
Chapter 575: Anything Goes Today

The chef finished cutting the meat, and platters of enticing grilled meat were served to everyone's tables.

The golden-brown lamb, slightly charred on the outside, had an appealing appearance that whetted the appetite.

Someone had already eagerly picked up a piece, ready to eat, but at that moment, He Yifei called out, "Director, say a few words!"


Everyone promptly put down their grilled meat and started clapping and cheering.

Fang Ye scratched his head, somewhat reluctantly, "Ah, you really want me to say something. I'm not good at dealing with these ceremonial things."

Seeing the employees' expectant looks, he thought for a moment and said, "Alright then. Everyone enjoys their barbecue differently, some like it spicy, some don't. What do you think about vampires? Do they enjoy spicy food?"

The group paused, wondering how the conversation had suddenly turned to vampires.

Seeing no one answered, Fang Ye shrugged, "Vampires don't eat spicy because they prefer blood."

There was a moment of silence before everyone burst into laughter, slapping their knees, "Hahaha!"

Those with a low threshold for jokes, like Lin Ying, nearly laughed 'til they cried, "Fantastic and bewildering!"

"You really are the prince of dad jokes, Director!"

Fang Ye then became a bit more serious, "The core goal of our zoo is species conservation, and our primary action is ensuring positive animal welfare. Is merely keeping animals in cages conservation? How is that different from a breeding farm?

A real elephant doesn't just stand behind glass for visitors to see its size or looks. A truly positive individual must have the ability to control their own choices at any time and place.

They should be able to roll in the mud, scratch against a pole, sprinkle sand on themselves, swim in the river, rest in the shade, greet other elephants, poop wherever they want, pull on fresh branches, and search for food in a drum...

That's what can be considered positive animal welfare.

We can't force animals to interact with guests; positive animals naturally have the courage to stand center stage. Our job is to help animals become the best versions of themselves.

A zoo is not just an exhibit; it's a window into nature that allows us to better understand species, their relationships, and apply this knowledge to conservation in the wild.

We have enrichment project repositories and implementation schedules, rotating enrichments for the animals. However, enrichment shouldn't be limited to these frameworks. Standards and procedures are rigid; humans are adaptable.

Even if a facility starts off well, it should improve through use by both animals and people. It can improve through collaboration between humans and animals.

For the limited spaces in zoos, the best state we can achieve is for animals to treat the exhibit as their territory. Once this is attained, animals will act as if they are living freely in the wild: they will declare and defend their territory and won't easily leave."

After addressing his audience, Fang Ye smiled, "I've rambled a bit, feeling a little nostalgic, perhaps I've said too much? Let's eat!"

Xiao Bao said, "No, Director, you spoke well!"

Meng Shi expressed admiration, "The Director never talks about how to keep or manage animals, only about how to build good relationships with them. I think that's where the Director shines the most!"

"Agreed, absolutely!"

"Director, forever a legend!"

Lan Li admired Fang Ye with sparkling eyes.

Fang Ye laughed, "Alright, enough flattery. Linhai Zoo's development wouldn't have been possible without everyone's hard work and dedication. Let's continue to work together and make progress. Cheers!"

He raised a can of beer, saluted everyone, and took a sip.

Then, the lively hot spring barbecue party began!

Grilled chives, potatoes, and bread were also served, and everyone enjoyed the feast to their heart's content.


Later that night, Fang Ye and Lan Li returned to their room!

Lan Li, noticing Fang Ye's gaze, asked shyly, "What's up? You've been staring at me. Do I look that good?"

Fang Ye solemnly said, "You have something on the side of your mouth, all greasy."

"Ah?" Lan Li was surprised. Hadn't she wiped her mouth clean after eating the barbecue?

Just as she was about to grab a tissue, Fang Ye laughed, "It's okay, I'll wipe it for you!"

Tossing aside flower flowers happily approaching for pets, he then kissed Lan Li on the lips.

Flower Flower frowned in confusion at such bewildering human behavior.


Lan Li's heartbeat immediately quickened, her face blushing red.

Their relationship had evolved.

With frequent affectionate gestures, holding hands, kissing, a trip to Qinghai, stargazing on the highlands, sleeping together, and now a shared hot spring experience in carefully chosen swimwear, Fang Ye had admired her beautiful body.

Having shared hugs and kisses, it was time for the next step.

After being kissed thoroughly by Fang Ye, Lan Li, slightly breathless, leaned on his chest, her eyes watery and adorable, "You're so mean, always bullying me!"

Fang Ye's hand reached Lan Li's waist, teasing her gently, "I have even meaner things in mind!"

Suddenly determined, Lan Li whispered into Fang Ye's ear, "You've always wanted to do something bad, right... anything goes today…"

Fang Ye lowered his gaze to Lan Li's blushing face, her shy eyes making his breath hitch.


"Mhm! Wait, first a shower! Ugh, don't follow me!"

Lan Li playfully hit Fang Ye and ran to the bathroom for a shower before scampering upstairs!

She dried her hair in front of the dressing mirror, seeing her cheeks and ears as red as if feverish.

Moving in with Fang Ye, she anticipated such a day.

Just thinking about what might happen next made her blush!

After drying her hair, she lay in bed, feeling conflicted, then darted to her closet to choose her underwear.

Which bra would look prettier? Or should she not wear any at all?

While deliberating, she heard Fang Ye gently knock on the door and cough twice as if signaling a secret code, "Ahem! Can I come in now?"

Lan Li, startled like a frightened rabbit, tossed the underwear back into the closet without choosing, "Zoom!" she jumped onto the bed and covered herself tightly with a thin blanket.

Fang Ye waited a while without hearing a response and gently pushed the door open to find such a scene.