasing each other from one side to the other.

After a while, Lan Li's hair was all wet, her face was flushed, and she couldn't stop laughing, "Stop it, stop it, I give up!"

They sat back in the hot spring pool and continued soaking.

Fang Ye thought for a moment and said, "A water fight is a bit monotonous. It would be more fun if we had a toy ball or something in the water. But we can still play other games."

He looked at Lan Li and mischievously reached his hand out.

Lan Li, having played in the hot spring for a while, had no strength left to resist. She could only let Fang Ye gently caress her, feeling ticklish like ants crawling on her skin. Her eyes gradually became dreamy as she held Fang Ye and whispered in his ear, "You're so bad!"

Their smooth skin felt even better soaked in the warm spring water.

After soaking in the hot spring, they were going to have a barbecue, so they couldn't really do anything serious.

After getting close for a while, they got out, dried off with towels, and rested for a bit.

Then they changed clothes and went to join the barbecue party.


They arrived at the lawn!

By this time, the sky was getting dark, and the lights on the lawn were lit up, along with the barbecue grill in the middle, with flames occasionally leaping up.

Everyone had mostly finished soaking in the hot spring and was sitting on the chairs they had brought, chatting happily around the tables.

Seeing Fang Ye coming over, they all greeted him with laughter, "Hello, Director!"

"Director, I love you!"

Fang Ye went to the table closest to the grill, where He Yifei and Meng Shi were waving at him!

This table was filled with the core members of the zoo, those who had a closer relationship with Fang Ye.

Fang Ye and Lan Li found chairs and sat down, smiling as he asked, "How was the hot spring?"

He Yifei was amazed, "Wow, it felt like I was in heaven. What about you, Meng Shi?"

Meng Shi said, "I think it was great!"

Fang Ye couldn't help but laugh, "Is it really that exaggerated?"

Turning his head, he looked at the whole roasted lamb turning golden brown in the middle of the grill. The aroma of roasted meat mixed with the smoky scent of charcoal filled the air, making his stomach growl and his mouth water!

He asked the chef, "When will it be ready?"

The chef brushed another layer of oil on the lamb!

He smiled and said, "It can be eaten now."

He started carving the lamb!

Fang Ye chatted with He Yifei about games, while Meng Shi listened to Lü Ye complaining about his previous financial losses. He had painfully sold his investments, bought a Bitcoin seeing its rise, only for it to crash shortly after.

Lü Ye angrily said, "Elon Musk is a lousy capitalist. I can't believe I fell for his tricks!"

Meng Shi curiously asked, "Are you planning to invest in anything else recently?"

Lü Ye sighed, "I've lost all the money I made again. I won't be investing for a while; I'll just observe and see if any good opportunities come up."

The girls were chatting amongst themselves, and Lin Ying mischievously asked Lan Li, "Did you and the director soak in the hot spring alone? Did anything happen?"

Thinking about what happened in the hot spring pool, Lan Li's face couldn't help but turn red again, "Nothing much, just a water fight."

Guan Shan almost burst out laughing, "A guy and a girl soaking in a hot spring together, and you only had a water fight!"